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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Sorry Lindsey, I must have forgotten. He is clingy but really he has always been.
  2. Oh, his smiles are so much more than that! This is a famous Steaky smile (photo courtesy of Zoomdoggy) And this one too And here is a funny, goofy side that I have missed. It's slowly returning, this was last year.
  3. I'm so sorry! Yes, Steak has now passed the two week mark and is doing great! He smiles so much more now and is back to the dog I knew a year ago. I've also noticed that since the med change he is hanging out in the living room with us much more now . Thank you all so much for the continued support. One thing that makes me laugh is that he is taking 6 pills at each meal. For a bit I was just pilling him. But in the last week I've just put them in his food. Where most dogs eat around the pills Steak is eating them first and will even leave about half his food in the bowl. I'm thankful he eats the pills but I'm thinking he doesn't have much of an appetite anymore. When he was on the pheno he was always hungry.
  4. They are safe. They are like any other toy or chew tho and should be looked at occasionally to be sure they aren't splitting. I use them for my Lab who is a big chewer. I only give it to him at certain times, for example, we had a birthday party for my daughter and I knew there was going to be lots of activity so I gave him the antler about an hour before hand to tire him out. When I take them up I put them in a ziplock and freeze them until the next time. I have multiple dogs so I have to be careful about what is left out. I haven't ever tried the himalayan treats.
  5. And buy the blade from a tack store. At the local feed store they are about $3 but at the pet stores I have seen them around $20!
  6. Lauren, I use a shedding blade. It's cheap and lasts forever. Gets out much more hair than the curry combs.
  7. What! But Greyhounds don't shed Isis is soft and furry like that too, I just blame all the shedding on the lab She is much too perfect to ever shed.
  8. Aww Cathie You were the first person I thought of when all of this was happening but I didn't want to worry you any more than I had too. You have given me so much support and I adore you. You were so kind to me when I drove out to get Steak. Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean so much to me. And to add to the good news for today... Steak smiled at me He has not really shown that famous Steaky smile in a long time. I was shocked. I am absolutely loving having "my" Steaky back This is the dog that I fell in love with.
  9. Two weeks will be Friday, September 9th.
  10. Totally! I am keeping my fingers crossed that we are on a good path right now. He still stumbles around a bit and last night he flopped over on top of Carmen, who showed great restraint as she growled and moaned and bared her teeth but not once did she strike at him. (She is being muzzled at night now so that I have some peace of mind). I would crate Steak but he starts crying and whining in it and I would crate Carmen but she does the same thing . I think they figured out my weakness a long time ago, "make lots of noise so that mom can't sleep and we don't have to be crated"
  11. He Played! He Played! I took everyone out this morning and I was scooping the yard, all of the sudden Steak play bowed at me with his tail wagging I jumped at him and off he went zooming around the yard, he came back and play bowed at me two more times and then went galloping inside. He was so funny. It was the type of funny that he was when I first got him. I haven't seen that dog in a year. I am ecstatic right now. Altho, he is now holed up in the bathroom because it is raining here. I can't help but be a little worried as the clusters started when the weather changed so drastically.
  12. We opted to just sit in the yard together. . He is still falling and bumping into walls. But he was happy to just sit with me outside. Thank you all for everything.
  13. So this may sound ridiculous but I feel like he is bored. He is unsteady but if he walks in a straight line he does fine. Can I or should I take him for a walk? One part of me says just let him be but another says to get him out of the house for a bit and then he will be more settled. Is that a bad idea?
  14. Just had to post this, Steaky wagged his tail at my husband. Bruce was talking to him and petting his head, Steak was falling backwards and Bruce caught him and told him it was ok, then Steak looked up, kissed him and wagged his tail
  15. We are Jenn Last night was a good night. Our ac went out upstairs so we dragged a mattress down to the office and slept in there. The dogs loved it! They were all around the mattress and Steak was in the middle. He slept all night (except one time he layed his head on Carmens legs and she snarked so she got muzzled). We ALL slept all night! I feel great this morning and Steak seemed more aware of himself too. Not perfect but more than he has been.
  16. I was just coming on to ask about the drinking. He seems to "tank up" on water today. He is doing well this evening and I have tried to keep him awake for a bit longer so he will sleep better tonight. We had a three hour nap together this afternoon. I loved it.
  17. The other dogs are a bit confused too. In fact Carmen and Blu have both growled at him today So I am keeping a very close eye on him and the others. Steak is very disoriented and has forgotten the fact that he is potty trained . I don't blame him but it is feeling like having a puppy in the house again.
  18. It's been 24 hours now. We hit that mark about 12:30 last night. He finally settled, well, I finally just picked him up and put him on his side to lay down. He's sleeping right now.
  19. Eg, sleep is over rated right? . No seizures but steak was up and down all night. And since about 4am he has been extra whiney and talkative. I thought he was just hungary so I fed him early but now he is pacing and whining. He is a trooper about the pills. He took them all with such ease this morning. I split them up and just pilled him twice.
  20. That is a very good question. Beth, was Steak weaned off of phenobarb gradually? No, he wasn't That was back in April that he was taken off the pheno. It's hard for us to watch, but this is a good thing. If the meds are making him wobbly/drunk, chances are they are high enough to stave off seizures. Glad your husband's home to help too. Thank you, this makes me feel much better.
  21. So far so good. He paced around a lot and he seems as if he doesn't know where he is but he isn't having a seizure so I'm good with that. He has always been the easiest dog to pill in the world and tonight he took 6 pills... all at once . I was planning to split them up but he took one whole bite of the turkey meat that I wrapped them in and down the hatch they went. He has been very wobbly tonight and he has fallen three times all ready. While at costco my husband made it home (he works in Houston during the week and only home on the weekends). I'm thankful to have another person here to help. The kids do a great job but they are kids and they got really upset last night. Kait said as I drove off with Steak they all three got into my bed and just cried together. *sigh* They are good kids and I am so thankful for the help they give me with the dogs. They love them just as much as I do. But it is nice to have another adult to help out.
  22. I asked about that Lindsay, the vet said that the keppra is actually absorbed pretty fast. I don't know, but I will call right now and ask again.
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