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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. We recently adopted a newly retired boy, Ollie who retired because of a bad broken right hock. Vet said walks were fine. Modify as needed but we have been walking him 2 x a day about 1 mile each walk. We are giving 1200mg of pure glucosomine.
  2. My Beau has hip issues and IF Greyhounds were susceptible to it, it would be what he has if that makes any sense. It's not hip dysplasia but his hips are misalligned. They were checked out (by -xray) by Dr. Dyce at OSU, Dr Couto and our vets who said exactly what OSU said. "weird". No real diagnosis-
  3. What stage is it? Sending prayers.
  4. Waiting for the platelets to come back OK tomorrow. If so, we are running on the assumption it was a virus.
  5. Yes, they tested for everything. The eurlichia and the babesia just came back from last week although she had had the preliminarys earlier. So far, so good. Hoping his platelets are fine.
  6. He has been on 500mg of doxy for the past week. 300/am 200/pm. Vet said to wait to see how platelets are tomorrow.
  7. All the TBDs are back and they are negative. Vet did another blood today to check platelets which were a bit low when he had 104.5 one week ago. We are hoping it was just a virus which he kicked. He has been greyt after we started the doxy.
  8. Have your vet overnight the x-rays to Dr. Couto. If you need the info where to send, anyone of a number of people can help you, including myself. Just to be 110% sure OS is not lingering there and to have peace of mind.
  9. I am sorry for your loss. What a horrible couple of days you had. Many hugs your way. When they x-rayedthe leg when Wilbur was "under" were they able to determine why the leg broke so easily? Hoping it's nothing serious and he heals quickly and uneventfully.
  10. Oh Terry- I am so sorry she did not have more time. Please take comfort in the fact that she did know she had a home and she was loved. Run Free sweet girl.
  11. Lene~ I am just seeing this. Lola will be OK. This is treatable,scary, but treatable and you got her in quickly. She is high on my prayer list, but she will be OK. Take care of YOU so you can be well rested when she comes home. Hugs to you.
  12. Please don't panic. I KNOW it's easier said than done. But the reason the vet wants to see her is that things have changed so now they want to see where things are at for reference. STOP THINKING the worst! When is your appointment? Keeping you and your girl in my prayers. R
  13. RobinM

    My Boy T

    Oh NO. I am so sorry.
  14. RobinM

    Thank You

  15. Welcome back! I remember your name. If you don't use GT- I think it's 90 days, the account gets shut down. In addition,Jeff just did a major overhaul and change of server so he was probably cleaning things out. Good to have you back, hope all is well.
  16. I'm very sorry. We never get over it, we learn to live with it.
  17. Congrats on your new girl! You seem to have a lot of clothes on her. Try just a winter coat with a snood. If I had any of my dogs in "a dog sweater plus a winter dog jacket plus a dog neck hoodie" they would refuse to budge!!! As far as the limp, she could have a corn you don't see. Do you know what to look for? She could also have a touch of arthritis. Does she walk better on grass/carpet vs cemement and tile?
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