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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Welcome to GT and congrats on your new addition!
  2. What an adorable little Dingbat she is too! Congratulations!
  3. I use it to cook with and give it to my dogs with great results. Here's the Whole Dog Journal article that made me give it a try Crazy About Coconut Oil. It works better than fish or salmon oil for my three and it does help with doggy odor if you feed a large enough dose. My wire haired galgo is kinda doggy smelling without it, but with it he's odor free. I usually order mine from Vitacost.
  4. Congratulations! He's very handsome and looks like he's made himself right at home.
  5. That's a good update. Continued good thoughts for sweet Jimmy.
  6. Welcome to GT and congratulations! Sophie is beautiful and so is Rosie.
  7. What a wonderful turn of events! Welcome home Sockem and Shelby!
  8. Oh no! I'm so sorry she had to leave so soon.
  9. Welcome to Grey Talk! We would love to see pictures of Misty!
  10. galgrey

    Dream Visit

    Glad you got to visit with them. It is wonderful.
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