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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Well, didn't really want to have to update but here we are again. Steak had another seizure at 1:30 in the morning. Another Gran Mal. We went to the vet at 4pm and he wants to keep Steak on the phenobarb a little longer. If we see another seizure than we start entertaining the idea of either upping the dose or just adding in potassium bromide. (I think that is what he called it). Steak of course was his lovable, goofy self with the vet. Dr Staph kept saying, "he is such a cool dog, I see why you care about him so much".
  2. Not a lot of news but the vet feels we should start pheno. He drew blood and the results should be back by Wednesday. If everything checks out than we start the pheno. He said he would only want to do an MRI if we start seeing behavioral changes or if he starts acting differently before or after a seizure. Thanks for sticking with me and hopefully this helps my big guy out.
  3. Cathie, I should have called you I'm sorry. Steak is doing well and is his normal, goofy self right now. We are going to the vet Monday. The ice on the roads have started to melt and the vet and I have talked twice now. He feels comfortable, as do I to just go in on Monday for blood work. He said depending on that we will decide on a course of management together. I appreciate all the advice and support from here. I will update you when we go Monday.
  4. Didn't go to the vet today. The vets office needed to close since we are having such bad weather and they called and asked if I could wait since Steak isn't in a crisis right now. They said they will get him in tomorrow if the weather holds up. It is supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow morning. School has already cancelled (4th day in a row).
  5. He will be 6 in August. Thank you for the help. I really appreciate it. I hadn't thought about Diabetes... hmmm. I did do what you told me last time. I gave him a few spoon fulls of peanut butter after the seizure. He was almost ravenously hungry.
  6. Jonathan, I hope he doesn't get that bad Thank you Judy. We go in today at 4pm. What do they need to do? Draw blood? Schedule and MRI?
  7. He did the water before the seizure, but he also did it again after the seizure. We are definitely going to be talking to the vet about meds today. When Steak isn't having a seizure he is fine but during those moments he is seizing it is the scariest and saddest thing to see. I feel terrible thinking that he may even be having them when I am not home
  8. I have been really cautious about the other dogs. Last night when it happened the other dogs stood around him but just kept howling and barking, no one got too close and it was just the weirdest thing. Almost like they knew he was in trouble. When I jumped out of bed I remember that Isis was standing right beside me and had her nose up against my arm. I really think they knew and before I woke up they were trying to help. Altho I am not naive enough to think they wouldn't turn as they are dogs so if I am gone Steak is sectioned off from everyone else.
  9. I'm so sorry that I haven't kept up here... On Jan 26th Steak had another seizure, same symptoms, same reaction afterwards. This time tho it was about 2pm and was sunny and nice outside. No storms at all. Then last night he had a much more violent seizure I was jolted awake at 1:30am to a noise, I ran to the living room to find Steak on the floor, mouth bleeding and his whole body just stiff. His head was shaking so violently I had to hold him so that he didn't continually bang it on the tile. It lasted for 2 minutes (timed from the time I arrived). I think he probably started in the chair and fell off since I found saliva foam and drool all over the chair. I'm stuck in the house right now since my husbands car is stuck in the driveway and he used mine to get to work. (We are in an ice storm and the roads are awful right now) Steak is calm and ate breakfast this morning so I think it's fine to wait till this afternoon to go to see the vet. I'm off to check out the epilepsy sites. Is this strange that the seizures are just now popping up? Or is it just that they have gone unnoticed all this time? Yesterday Steak was increasingly whiney. He talks all the time but yesterday was much much more than normal and at one point he drank an entire bowl of water by himself. I even made mention to my husband that the last time he seized he tanked up on water...
  10. No flames from me. Just hugs. Things happen. Could it have been that she was just really excited and nipped him from excitement? I know my Carmen has gotten me just out of pure over zealous excitement and me being bent over and my face or nose in the way.
