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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Bonnie- I am so sorry to read about Coby. Maddie and I are thinking of you all.
  2. Linda I am so sorry to hear of Tessie. If there is anything that i can do for you and Woody, please let me know. She is running free with Beecher. You, Woody and your pack are in our thoughts. Hugs from Maddie and I.
  3. Maddie uses clomicalm for for SA. She was on it for 2 months after first got her (I had tried everything else- and this was a last resort) She came more calm and relaxed and went with the flow. No real side effects for us. I still use it when we travel to help calm her. She is not a fan of hotels (she does not like the closed in feeling- she tried to eat the door last year at BBH when I was at dinner- this year we will colmicalm and muzzle when she is left in the room by herself. Good Luck
  4. Poor Guy, that is a big mass of blackheads. Hope they heal soon.
  5. Judy, Mike and the Jilly fully house gang, I am so sorry to hear of Emmy's passing. She was loved by you all and by all of us here on greytalk. Godspeed Emmy and run free at the bridge.
  6. Maddie had a bad case of SA and still does when she is in a unfamilar place - (hotels and when she feels that a room is too small for her) she ate her way put of 3 crates 2 wire and one plastic. Needless to say she is not crated, and I baby gate and close doors to rooms that I do not want her to go into. I tried alone training, DAP diffuser, leaving a radio and a TV on. I also tried doggie day camp 1-2 days a week for about 3 months, and my vet and I agreed after she ate her way out of the 3rd crate to try the Clomicalm. I was not excited about medicating Maddie but it was the last resort. It was either that or returning her (which I was not going to do to her) i could not afford a behaviorist, as it was doggie day camp was not cheap. But doggie day camp was making her really tired so that when she came home, she was exhausted and slept through the night, she got up for breakfast when oput for her walk, I left for work and she slept most of the day. After, 2 months on clomicalm (she had been with he for 4 at this time) her personality was starting to come out, she came my little social creature and the vet and I decided to take her off the clomicalm. I only use it now when we are traveling to take the "edge off". I suggest explaining to your vet that you have tried everything and that you cannot afford a behaviorist and that the clomicalm is a temporary thing while you and she get adjusted. Remember she is used to be around other dogs and and/or people 24/7 and this alone thing is new to her. Try exercing her a lot as well. A tired dog is a good dog. Like the others have said time changes everything. Maddie is definately not the same dog I brought home almost 3 years ago. She would not leave my side, now she goes off on her own to "relax" and sleep and I usually go hunting and looking for her. We are help if you need us.
  7. Jackie I just saw your siggy in another post and immediately came here to find out what happened to Amy. I was on vacation for the past week and and half and did not know about Amy til now. I am so sorry to hear about Amy and so soon after Turbo's going to the bridge. She will be greatly missed as Turbo is by us all. I loved reading about the adventures and Amy and Turbo and know that they both are watching over you and your DH. Hugs to you both from Maddie and I. Again I am so sorry.
  8. She did Maddie's teeth when she came to Charlotte prior to MH. Maddie's were not too bad but she did have some tartar that she scraped off. Kathy uses an oral swab that you can buy online.
  9. Maddiesmom

    Genie's Gone

    Genie was an amazing and incredible girl. Thank you for sharing her life with all of us and giving her a loving home. I loved reading her story and seeing videos about her. I treasure everyday I have with my girl Maddie and will continue to do so as it is truly a gift to be a greyhound owner and a part of this special community. Run free Genie with all the bridge kids and Trish.
  10. Welcome to GT from NC. I have family that lives in Wilton CT.
  11. Maddie came from West Palm Beach Kennel Club. The Kennel Owner that owned her prior to me is James Douglas Kennel (I believe that is the name of it) I do know the last name was Douglas. I send them cards all the time of Maddie in her "retired" life. That is so cool that you got to go to the WPB Kennel Club. I have wanted to go since I got her. Sounds like you made some friends and found some cool things for Speck to do when he comes down for the holidays. Maddie and I are road tripping to my parents in CT next month and then we are going to Nantucket with them as well.
