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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. My lab does this to my patio furniture. I have to stand out side and tell him no and lead him off the patio. A loud NO! gets the point across and he runs to the yard and does his business. Then he gets treated and gets the tennis ball thrown a few times. It seems to have curbed him for the time being. But when it rains he seems to think it's a lot easier to just go on the patio
  2. kamsmom


    Turbo was a great dog, we will miss him as well. (((hugs))) to you and Mitch.
  3. So glad that T is going to be ok.
  4. Another one I have heard of is Cestex from the vet. It was about $50. Which is about what I paid for Drontal. I say cheap because it's one time and I wasn't having to go back again and again.
  5. My vet gave Drontal. One pill when I brought Ivy home. I have no idea if you can get it elsewhere but it was cheap at the office.
  6. This. Also didn't you say you are only interning for about 4 more weeks? Maybe Robin could help for that time? Or maybe you and the boyfriend could "swap" the animals. You keep the bunnies in the basement and he keeps the dog. 40 minutes round trip is not that bad. I drive 45 minutes each way to work and back every day.
  7. My gang love it! It smells crazy but they even love it as a treat too. I have been using the kibble for training treats for a while.
  8. Just wanted to stop in and say that I will be thinking good thoughts for Turbo today
  9. This is exactly why the web is difficult sometimes It's tough to express emotion. Sorry to have gotten involved now.
  10. Don't get in a tiff. You asked for advice and all Jen was doing was giving another piece of advice that hadn't been mentioned. Only you know what you can and cannot do. My parents owned an obedience training school and the motto was "If you don't train 'em, don't blame 'em". Pretty much sums up everything and anything people get annoyed with about their dogs. Jen just stated the obvious that the rest of us just didn't think about yet. The dog was alone for a very long time and got bored. She offered a few suggestions. I don't see anything that she posted that was derogatory at all. Good luck with the rest of the externship.
  11. My dogs have worn muzzles for 4 years now and they still occasionally come up and rub their faces and muzzle on me or the couch or even the corner of the kitchen table. It's not that they "don't like it", it's just itchy sometimes He'll be fine.
  12. They can still use a kong with a muzzle. Just takes a little longer.
  13. I have a JRT that is allergic to grass I know, weird. Anyway, every summer we go in and get a steroid shot and it really helps her. We usually can get by with only two shots during the summer. Worth a try anyway...
  14. Isis reverse sneezes when she eats too fast. But her belly does not contract like this dogs does. Have they tried feeding her very slowly and by hand? I would see how she does if she only gets a few kibbles at a time and not the bowl.
  15. Not sure what is going on with her belly but to me she is eating way too fast. I would put her food in a bunt pan or get a brake fast bowl for her. She doesn't seem to even be chewing the food.
  16. I would just moisten the area with some warm water. Or even just stand him in the tub and wash him off, the scab will soften and you can either just wash it off with the shower nozzle or take it off yourself. Scabs are there for a purpose tho... so if you are sure that the scab is just falling off you can take it off, but if it's large and would start bleeding again I would leave it alone. Better to have a few pulled hairs than to have an open, bleeding sore again.
  17. kamsmom


    I'm so, so sorry Trudy.
  18. He is actually much lazier now The others have tried to engage him in play in the yard and he just ignores them. I'll have to watch the water, honestly, I have no idea if he is taking less or more. Breakfast and dinner are fine, he still eats with gusto and loves his cookie treats. What is funny tho, I had two major leg cramps last night too. Hmm, wonder if he is giving me sympathy
  19. Thanks, yes, the whining and barking and general talking (yelling at me) are at this point, normal to me. The screaming is a GSOD scream and is not just a short scream, it is loud and sounds as if he is stuck in something or we are torturing him I sat with him the first one and he just laid there screaming out. I just don't know what else to do. He has another appointment next week.
  20. Yay, sounds much better. Question for anyone... Steak has started screaming out at random times. As if he is hurt. Twice last night and he was just laying on his bed. Has anyone had that as a side effect?
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