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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. She may now be intolerant of the venison, which could be the reason she is refusing it and not doing well. Once formed, IBD intolerances are generally permanent and the dog cannot go back and eat previously eaten foods to which he/she has developed an IBD intolerance w/o triggering a flare of IBD related inflammation. IBD intolerances can develop to both proteins and carbs. Exampe: Fat (eg chicken or poultry fat) corresponding to an untolerated protein (eg chicken) should generally be avoided despite manufacturer's claims to the contrary since quite a few IBD dogs react to even the smallest amount of trace/residual protein in the fat or react to the fat itself. Even meds and supps need to be carefully scrutinized for possible sources of intolerance such as flavorings or inactive fillers such as cornstarch in dogs not tolerating corn. In a rescue dog with unknown dietary history, it may be prudent to avoid ingredients commonly found in high volume supermarket or pet store dog foods which in the US typically include beef, chicken, wheat and corn and to a lesser extent lamb and rice. Now is the time to up the meds/ and or add them as well (with the docs ok!) and start with a sacrifical novel protein and nothing else. A sacrificial protein diet is used during the healing process with the expectation that the patient may become allergic to the treatment diet and will be switched to another hypoallergenic diet at the end of the diet trial. Food allergy is definitely a cause of inflammatory bowel disease. I sent you a ton of reading. I know it's a lot to read and absorb but it's all good and important reading. You have my info, if you have any questions.
  2. No difference broiled or grilled other than a lot of the drippings will be lost, but defintely not raw.
  3. Raw is not the way to go for an IBD dog. I suggest you join the IBD dog on yahoo. I am PMing you.
  4. IBD- OH Xan, we were there. We did a total blank slate start. Broiled tilapia every 3 hours. Is she on pred? If not, how come??? I'd be happy to let you know what we did for Beau. I honestly would not be feeding beef and things like that if she is truly IBD.
  5. We didn't bother with the bone biopsy of FNA as Polli fractured her leg. We amputated.
  6. It must seem like forever. I can't believe the year has gone by.
  7. I think most people on this board will agree with you happily! WE LOVE GREYHOUNDS! Welcome!
  8. My vet prefers it over Rimydal.
  9. Just seeing this, Kerry and hoping there has been improvment for your sweet boy.
  10. Wow- this is really super news. What a ride!
  11. You know you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
  12. Oy- I cringe when I see headings with tummy grumbles. That's how it all started with Beau a million years ago. It's actually a year now - he went through so much. Hope it's nothing. Our vet said no to pepto- yes to pepcid.
  13. I got this for Polli but she hated it and I returned it. I hope it works better for you!
  14. Told ya! I just had a feeling! A good feeling. I am so happy for you!
  15. Just read through everything. So happy he will be oK. You must be so relieved.
  16. RobinM

    Sandy Sales

    I am so very sorry. The pain is excruiating, at best.
  17. Oh, I remember when he found his way to you. What a beautiful boy and how lucky to have had you. I am so sorry.
  18. Dani is going to have the surgery in Iowa with her local vet. They will follow OSU protocol. Dani- as I mentioned to you via text- it's important to keep her from running around and if you can avoid the steps at your moms this weekend- that would be good! The fear being the leg fracturing as there is no er vet and you wouldn't want them doing the amp anyway. I hope Star can remain comfortable throughout the weekend. As far as after, like I said, at first you will probably ask yourself why the he77 you did it, I think we all did. 2.5 weeks after (and it was a long 2.5 weeks) I knew exactly why I did it! We are all here for you and please call me anytime. R
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