  12. Oh no Scott, I am so sorry. I am in shock. I don't know what to say, other then Will is at the bridge running free with Tara Sue. Again I am so sorry. Amy and Maddie
  13. Jackie I am so sorry to hear this about Turbo. I just found out. We were trading posts about about them not licking their boo boos on their paws and then to hear of Turbo's passing. I am so sorry. Run Free sweet Turbo. Amy and Maddie
  14. Get it checked. Maddie had a small lump had it checked - they aspirated it and it was cyst. Let us know. Maddie sends
  15. Welcome from NC- I grew in up Wilton CT. My parents still live there and my brother, sister in law and my 16 month old newphew live in Trumbull CT.
  16. My vet does not sell Sentinel so I buy it through Doctors Fostors and Smith with a prescription from my vet. Edited because I cannot type this morning- have not had my diet Coke this am.
  17. Welcome Bob and Polly I volunteer with GFNC here in Charlotte. My Maddie came from GFNC in Oak Ridge almost 3 years ago. You are off to a good start with all the research that you have done on greyhounds and the right one is waiting for you. Good Luck and we will want photos when you get your pupper.
  18. How sad. I hope they find whoever did this to Becky. She is with all of our rainbow bridge kids and Trish now.
  19. Hi Matt and Deliah (sp?) Welcome from NC. I was just in Indy last week for work and could not get over that the sun does not set there til 945pm (it sets here at around 845-9) The last time I was in Indy was Dec and it was 20 degrees and snow on the ground (even if I am originally from MI and gre up in CT). Not much snow here. You will learn a lot about greys here on GT (and other stuff too).
  20. Love the photos. I see at least 1 Walmart truck on my way into the office or on the way home. I just found out that it is not illegal to drive barefoot in NC - this came from a friend of mine that is a cop in NC. So jeff if you are ever in NC you can drive barefoot.
  21. Topamax is a medication that is supposed to help people that have epilepsy seizures and is now being used for people who have migraines (that would be me- I have been on topamax now for a year and it has helped a lot) here is some info on topamax for your reading pleasure Jeff - from topamax.com TOPAMAX has been available worldwide since 1995. Since that time, more than 4 million patients have been treated with TOPAMAX (regardless of condition). Like many other migraine preventive medications, TOPAMAX was initially studied for another medical condition and was then approved in 2004 for use in reducing migraine frequency. Today, TOPAMAX is the #1 prescribed brand for migraine prevention in the U.S. The studies of TOPAMAX are the largest, well-controlled clinical trials ever conducted for migraine prevention, involving over 1,700 adult patients. How TOPAMAX Is Believed To Work-Although no one knows exactly why migraines happen, the process is believed to be a series of events in the brain that cause pain and the other symptoms of a migraine attack. For people with migraines, the brain is felt to be very sensitive to change and the nerves become overexcitable. There are many different triggers that may start the process of a migraine attack by increasing this excitability. The excitability in the brain may then activate pain-causing nerves to release chemicals around blood vessels that surround the brain. These chemicals cause inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels, which will cause head pain and throbbing. Specific areas in the brain may then become very sensitive to otherwise normal sensations causing sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and tenderness of the scalp. Unlike medication taken at the start of migraine pain to treat an attack, preventive medications like TOPAMAX are taken every day to help decrease the frequency of migraine attacks. The exact way that TOPAMAX works is not known, but it is believed to help "calm" overexcitable nerves in the brain so they don't send out the signals that can cause migraines. Medical research has proven that taking TOPAMAX every day may help reduce the total number of migraine attacks that occur over time. TOPAMAX is believed to help "calm" the process that leads to migraines. During a migraine, overexcitable nerve cells send pain signals. With TOPAMAX, it's believed that overexcitable nerve cells are "calmed" to help reduce migraine occurrence. Have fun on the drive-It has been entertaining for us all. I especially love the photos of the places that you have visited especially Mt. Rushmore. I have always wanted to know there. Travel safely.
  22. i am going to guess 414 - have fun and be safe.
  23. It is growing- come on down- there is always room for 1 more and her grey PS Maddie had SA as well when I first got her- I read your other post- you are doing fine-)
  24. Welcome from Charlotte- I used to live in Lynchburg when I went to Lynchburg College.
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