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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Dogs do snore and they do get upper respiratory illnesses.
  2. no no no! this is how YOUR grey is with your baby!! I can assure you, that would have never happened here in my house with any of my 5! Well, maybe Ollie. Of my 5, as soon as my granddaughter who is now 2 comes into the house, Chloe just removes herself from the situation and goes as far away as she can. The other 4 are accepting of her. I always have her give them cookies which is like being at the petting zoo! I of course never leave her unattended with any of them even for 30 seconds. You've gotten some greyt advice. Do you have any friends with babies, small kids? Kids test him Just kidding. When you do have your baby, make sure you bring something of the babies home from the hospital on day one so that their scent is there before the actual arrival of the baby in the house. It's common sense and just due diligence, but many people have greys first and then a baby.
  3. My dogs are NEVER EVER without tags. They wear them on breakaway collars. I get mine from http://longdogleatherworks.com/index.cfm?content=67&Menu=31
  4. Whenever there is an injury in a bone, it always increases the chance of ca. My DD is a radiation therapist @ NYC medical Center and she sees it all the time.
  5. Sending many prayers for your sweet Pearl and hugs to her mom.
  6. When I adopted my beloved Polli at 8.5 years old, she had the worst teeth. At her very first dental, she had to have 17 teeth removed. That never slowed her down. It was the osteo that did her in, but the tooth issue was a non issue. I did brush every day which I suggest you do too. There are bones and or chicken necks to give her to help try and keep the teeth she does have in good shape. Good luck to you. I am so sorry about your losses.
  7. RobinM

    Sweet Macy

    Her pictures brought a smile to my face. I am so sorry for your loss. You have had your plate full,that is for sure. Hope 2010 is easier for you and your family.
  8. She sounds like such a sweet, happy girl. I am so sorry.
  9. I am so sorry. I hope you have many days of quality time together.
  10. I'd do a vet visit. If I have to ask, well that's my answer. I go.
  11. Yup. sebaceous cyst. He actually has 2. Vet said sometimes she removes them, but for now, leave it alone. Once he gets these, he will probably get more. Beau's weight is holding well at 64. His racing weight was between 62.5 and 64.5 so that's greyt too. All in all a greyt visit. And he got his nails cut from the only one who can do it. Thanks everyone!
  12. you are so forgiven!! There are some people, including me, who do not know, unless of course they have to go through it. That is how I learned about it. I wish it were IBS!
  13. Beau does NOT have IBS, he has IBD- completely 100% different!!! Anyway, we have appoinnment tonight at 6:30. Thanks.
  14. I found this on Beau this morning. He does have immune dificiency (IBD) and is on low dose of pred and imuran. It's very raised and contained in this one area.
  15. Chloe had a completely bald butt but she is hypothroid, once on the proper meds, she did grow back most of her hair. Teddy has a blad butt, neck and tummy. I mean completely bald. Still after 3 years, he remains bald. Ollie is pretty bald but he's only here 6 weeks so I will give it more time to determine. I don't put any doggie version of rogaine on them! as I don't believe there is anything to promote hair growth.
  16. Welcome from NY. Please post pictures of your girl. Glad she is adapting well. Please use this forum for any questions or concerns or just to post adjustment stories of your girl. We all love to know!
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