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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm so sorry. Weims are wonderful dogs. I've shared my life with several and they are incredibly loyal and devoted companions. Happy hunting, Angel.
  2. Hugs to you and to Sonny's family.
  3. I've used diatomaceous earth for years for fleas and other crawling household pests. Although I've not used it to treat ear mites, I have heard of using it for this purpose: "I have found that putting a pinch of food-grade diatomaceous earth into the dog or cat's ear kills the mites. I do it daily for about a month since that is how long the mites can take to hatch. Within a few days though the animal has absolutely no symptoms of mites and it is completely safe for pets of all ages and sizes. It is also a great way to get rid of mites on birds and to rid a pet of internal parasites." This quote came from This Website where there is discussion of various non-toxic ear mite remedies. The food grade diatomaceous earth is also sometimes called Fossil Shell Flour.
  4. OMG! She's so sweet I could eat her up! Feel free to post any and all pictures of this little darling.
  5. Sending healing thoughts your way.
  6. galgrey


    I'm so very sorry. You are in my thoughts.
  7. Eh, it's just a cheerio! She'll cough it up and be fine! Legs are just a bit stiff, nothing a little extra glucosamine won't fix! Eh, it's just a cheerio! She'll cough it up and be fine! Legs are just a bit stiff, nothing a little extra glucosamine won't fix! Eh, it's just a cheerio! She'll cough it up and be fine! Legs are just a bit stiff, nothing a little extra glucosamine won't fix! .....* Keep us posted.
  8. What a pretty girl! Glad she's back home and feeling good. Fingers crossed for an unremarkable biopsy report.
  9. How scary for you! I'm so glad she is expected to recover. Please keep us posted.
  10. galgrey


    Oh no! I'm so sorry.
  11. And just a picture of her to help you visualize her happy and well! What a beauty! I see her happy and healthy and with you for many years.
  12. Sending lots of prayers and healing thoughts.
  13. Hoping all with everyone for more good news!
  14. Oh, no! I'm hoping along with everyone else for the best possible outcome.
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