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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. for you and Woody. I remember like it was yesterday running into you and Woody in PetSmart right after you adopted Beecher. He was stunningly handsome and had the most amazing amber-colored eyes. He was ever sweet and gentle and waaaay laid back. I too loved his beautiful singing voice. I'll bet he and Keno are rooing a duet at the Bridge today in honor of his birthday. They always sounded lovely together. Linda, I hope this poem brings you some comfort on this day that marks the anniversary of Beecher's birth. Ascension (Colleen Hitchcock) And if I go while you're still here... Know that I still live on, Vibrating to a different measure behind a thin veil you cannot see through. You will not see me, so you must have faith. I wait the time when we can soar together again, both aware of each other. Until then, live your life to the fullest. And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart, ....I will be there.
  2. I'm so thrilled this worked out! Congratulations!
  3. Sending lots of prayers and white light. Keep us posted!
  4. galgrey

    System Mb Motry

    What a beautiful tribute to a much loved boy.
  5. galgrey


    I'm so sorry.
  6. Feel better soon, Spriet!
  7. Hugs, prayers, positive energy all speeding your way!
  8. galgrey


    I'm so sorry.
  9. That horrible!!! I'm so sorry. Sending tons of healing thoughts to sweet Bueller.
  10. Welcome back! Most everyone is really helpful and patient with us older folks who are less than tech savvy. Usually all you need to do is ask and you'll get lots of assistance.
  11. I'm so very sorry. I know what a shock this is. My first greyhound, Newdawn Frost, died like this at age 10 years. He was seemingly in perfect health (senior physical two week prior pronounced him in excellent health) and died suddenly in his sleep at 2:00am. I was in such shock I wasn't thinking clearly or I would have had a necropsy done to determine the cause. I live with this regret to this very day. A dear friend and veterinarian (he never saw Frosty clinically) said what I decribed sounded to him like an aortic rupture, but I'll never know for sure.
  12. Sending my good thoughts for a good report!
  13. When I adopted my first greyhound, a 4 1/2 year old male named Frosty, I had a 5 month old female weimaraner! Probably not exactly a match made in heaven, but he was so patient with her and she absolutely adored him. She went with us to a lot of greyhound events. Frosty was always super excited to see other greyhounds and Hannah was too. Having grown up with a greyhound, Hannah thought she was one. I think a laid back retriever mix would be a great companion for a greyhound -- and not nearly as annoying as a weimaraner. Keep us posted, Robyn!
  14. How very scary! You've already gotten good advice, I'll just add my good thoughts for her complete and speedy recovery.
  15. I'm so very sorry to hear this, Laura, and can identify completely with the shock, anger, and grief you are feeling. I've lost two dogs to cancer, not osteo, but hemangiosarcoma. I didn't face the decision re: amputation, but I fully understand your feelings and believe it is an individual and personal one to make. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people here who have had experience with osteo and I'm sure they will offer their advice about pain medication and what to expect.
  16. I buy it at my local healthfood store. Heartworm preventative is actually a toxin/poison so detoxifying the liver afterwards isn't a bad idea. I used it when my non-greyhound had hemangiosarcoma to assist her liver function, but using it prior to illness makes more sense.
  17. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Hershey.
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