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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. To everyone who loved Pansy Jane, I'm so sorry.
  2. Just saw this read and read all the posts through copious tears. To Heather and everyone else facing this right now I feel your anguish and pain. And to those of us still struggling to find peace with a decision already made ... I feel your anguish and your pain as well.
  3. I'm just seeing this. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful girl.
  4. I'm just seeing this. I'm so very sorry.
  5. I've not been on the forum for several days so I'm just now seeing this. I'm so very sorry.
  6. He is super handsome and I love the name Santos. Congratulations!
  7. Positive healing thoughts speeding your way for both of you.
  8. I had never heard of this specific product, but I the active ingredient, sodium chlorite, is also the active ingredient in Ox-E-Drops LINK. Ox-E-Drops doesn't make any claims re: cures for cancers, but recommends them for people and animals as a bactericide, viricide and fungicide. The site has testimonials as well. I'm so very sorry about Caesar. I completely understand wanting to try anything to help him. I am major advocate of alternative healing for my dogs and myself. Several years ago I had a dog (non-greyhound) diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma (tumors in her spleen, lungs, and heart) and the specialist gave her 4 to 6 weeks at the time of diagnosis. She wasn't a candidate for chemo or surgery due to her age and a pre-existing heart condition. I explored all manners of alternative options and put together my own treatment regime for her (diet, supplements, herbs, etc.) She actually thrived for a year (no one who saw her thought she could possibly have cancer) and then went into congestive heart failure at age 12. I'm ever so grateful for that year with her. It was truely a gift.
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