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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Update # 2. he ate the fish. about 1/2 pound of tilapia and he is taking his cookies more freely.
  2. IBD abd IBS are 2 totally different things. Not at all related. I don't know if you really meant IBD when you typed IBS. IN the beginning of Beau's journey, I did not know the difference. Hugs to you Ian. This sucks and I do understand. Xan- have you consulted a board certified internal medicine Doc? They specialize in this. Thanks..I didn't know....I'll have to do some research! Just grasping at straws...and sending lots of hugs... Dawn- this is greyt and easy reading. I have this in favorites for when I was researching for Beau. http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_infla...y-Bowel-Disease
  3. IBD abd IBS are 2 totally different things. Not at all related. I don't know if you really meant IBD when you typed IBS. IN the beginning of Beau's journey, I did not know the difference. Hugs to you Ian. This sucks and I do understand. Xan- have you consulted a board certified internal medicine Doc? They specialize in this.
  4. He stopped at about 1/2 stuffed hoof (maybe 3 bites of z/d) and 4-5 cookies. Will take him in as tomorrow is the holiday. While I know there is nothing she can do- I want him checked out- even though it will be the 3rd time in 10 days.
  5. Beau just ate 3 z/d cookies (17 calories each) and is now eating a hoof stuffed with frozen z/d wet canned food. Please GOD- let him eat eat eat.
  6. No, DH walked in at 1AM- took them all out and offered Beau food. Nothing. He hasn't drank anything either. His favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is walk. He looooves to walk, rain, snow, sun, etc. This morning, he ran upstairs and into a bed when we were ready for walkies. Something I forgot to mention. The night I was alone with the 4 (Ollie was overnight at the vet) Beau was on the bed and was whimpering a little. It was so quiet that I had to stop to listen if it were really him. Then yesterday he was totally off. Something is really wrong. I will bring him into the vet today. Temp last night was 101. I am so scared. We have been through so much and the thought of something happening to him is just too much for me to deal with. *** I have 2:30 appointment with my vet. that is her 1st appointment.*** I am suppossed to be doing thanksgiving tomrrow and you can imagine just how much I am into that. I haven't even bought anything yet. Yesterday was the day for me to do everything. that's why I took the day off. it's been WEEKS that it's been progessively worse. A little worse day by day. But since he was at the vet on Saturday for the x-rays and had the sedation and shot, he's been really off. At this point he should be starving- he is taking pred- someting is medically wrong. I just know my dog. the problem is figuring out what the he77 is going on.
  7. Tookl him on a walk, just him and me, he was his usual obxoxious self which is good. But still no eating and I realized he has not drank either. If nothing changes at all in the morning, I will have to bring him in which really sux because he stresses terribly at the vet. Come on Beau. Here is a thought, I don't think it's it but DH has been out of town since last eve at 5pm. This is the first time ever since I know him that he is away. I had him on speaker phone talking to Beau. The attorney he was with must have really thought we were nuts, but hey, desperate people do desperate things. I wonder if Beau misses Rich. I personally don't think so - Beau is MY baby. But, hey, you never know. He should be home in about 3 hours.
  8. This was my first thought as well, since there is a stress component to IBD. It's so hard to see them not eating, but he may just need some time and coddling. greysmom I would have thought that too if this hadn't been a work in progress so to speak. It started with not eating in the morning and days I am home, he would eat by 11 or 12 noon. Then the past few days it was when DH got home from work @ 3:30 -4PM. Yesterday, he barely ate at that time and later in the evening I spent quite some time but he ate a bit- not as much as he should have though and Ollie wasn't here. Today- nothing and he threw up yelllow bile foam which is also newly typical. I give him a pepcid at 7AM every morning.
  9. This has been getting progressively worse over the past 2 weeks.
  10. I don't know what you are feeding as the main food but if he can tolerate the richness of it, Blue Wilderness has 476 calories a can and 586 calories a cup. A little goes a long way. I don't what kind of appetite he has? Evo also has high calories but again, very rich. When I needed to get weight on Polli during and after her chemo, she ate EVO kibble mixed in with boiled chicken breast. She got as many cookies as she wanted, she was after all the mommy!
  11. Spoke to vet- she said we kinda have to wait and see. She said to bring the pred up to 5mg every day instead of every other. I guess we got to start somewhere.