  11. Welcome from Plano, TX I am watching and waiting on a pre-adopted dog from TeamGreyhound
  12. Hey there I live in Plano as well and have 5 greys.
  13. A friend (neylasmom) sent me a bottle of salmon oil for Ivy and she loved it! It helped her get excited about food. Actually, all the dogs in the house get so excited when they see me get the oil out
  14. Today the forum keeps flipping from mobile to regular on me. When I had my blackberry it would set to whatever I had last read the forum in, like if I changed it to mobile on my phone it would change my computer as well. When I got my iphone it was always on mobile on the phone and the computer was always on regular but today it keeps flipping back and forth on its own.
  15. No, no head injury. It's so minimal, he was playing and running around with one of my other greys and one of her toe nails caught him in the neck. He really didn't even need to be stitched up it wasn't that bad but was torn enough to be able to be stitched up. I don't think the injury has any bearing to the seizure now, just coincidence. He is doing well this evening, just more tired. He ate his whole dinner tho. I had forgotten that this morning he skipped breakfast because of the rain. When it rains he also won't eat.
  16. Thanks Judy, he does like the crate. We have it set up for Ivy at night but I can easily put Steak in there during rain storms. The bathroom he likes is only a half bath so no tub but there is tile and a toilet. I have a large bed in there too but will move him now. I actually think maybe he had one yesterday now that I think about it more. I wasn't home but last night when I got him in the shower the whole side of his face and neck were wet. I thought maybe someone had been licking him or something. His tag collar was all slimy too. Today after the seizure he had the drool and foam all down the same side of his face and neck so it makes me wonder if he had one yesterday while I was away I may have to start crating him during the day or xpen him in the kitchen now Poor guy.
  17. Lesley - he was very confused and upset after wards. Once he could stand up he paced and paced. I took him outside and he walked in circles for about 10 minutes. And he just seemed so upset and scared. Even cowering away from me when I went to touch him. He isn't doing that right now, he is sleeping soundly and is back to his cuddly self. Could the injury on Monday have anything to do with it? He got stitches for a neck wound and has already scratched them all out But the wound is clean and so I am just keeping it clean. Could that have anything to do with it? I thought I smelled infection yesterday so took Steak into the shower and washed the wound out really well but it looked really clean, no scab, no oozing, no nothing. I'll take him in tomorrow as I don't think it's an evet emergency...
  18. Thank you, I'll check with my vet tomorrow. Like I said, he is ok right now. Just resting on the couch. The rain is a stressor for him Always has been. Even before it rains we can tell it's coming because Steak will act different and retreat to the bathroom. I just feel bad that I didn't realize he was more scared today.
  19. About a year ago I thought he had a small seizure and took him to the vet, we sort of let it go because it never happened again. That time he just laid in the bathroom and shook, he wouldn't react when I called his name and he wouldn't follow me with his head. I thought he was just scared as it was raining at that time as well. Could he have just gotten so scared he went into a seizure? I do have some Xanax that the vet prescribed for thunderstorms but haven't used it but one time.
  20. It was raining and sleeting this morning here. As usual, Steak retreats to the bathroom as he doesn't like the rain. We heard some noise like pipes rattling and when my husband went in the bathroom Steak was rigid and his head and neck were stretched back, he was foaming at the mouth and drooling, and his teeth were gritted so tight. He seemed to be trying to get up but was mostly thrashing about so we just kind of held him so that he wasn't banging against the toilet and the wall. When it was over (which was all of about 2 minutes maybe) he laid there and was breathing very heavy and then urinated on himself I remember my husband making a comment that he "peed like a racehorse" early this morning and then this afternoon he also went out and seemed to urinate a lot more than usual. Could this be related at all? Am I missing something?
  21. Can they chew books and furniture... yes. Some do, some don't. I leave lots of options for my dogs. I used to save up old shoe boxes and newspapers and leave a few out. It was a mess to clean up but it was better than furniture being torn up. I also muzzle and mine was able to shred a shoe box with her muzzle on and she was delighted every day to get a new box. The antlers are good to chew on, try smearing a little peanut butter on them.
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