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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM

    So Long Kees

    So young. I am so sorry.
  2. You mean like this!? or of my 4, Teddy has the most baldness and the hair he does have is very thin/fine/ Elsie has a thick lush coat and so did Beau before the pred. Chloe had bald spots however she was hypothyroid and after on the correct meds, she gre back a lot of the hair she had lost.
  3. So sorry you and Chick are going through this. Many prayers.
  4. It all depends on the dog. Some dogs (like people gain easier than others) Elsie who is 10.5 gets 2-3 cans of wilderness @ 475 each (she is 65 lbs) and all the cookies she wants! I would say somewhere between 1100 and 1500 calories a day.
  5. RobinM

    Goodbye Old Girl

    Thank you for loving Maggie and giving her a beautiful ending to her life. She was loved and she knew it. GOD Speed Maggie.
  6. Unfortunately, this is as stated, the median=average. My Polli was amputated and had 5 rounds of chemo and died just 1 day short of 5 months. I am sorry to hear about your girl and I will definitely go for a 2nd opinion @ OSU. They will get back to you very quickly.
  7. Ahh, MOST dogs hate this, this is true, but Ollie- yo ucan do ANYTHING and I mean anything to and he is happy to be taken care of!!!! His ears although seemingly clean had something going on so badly that he made his insides bleed from the scratching. I was using the nolva solution (squirt in the ears) and that was a temp releif. He got a shot yesterday and and animax cream- which made a huge difference.
  8. The bottle it came in- which is the orginal pharmaceudical bottle says it should. Why do you mix it? 2x a day? On the bottle I have for Beau it says 1x a day. I guess I should find out. I gave Ollie 1/4 tsp this morning. Like I mentioned, I made about 40 caps to get me started!
  9. For Beau- the dosage was 1/4 tsp of tylan powder which I only used for a week but kept refrigerated. Beau was between 52 and 60 pounds when we tried it. I am going to give it to Ollie- his weight now is 75 pounds. Is it the same dosage? I put it in capusles last evening and they are 1/4 tsp each. Thanks.
  10. Congrats! He is beautiful and quite unique looking. I remember when I first saw Elsie online. It was much too early to adopt another brood mom after Pollli left us and we were still quite a mess. But I had this thought that just stayed with me.. would I allow MY pain and suffering to make another dog wait because I wasn't ready? What if I wasn't ready for a year! Would I make a dog who would otherwise be welcome wait? No, of course not! That would be selfish of me. And I felt better knowing that by taking Elsie, her life would be endlessly better and she of course made the hole in my heart much smaller. I can speak of Polli with a smile and tears at the same time. There will never be anyone remotely close to our beloved Polli. I an thrilled that Bully is home with you with Outlaws approval!
  11. Brought Ollie in when I brought Teddy in to see what was up with the no eating. Ollie is up 5 pounds in one week and that includes an overnight at the vet. Good job Ollie. His ears were bloody inside as well as his neck and tail. He is allergic to something. he got a cordisone shot to help with the itching and discomfort from the scatching and a lotion to put on the area and in the ear. He is much more comfortable tonight. He was shaking his head so much, I was sure he was going to do some damage. Teddy, Teddy, Teddy... we have him on flagyl too. His labs were ok. His BUN and creatine were slightly elevated, the high end of normal for a GH. We did a fecal and tomorrow I will bring a urine as I did not want him further humiliated with a catheter as she TOOK the fecal from him, rather than me bringing one in! I felt Teddy had had enough! He ate Beau's prescription food mixed with his pro plan and at all his dinner. Elsie has a skin tab that may have to be zapped only because of her history but vet is most certan it's benign. All in all a productive visit. We were there 5x this week = 1500.00 one week. That's it guys, we are done! Get better fast!
  12. Teddy has bascially refused all/most food. He is a big guy at 85 pounds and needs a lot of calories. Yesterday, he ate a can of Blue Turkey. At dinner he refused his kibble with FRESH turkey. He ate a few cookies happily. Today, he refused breakfast again. I took out Beau's HP (prescription food) and Teddy ate 2 cups hungrily. Interesting? His appointment is at noon. And the Beau Beau did decently yesterday. He is NOT eating the kibble anymore, but the wet z/d and fish. OY. This morning we made the announcement that RED DOGS RULE! (Chloe and Ollie are super chow hounds) and such a pleasure.
  13. What a special boy. I am in tears for your mom's loss. I hope she will be OK. God Speed Quincy.
  14. Truly a beautiful heart felt tribute to truly a beauiful girl who left way too young. I am so sorry.
  15. Nope, no one eats that food but Chloe and now the foster. No probs!
  16. They may have done just a dip stick but no culture. I'd start her on the clavamox and have it cultured in the meantime. Don't give her the clavamox first though!! If you have it in the house, ( I do so I tend to think everyone does!) colelct the pee and them give it to her, drop off urine. If not, you have to drop it off anyway and you can pick up the clavamox.
  17. As you probably remember he is being treated with 1000mg of flagyl but his poop is still soft serve. Should I add in tylan powder? I have it from Beau last year and it's been refrigerated. How long does it take for the poop to firm up when being treated? He has been on it since Tuesday.
  18. Did you have the U/A cultured? I'd do a round of a good antibiotic like clavamox. You can give augmentin (people drug) 875 mg broken in 2 over the course of the day. IF that did not work, I would an ultrasound. Prayers for your girl.
  19. I honestly don't know. Teddy is otherwise happy, silly, playful and himself. This too started several weeks back with him not wanting to eat breakfast. Walking over to the breakfast bowl like there was posion in there. Making it about 1 foot short of the bowl and standing there. I wold coax and get him to get, but not easliy as I watch the clock needing to get to work. Some days he would eat, some days not but I made sure he made up for it at dinner. Now, it started for dinner. This is how things started with Beau and the IBD- but THAT COULD NOT BE! At first I thought it was Ollie- but becasue they are both (Beau and T) otherwise being themselves, not mopey at all, I really don't think so. We had the labs done today. Vet tomorrow!
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