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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. I'm so sorry She was a beautiful girl.
  2. I have a very shy girl, almost considered a spook. I've had her for almost three years and she has come around but is not the affectionate dog that my others are. She runs if I try to take a picture, she absolutely hates if I sit on the couch and she is there, she will immediatley leave the room, she hates crowds and shakes like a leaf if made to endure it. That tail of hers can almost lay flat on her stomach when she is really nervous. I had to come to terms with myself and realize that she doesn't have to be the outgoing dog that my others are. That she is who she is and we just let her be. I love her but she is one dog who you truly earn affection from. Her best friend in the entire house is our lab. What is really funny about this dog, her brother (same parentage but two separate breedings) raised at the same farm, was the complete opposite of her. He was confident and funny, sweet and loving. He never met a stranger in his life. I wanted to also just give you a small piece of advice someone gave me a long time ago. With shy dogs I don't pet their heads, imagine if someone came at you with a large hand and patted your head. It's a bit obtrusive and scares some dogs. I always go for petting them under their chins. This is less obtrusive and Chesney may be more apt to come to you more often.
  3. I'm so sorry Wendy. Aggadore was beautiful.
  4. To get yourself in the habit of taking off the martingale just leave the leash attached. I very rarely ever detach the leash, when we get inside I just take the collar off and hang it with leash attached. I use tag collars with the flat no jingle id from 2hounds design.
  5. Judy - I am so sorry to hear about Gee. I will hold her in my thoughts and I hope that the vet can help her get well soon.
  6. With a new dog I usually feed them near tha same room but in a crate for several months until we know the personality better. 4 days isn't enough time to really know body language and personality yet.
  7. Missing Steaky...

  8. kamsmom


    This is the last picture taken. It was just Tuesday night after I got home from Dewey. We were laughing because I had just sat down and he immediately jumped up and was not going to let me go any where for a while.
  9. I'm so sorry Tricia and Burke. I only realized today that I hadn't seen this thread
  10. kamsmom


    Thank you so much everyone. I'm overwhelmed. Steak is... was, one of those dogs that people just gravitated to. I loved him so much. When I first met him we just connected. He was my buddy from the first day. People teased at how much of a mamma's boy he was. He didn't care. I will miss his 5:30am wake up calls and his talking. We had so many conversations, the kids used to tease me about it because at times it seemed he actually understood me. I will mostly miss the cuddling. He would lay beside me and curl that big long body all around me to make sure every part was touching. He would lay in my lap and put one foot on my chest as if he were hugging me. He was just a great dog. He made me laugh and would lay by me all night as I cried or was worried. I'll never ever forget the joy he had running around the baseball field or walking on the trails with me as he searched for loose bunnies. He had the most expressive eyes and they could melt you to a puddle of goo. He was afraid of loud noises, thunder, rain, but he had a small bathroom that he could retreat to. Often we would just sit together on the bed in the bathroom and listen to music or he would watch me play on my phone. Visiters would come over and would happily use the guest bath and just shut the door and pat him on the head. (I'm sure he was embarrased to have to "watch" everyone ) Most of all I will just miss petting that sweet face. This morning I just kept petting his sweet, sweet face and rubbing his ears. He loved when I would massage his ears. It's going to be tough at the house for a while. It's just never going to be the same.
  11. kamsmom


    Steak and I were cuddling this morning on the couch as we often did. He had a seizure at 8am. Today would have marked 7 weeks seizure free. In 45 minutes time he had 8 more seizures and in the 5 minute drive to the vet he had 3 more . When we arrived his temp was 107 and they immediatley started to cool him down, started a valium IV and administered valium rectally. He had gone through an entire bottle of valium and was still seizing on top of it. My heart is broken into a million pieces right now. I was able to hold him and pet him until he was gone and then the vet let us stay together for a while longer. He has the softest fur ever. He was such a handsome boy and I told him all the time. I love you buddy. This sucks.
  12. I have the brake fast bowl for my lab who inhales everything. It works great. Same idea as the muffin tins, which we used for a bit but I can't stand the sound of metal scooching across the tile floor. http://www.brake-fast.net/
  13. How big is your yard? Some dogs will eat it to "clean up". How often are you cleaning the yard? I Another thought. How old is Pop? Could it be he is a bit stressed with the move and that is the cause of the accidents? Or maybe his way of dealing with the stress is pop eating? Just trying to think of anything. I have one that if there is any major change to routine she will forget that she is house trained : lol. At which point if I know there is nothing medically wrong, we go back to potty training 101.
  14. The crate isn't going to " teach" him anything but it will give you a break in cleaning. Seriously, some dogs just like it and there may be no changing it.
  15. Is Pop ok being kenneled during the day? I have a lab who if not kenneled will seek out and destroy whatever isn't nailed down. He is fine in it and the others have full run of the house. I don't think he has a complex about it at all . I also have a female grey who is a poo eater. :vomit. Who knows why but I have to be diligent about picking up. I don't have a dog door but if I did she would be kenneled as well.
  16. So, I have bought Steaks meds at a few different places now and Costco is the best! His Zonisamide was $148.00 for a one month supply of pills (180 pills) at Walgreens. At Costco I paid $56.05 for 360 pills I don't remember what I paid for the Keppra, something like $30 for 260 pills. Not sure exactly since I threw the reciept away and can't find it. I'll try to remember to keep it next time. Do any of you do mail in? What prices are you paying?
  17. She was beautiful! I'm so sorry for your loss
  18. I feed the girls about 3.5 cups per day and the boys get 4-5 cups per day. I do wet their food but it is more just for preference and not a rule. I just think they like it better.
  19. The pool DE and the food grade DE are different. Usually people are using the food grade DE as it is ground up more...
  20. Aww Chad! Thank you. Sooo, this Saturday will be one month seizure free!!!! He is doing exceptionally well. He is smiling at me everyday now and I love it! He even played with a stuffy. He hasn't done that in over a year!
  21. I was looking at the Ivermectin today. Do you like the powdered version for any specific reason over the liquid? And what is the measurement for the powder?
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