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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. happy birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOOoooooo Happy Birthday dear Charlie Happy birthday to roooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Onyx, Pearl, Diamond, and Crystal.
  2. So, how is "Sandy" doing? he was such a love! What a great passenger he made. For all those that don't know.....This little guy was being chased by SuperStorm Sandy all the way up the coast from Fla.
  3. Fingers crossed. PS. Everyone in the business calls the test tubes by their color. So, you can say "purple top tube" instead of EDTA.
  4. Cindy I'm so sorry. That's a nightmare come true. But she'll be waiting for you, right up front. The first to greet you at the Bridge.
  5. I'm so sorry Dee. Chad was such a handsome brindle boy. I lost three in a 12 month period and it sucks.
  6. Not another cowdoggie. Rita, I'm so so very sorry Robin is gone. 7 is just too young. He was cheated out of a longer life. He hadn't even started to turn gray yet! He looked like he had so much more living to do. He was very handsome. My heart weeps with you.
  7. Take a deep breath. Let it out. Relax. My Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease when she was 5. Hypertension when she was 6. Other than being on a plethura of meds for the rest of her life, she was happy, and had no issues. No dietary restrictions, no exercise restrictions. No one could tell her ticker wasn't the best. no one could tell she was sick. In fact no one thought she was 12 when she reached that age. (she saw a canine cardiologist for diagnosis and treatment). She died at age 12 of cancer.
  8. Laura, I honestly and truly can understand your loss of Zip. In April of this year I adopted an 11 yr old broodie named Crystal. She left me 18 days later. She left me with such a broken and empty heart. Zip, you were loved til the end.
  9. I had been pleased with VPI for several years. But lately they've been living on their reputation from years ago. They still use a schedule to determine how much they would pay, and it's very antiquated. I'm switching 2 of my 3 dogs to Trupanion. The third, being 8 yrs old, will have to stay with VPI because otherwise she'd have too many pre-existing conditions.
  10. Oh Robin I am in tears. Elsie was one of my favorite GT dogs. And for this to happen on top of all the other hardship you're enduring. I'm not that far from you if you need anything. Mary Pat
  11. Oh Donna, I'm so sorry. He was a very handsome boy.
  12. happy birthday to roo Happy birthday to ROOOOooooo happy Bridge birthday dear Oswald Happy birthday to roooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Onyx and Crystal.
  13. Oh Nancy, I'm so sorry. The sassy old ladies are the best.
  14. If you'd like for her to gain a little weight, and since she LOVES eggs so much, how about adding a smidge of eggnog to her diet. My girls drool as I'm pouring some in their bowl.
  15. That's the best early Christmas present you could ask for.
  16. Awwww. Love her earsies. She reminds me of my Bridge kid Onyx.
  17. I'm so sorry. He was such a handsome boy. Farewell Master yet not farewell Where I go, ye too shall dwell I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space. When she come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept. God Speed Darrel.
  18. Did they do a blood pressure. Hypertension can cause a bad kidney and stroke. If there is something in the spleen (sorry...cancer), that too can cause strokes. My Pearl had hypertension. When she threw a mini stroke, we rushed to her cardiologist to find that we had lost control of her BP. She had been on BP meds at that point. We started monitoring her BP after that every 6 weeks. She developed cancer of the spleen and had another small stroke. They did her BP but said that cancer can throw clots. She was gone within a few days after that from the cancer. I hope it's just hypertension that's high because with meds you can control it very well. Pearl had hypertension for 6 yrs with only that one incident 4 years into the hypertension.
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