  12. This is the first day since his exploratory surgery 1/09 that he has not eaten at all. Not a crumb. I could see this coming for about 2 weeks getting progressively worse day by day and eating later in the day later and later. BUT this is not good. Today, nothing. Because of Beau's IBD, the only foods Beau can have is HP dry, Z/D wet or dry and or tilapia. He hasn't had a fish (except his dehydrated fish) in a very long time so out of desperation, I made one for him. Nodda. Waiting for a call from the vet. Other than up the pred, there are no food suggestions to be given. He is on a very low dose of 2.5 mg one day and 5 mg the next. The 2.5 is more for our mental state than for Beau. The imuran is down to 12.5 mg He started on 50mg of pred and 50 mg of imuran. I don't want to go there again. I just want him to eat and be happy and healthy. I know, we all want our pups to be like that. He has been through so very much especially for such a young boy. This was the day I have been long dreading but kinda knew we would be here one day. His stool was excellent on the walk today which is great and indicates that the bowels are ok so that is why I am kinda stumped. Not looking for suggestions but I guess prayers couldn't hurt. He definitely doesn't have an intolerance to that!
  13. This is a very hungry dog so if he has stomach pain, you wouldn't know it. He is also on Deramaxx (neuter yesterday) He is soo hungry and so very underweight. On GH-data, his weight is 84 and he is 70 pounds now and totally emaciated.
  14. The problem is that Ollie pooped on Saturday and we didn't immediately run out there to clean it up. I did now and I sprayed every mushy spot after picking it up. There is no way to isloate him from the others. They did not give me panacur- 1000 mg a day of Flagyl. Of course I am concerned about Teddy and Chloe, but for Beau who has been giving me more of a problem with eating recently since lowering his meds I am REALLY concerned about.
  15. Ollie has giardia and I am so worried about Beau. I know this is easily transmitted. With his IBD- I shudder to think of the outcome. After all he's been through. I picked up Olli'es poop immediately and sprayed some bleach/water on it but I hadn't done that Satruday when he was brought home. Because of the IBD- to start Beau on meds of any kind is risky so I am waiting for my vet to get in and discuss it with him. What about beds? His tush is on the beds, can it be transmitted that way? I did some reading online about wiping their butts after they poop? Oh and Chloe has some sort of UTI that is going to take a very long course of antibiotics - again waiting for vet to call. The tech told me that much. It truly is always something. ***UPDATE*** OY- Vet called and before she could get a word in edge wise, I told her I was out bleaching my yard, calling the kennel who called the farm getting all the dog treated and she said- Robin- stop! He does not have giardia, he has been exposed to it so he needs to be treated. It was the tech who told me he has it. She said, I will better educate her about the difference and I apologize for this.... I called the kennel.... Anyway, what a PTO I had, in the yard, picking up poop and spaying bleach like a mad woman! I asked her if the others needs to be treated as well and she said no- they are all fine. _________________________ Chloe, however has a raging UTI and has to be on Clavamox/augmentin for 21 days and then another UA.
  16. Nancy- I would definitely emal Dr. Dodds and give all infor re: history before and after meds too,
  17. What does Dr. C say about this? He would be able to tell you/your friend the stats. Best of luck. It sux.
  18. I lost my beautiful Polli 5 months after amputation and chemo. These are the survival stats according to OSU: The treatment of choice for dogs with OSA is amputation (View "Bosha's" video) with adjuvant single-agent or combination chemotherapy. The median survival time in dogs with appendicular OSA treated with amputation alone is approximately 4 months, whereas in dogs treated with amputation and carboplatin, or amputation and doxorubicin it is approximately 1 year. As of now, survival and remission times in Greyhounds do not appear to be any different from those in other breeds. Amputation in Greyhounds with OSA frequently results in severe postoperative bleeding (24-48h post-surgery) around the surgical site, leading to subcutaneous blood accumulation in the other limbs, ventral thorax, and ventral abdomen; these dogs typically have normal hemostasis profiles (APTT, OSPT), and the severity of bleeding decreases after administration of fresh frozen plasma. Aminocaproic acid (AA - Amicar®) is a commercially available inhibitor of fibrinolysis (procoagulant) commonly used in humans with postoperative bleeding that can be administered IV or by mouth. Administration of AA (500-1,000 mg PO q8h for 5 days starting the day of the surgery) prevented severe postoperative bleeding in Greyhounds undergoing surgery. For further reading: http://vet.osu.edu/2096.htm
  19. Yes, 2-6 nomrally, but maybe different hours this week due to holiday? I know she is in though.
  20. Marybeth will do what you want, ask her what the lowest increase could be to see some results. Look at the results of Molly when she dropped again and you raised the dosage. Molly is back! Chloe has beenn .5mg 2x a day for 3 years with no increase...yet. I hope she remains ok on this dose.
  21. WOW- WHAT AMAZING news and no one deserves this job more than you do. The planets have finally lined up for you! When things settle down a bit more, I know of a certain boy who is waiting for you! http://www.qcgreyhoundadoption.com/retiredracers/zander.html (this is Elsie's son that we spoke about!) If you adopted him you would have Elsie's son and Beau's half sister. Surely that makes us related, right!? So happy that things are truning around for both you and Star. xoxox
  22. need the right picture and I have to decide if I am keeping him or just fostering him!
  23. RobinM


    Oh Devon- how lucky she had you to love her. I am so sorry.
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