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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm so very sorry. I know how hard this is having gone through it with two of mine.
  2. Many, many positive, healing thoughts are speeding to you and Emmy in Tennessee! Keep us posted.
  3. I'm so sorry. I've lost two dogs to cancer (hemangiosarcoma not osteo) and know the tremendous pain you're feeling right now.
  4. That sounds like good news! Get well soon, Carly!
  5. galgrey

    Walter Roick

    I know how that feels and I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  6. Hope your sweet boy makes a quick and complete recovery.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your girl and I send my healing thoughts to her and to you. I've had two dogs with heart tumors (a greyhound and a weimaraner). Sadly, both had hemangiosarcoma. The greyhound's cancer was already wide spread by the time she was symptomatic. I certainly hope you get better news for your Wilma.
  8. What wonderful news! He's gorgeous and I love his curly tail! He will be good medicine for grieving hearts. Congratulations!
  9. Wonderful news about Black Jack! Now, Major, we turn our healing thoughts to you!
  10. Congratulations on your chip! Macho's a very handsome boy!
  11. Congratulations on your chip! She's adorable!
  12. I was just thinking about this the other day. It's so good to hear that some of the survivors are in homes and doing well.
  13. galgrey


    Oh no! I'm so sorry.
  14. galgrey

    Chief Adam

    Run free, Chief!
  15. Healing thoughts and prayers for your sweet boy.
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