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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I'm the first person to run off to a specialist. Is there a big university hospital or private clinic that has a specialist in digestion or the digestive tract? Unfortunately......this means spending more money. I don't have anything else to offer. Sorry.
  2. You could always scramble eggs. They're soft, and a real treat. So if he's not up for regular food, he might want the eggs. My Diamond had 23 teeth pulled at one sitting. Yeah, her mouth was REALLY bad. She still ate that evening. But she was a major food hound.
  3. I'm so glad to hear he did well and thinks nothing of being a tripod. Good luck with all your post-op care. I hope it's uneventful.
  4. I'm so so sorry. I too lost two this year. And there's absolutely nothing we can do but continue to live on. And cry. And remember. Hopefully one day, the memories will come without tears.
  5. It also raises blood pressure. My Pearl was hypertensive to begin with so she really can't go on pred. But at that time we didn't have any alternative. When her BP sored to close to 300 we had to take her off. Luckily, the original problem turned out to be misdiagnosed and it was an abscessed tooth instead. A round of antibiotics then later a dental fixed it.
  6. I'm sorry to hear about Moscow. I wish I could help but I went the amp route.
  7. Oh Jen, I was in tears when I saw it wasyou posting again. Haven't you had enough?
  8. My Diamond had one of the most luxurious winter coats and sleekest summer coats I have ever seen on a dog. But in the spring, it was the absolute worst, ugly, scraggly, coarse coat. It even changed from black to brown. I just figured it was her shedding. If I waited long enough, she would finally shed out and her beautiful sleek summer coat would emerge. God I miss her.
  9. I'm so sorry. Just because they've reached old age doesn't make it any easier. It just means that you don't feel cheated like when you lose a 5 yr old. I have an old lady right now that I watch and hug every day. She's approaching 15 in Sept. And I know my time with her is very short.
  10. Jade just had something similar removed from her chest. It was hemangioma.
  11. Hi Joan. Sorry you're joining the amp club. Diamond had a front leg amp. She did develope an infection that we needed to treat before chemo. But other than delaying her treatment, it really wasn't a concern. She was panting, anxious and uncomfortable for 2 weeks post op, but as soon as we took her off pain meds she settled down. So it was more the meds than the surgery. She wore a snug T shirt to keep her from licking. She was good about that. And due to the fact that she was 12 and already having difficulties doing the stairs (always had), I built a ramp for her. She had a very good 6 months before it showed up in another leg. Her lungs were clear to the end. Also, I took the drive out to OSU. It was worth it. They check the dog out thoroughly before surgery to ensure they can actually live as a tripod. They keep the dog as long as they think is necessary (and you can still get free chemo). I'm in NJ, if you're in Mass, I think it would probably be a 12 hr drive. (Mine was 9 hrs) It's worth it in my opinion. And contact Joejoemom on this board, she'll help you find free rooming. There was SO MUCH support when I went out there that all I had to concentrate on were my babies. (I went twice, once in Oct for Diamond and then in Jan for Pearl) I'm sorry to hear the news. Good luck.
  12. I looked at the date that I posted to your original post. I lost one since then too. (April 19 to bone cancer). I'm so sorry Dino is gone. But I'm glad you have another to help heal your heart.
  13. Oh how AWFUL. As you were discribing what happened I was thinking DIC. It's a clotting disorder. I haven't had that happen to me. But I have lost young ones, suddenly. It hurts so much, like you got sucker punched in the gut. And besides the grief of losing them, there is also the feeling of being cheated. I'm so so sorry. I wish there was more I could do other than a cyber hug
  14. She was just THREE?! Oh I'm so so sorry. While it doesn't hurt any less when you lose an older one, when they're just babies you feel robbed and cheated. She was way too young.
  15. I remember when you lost Brady. I thought to myself "another white and black gone at age 5" (I lost my white/black girl Topaz at 5). And now you've lost a beautiful brindle boy at a young age as well. I lost my Brindle girl 2 yrs after Topaz and she was 8 (still too young for me). All I can say is, keep up the hope. You will have someone with you a long time. You will have someone with you well into the teens. And you will have someone who spends more than 2-3 years with you. God Speed Dexter.
  16. If you're sure that the puffiness was caused strictly by the boots, take vetwrap and wrap his paws, including the toes. Normal tightness, not overly tight, not loose. Take him for a little walk. The pressure from the wrap plus the increase in circulation from the walk should reduce the swelling almost completely. If it doesn't work, then I would start to worry about infection.
  17. Oh thank God for small steps in the right direction.
  18. Of my four Bridge kids (gee, I can't believe after 8 yrs, in a span of 2 months, I went from 2 to 4 Bridge kids ) three had cancer. OS, Fibro of the spleen and hemangio of the spleen.
  19. I'm so sorry to hear about both boys. It's just like getting sucker punched in the gut. Then we stand up and say "can I have another please". I just lost two this year. One to OS and her sister, my heart and soul to another cancer. it sucks.
  20. Even before Diamond was Dx'd and I lost her, I was just waiting for an OS dog. Dr. Couto states that at least 25% of our greys will get OS. And since I hadn't had any (2 at the Bridge didn't have it and I had 4 living at the time), I was just waiting. Alas, I wasn't kept waiting too much longer.
  21. It seems particularly helpful when family and 'other' friends dont' realize the depth of the loss. I just lost my heart and soul girl in Feb, then her sister in April. I received a card from my only sister for Pearl, and not any acknowledgement whatsoever that I lost another precious baby, Diamond. Having greyhound friends here on GT, and permanent friends discovered here on GT has kept me going.
  22. Dr. Christine gave my Pearl and Diamond extra special care when I took them there. If nothing else, it made them and me feel more relaxed. I wish I was closer than 10 hrs.
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