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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Beautiful story, beautiful girl. So glad you could take her in honoring your dear friend's last wish.
  2. Welcome home, Zoey! Enjoy the good life!
  3. This is the article I read that made me give it try. It has worked better for my gang's coats than fish, salmon, or flax oil. My wire haired galgo gets sort of stinky and it completely eliminated the doggy odor. Don't know that it will work for every dog, but I'm sold. http://www.cocotherapy.com/wdj_coconut_oil_article.pdf
  4. Welcome to you and lovely Olivia! Hope she's feeling better soon.
  5. Isn't falling in love grand? Beautiful hounds! Welcome to GT!
  6. I use it for myself and my dogs. It's done great things for their skin and coats. I buy mine at Vitacost.com. You can get a 54 oz. jar for about $20. Be sure to get the extra virgin, unrefined coconut oil for best results.
  7. Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Nancy.
  8. Oh no! Just seeing this. I'm so sorry Linda & Woody! Flame was a very special boy.
  9. Thank you for sharing and for your good throughts for Cruz. I don't have the results from the urine culture yet, so he's still on the amoxicillin TID. His appetite remains poor, so I'm giving him anything I can get him to eat. Some days he'll eat eggs so he's been getting as many as he'll eat. He wouldn't eat them this morning though. He hasn't turned down canned tripe yet, so I'm giving him his pills in canned tripe and giving him as much as I can. I there's no permanent damage to his kidneys from this. I'll post as soon as I know the results of the culture.
  10. Sending good thoughts. Keep us posted.
  11. Sending lots of sympathy your way.
  12. Lots and lots of good thoughts going out to you and Albi!
  13. What a pretty girl! I know you're excited!
  14. I hope this is just a spike caused by the infection. Good to hear that they can do a mini-panel for the follow ups because today's total was a big ole chuck o change.
  15. He gave me these values over the phone and didn't give me the urine specific gravity or mention anything about protein in his urine. I didn't know to ask. I did ask about his diet and he said to feed him what he'll eat right now and if his values don't look better after the infection is clear, we'll talk about diet. Thank you for giving me a little hope. I'm so worried and feel so guilty.
  16. My senior galgo, Cruz, has not been eating well lately and I've tried everything. After reading a couple of threads here re: dogs with kidney disease losing their appetites, I got concerned and took him in today for tests. He has elevated kidney enzymes AND a pretty nasty UTI. I feel horrible that I had no idea he had a UTI and there's no telling how long he's had it. He's shown none of the symptoms I've seen in the past with my females dogs with a UTI. Vet said it's possible that he's had it a long time and it could be the cause of the elevated values or it could have damaged his kidneys. His BUN = 77 and his creatinine = 3.2 He also saw transitional cells in his urine which could be due to the infection or could be indicative of bladder cancer. The urine is being cultured but in the meantime he's on amoxicillin. Anyone had a similiar experience? Is it possible that his levels could go back to the normal range after the infection clears? I feel like a horrible person for not taking him in sooner. I thought he was just being picky since he would eat a new food for several days and then not eat until I changed it up again. Anyone else found out their dog had a terrible UTI and had no idea? I feel so guilty and I'm so very worried about my sweet galgito. Thanks for any insight any of you might share.
  17. I'm so sorry. Cherish every moment.
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