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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. I've done this and it only takes a few times that they try and then they leave it alone. I also line the counter tops with foil for dogs who are counter surfers and it scares them off... It's a cheaper idea and worth a try.
  2. Olga the grey I mentioned, I found her on greyhounds unlimited website! I was thinking about stopping by greyfest this weekend, but wasn't sure if I needed to register or what so I may just wait and go to one of the meet and greets some time. I will be at Greyfest and so will Kate (mangosmom). You should definately come Just email Susan Lemon on the website and tell her you are interested in Olga and want to come and visit. Who knows, she may even be there
  3. Welcome from Plano Where in DFW are you? We have several DFW greyhound peeps on here
  4. For the last few years I kept getting Isis's corn hulled. Then the vet told me to just leave it alone. Turns out it isn't even a corn it's a horn thing. It is just one of those anomalies that happen. So since I quick worrying about it it grows and then falls off. Is this perhaps what it could be?
  5. I get up at 6am most mornings. The last out for the dogs is usually 10-10:30pm Steak (my male) is a very early riser so if he hasn't gone out at 10 he will be up at 4 or 5am. He is always up by 7am no matter what day it is. He has no concept of "sleeping in"
  6. Does your costco carry the new grain free food? It is called Nature's Domain and comes in Salmon and Turkey. If you are thinking it is an allergy you may start with that one and the cost is significantly less than other grain free foods.
  7. John, Laika and Vivie both will be nervous nellies in the beginning. Take them for long walks, they will go. Everyone always does eventually. I have my dogs in a routine of eating and then immediately we go outside, either a walk or the back yard so that they get used to eating at a certain time and then eliminating right after. Sometimes those walks can take a while, just give yourself enough time as well
  8. Here is Devildog's thread about Roscoe. The neck issue starts on about page three. Hopefully their is some good info to get you started. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/251385-worried-about-roscoe/
  9. I'll pm devildog, her dog, Roscoe just went through this. Do you have any pics? Well, her inbox is full. I hope she sees this. It turned out to be more of an infection I think with Roscoe.
  10. I hope that the IG's are ok today but I am surprised that no one stopped her in the beginning from entering the field when she arrived? I can see fault on both sides of that one. Her for not noticing that there were no other small dogs and allowing hers to run with the big dogs and also the group of greys and owners who were already there and allowing them to run after the IG's and not say anything to her? I go to a baseball field with my own dogs. Twice I have had someone come up and ask if they could come in too. Both times I have said no, I'm sure they think I am being bitchy about it but I also take the time to explain why. I don't even allow my greys to go out in the back yard with my own little dogs muzzled or not. And they live with them.
  11. You could also go a holistic way... I had a puppy once with a respiratory infection and the vet gave me vit C to mix in the food along with silver something?... We also had some kind of herb. I know I am not much help but it was really good for her. The vet also had me give it to my other pets as well to help keep their immune system up. Maybe ask if there are some vitamins you can be giving in conjunction with another round of antibiotics. Good Luck.
  12. It has nothing to do with loving or not loving each other. They play rough and have thin skin. It's a recipe for large vet bills.
  13. I use mole skin on the muzzles to make it softer. You can buy it at target in the health area or even near the shoes. Some others use felt that they glue on. There are lots of different things you can use. Good luck
  14. Sounds like a bruise but I really don't know. Bumping up for you. (((hugs))) to Rudy.
  15. I'm so sorry for Manny and (((hugs))) to you too. Did the staff not try to at least clean him up? I would think that was the least they could do for him.
  16. Oh definitely, I would treat the infected area too.
  17. Steak has a crop of blackheads like that on his belly. He has been here a year now and they are better but still a large area of them. It doesn't really bother me or him. It's like people I think, some have more acne than others. No biggie.
  18. We didn't have any side effects to it.
  19. I have a dog that loves to chew on wood and shoes . He does not have SA but just gets a little bored. I muzzle him when I leave, for a while I put duct tape across the front so he couldn't chew between the holes of the muzzle but now the muzzle alone is enough of a distraction for him. Good luck.
  20. (((Hugs))) I remember you telling us the story of Memphis and how happy and proud you were while telling it. You gave him a wonderful life and he in turn loved you for it I'm so sorry for your loss.
  21. I didn't say I read the whole email In my defense tho, it wasn't one of the first things listed. It is actually at the bottom of the notification. I just never got them before so I guess the settings went back to default after the update. Go to my settings and then under notification options it lists personal conversation and inline notification... just wanted to see what the difference is.
  22. Ok, so I got the notification on email and replied to it only to realize that if you reply to the emailed version it goes back to admin and thinks it is a "ticket" So, if you get it Jeff you can ignore it. I turned off the email notification so shouldn't get that anymore but still want to see what the other two are.
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