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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I never thought in all my life I would pray for a broken leg! But I am here (unless of course the break has a sinister cause behind it!!)
  2. It's just a little calcium deposit. Nothing more. I'll chant this all day today.
  3. Yes, I am in Bellmawr (southern NJ), where are you. I am so very sorry that you lost your girl. I see signs for Bellmawr whenever I'm on 95/295. You're pretty far south. I'm right in the middle length-wise but next to the PA border (near New Hope, PA) I'm sorry you're going thru this.
  4. I see you're from NJ too. I can't help you with your specific request. I wanted to let you know that I took the trip out to OSU from NJ and based on Dr. Couto's advice, I went the amp route with Dima a year ago. She turned 12 two weeks after surgery and she had a very good 6 months. Hugs to you. This is such a horrid disease.
  5. Oh no. I sure hope he just sprained something. Keep us updated.
  6. I'm curious, is pimobendan one of the meds she's on? When Pearl's heart got worse (it's a different heart disease she had) they put her on what has been touted as the miracle drug for canines only and it's supposed to actually improve the heart. That was the pimobendan. I think another name is Vetmedin.
  7. MP_the4pack


    Oh, no. I'm so sorry. Sari will show her around at the Bridge.
  8. I'm so sorry. He's too young. I lost my first girl to hemangio of the spleen and I recently lost my heart girl to fibrosarcoma of the spleen. It sucks.
  9. I see you're in Fla. I live in NJ which is notorious for being extremely expensive, and I don't even pay that much for my vets. Change vets!!
  10. This is not a way to be welcomed to this site. I'm sorry Frost is going to the Bridge. I have four there now. Two went this year, including my heart and soul girl, Pearl.
  11. I tried replying a couple of times but the tears got in the way. It is particularly painful when they are so young.
  12. There is a dentist in Brick, NJ who gets all the difficult cases. My Pearl's cardiologist recommended her. There were only two dentists in the area (cardiologist is in Langhorne, PA!, so the area encompasses about 5 hrs across) that she has recommended. Pearl was extremely high risk with heart disease (grade 4 murmur) and out of control hypertension. But she needed an abscess tooth out. I would trust my 15 yr old to Dr. Fiorito if she needed a dental. Brick Town Vet Hosp The dental is done in one day, so even coming from your distance, that shouldn't be a problem. But she usually likes to see her patients first a few weeks before. But you may be able to discuss that with her. Another thing.......she's EXPENSIVE!! All of my girls major dentals have cost between $2500 and $3000. But, guarentee, he'll feel so much better with most of his teeth gone. He'll never need another major dental again. She uses xrays to determine if teeth need to come out. If the bone holding the tooth is compromised, out it comes. Personally, I think it's worth it. But then again, I drove all the way from NJ to OSU for both Pearl and Diamond when they got cancer.
  13. Isaac, if it's any help in your decision, I took my Diamond to OSU (from NJ) when she was diagnosed. Dr. Couto said that she was a good candidate to live as a tripod. So I did the amp. She turned 12 yrs old 2 weeks after her amp and she had a very happy, pain free 6 months before that horrid disease hit her hind leg. She motored around as if she always had just 3 legs. It only took 2 weeks for her to reach this point of comfort. I confess though, I did not want her doing stairs, so I built her a ramp which she gladly used. Good luck in your decision. It's a difficult one.
  14. This is not a club I wish to welcome you to. But welcome anyway. I drove from NJ to OSU for both Diamond and Pearl. My sisters. In Oct 09, Diamond was diagnosed with OS. She was 12. I wanted Dr. Couto's opinion on if she could handle being a tripod. That was going to make my decision. He said she had the body of a 7 yr old and that she would do fine. Just maybe have a longer recovery from the amp surgery. Well she surprised everyone and was ready to go home within 4 days. (normal stay at OSU for that type of surgery). In Jan I went to OSU because my very beloved Pearl had fibrosarcoma of the spleen. Unfortunately that cancer didn't respond to chemo and I lost her 2 weeks later. In April, her sister Diamond lost her battle with OS when it showed up in another leg. But, Diamond had a wonderful, pain free 6 months. It's a hard decision to make. But remember, what ever decision you make is the right one because you're making it with love. Mary Pat
  15. Lots of prayers coming from NJ. Mary Pat, Onyx, Opal and Jade
  16. Before I lost my 12 yr olds to cancer they acted like they were 5. But, I had them both since they were 4. (I had sisters). They were very active. We did walks daily. They had an acre back yard to run in whenever they wanted (I have a dog door). So, since your boy didn't have any exercise, I'm thinking that mile walk was a bit too much. It probably would have been too much for a 7 yr old that hadn't had any exercise either. My 15 yr old, now she shakes and wobbles a lot. But she can still walk 1/2 mile. I've been making sure she keeps up with her exercise so that her hindend doesn't give out. I agree with tinams8...have the vet do the nails for a start. If they are really hard, try introducing him to the dremel. Maybe that will be the way to go with his nails. But, as with everyone else.......watch that shoulder. Unfortunately shoulders are a prime location for OS in greys. Maybe get an xray when he's getting the dental. That way, he's under anesthesia just once.
  17. Be careful when she gets home. She may lure you into a false sense of security as she motors around. But she may forget that she has only 3 legs. My Diamond did that. I thought she was doing fine until she decided to jump from the deck to the cement patio (that's 6 steps!). She had already told me she didn't need the sling. But you will be happily surprised at how easily she adjusts to being a tripod.
  18. My Pearl had a bad valve, so it's a different problem. But she was put on pimobendan which is a canine, not human drug. It can actually improve the heart. So I'm hoping for that.
  19. When Opal got skunked last month and came into the house, I used Febreze on the surfaces. It seemed to have worked pretty well. I was tempted to spray some in her mouth ( just kidding)
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