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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Where in OK are you? My beautiful broodie, Elsie came from Cleo Springs, OK and now lives with us in NY! Your pups are beautiful.
  2. I read through all the posts before posting. I am so sorry you and your baby are going through this but please, don't lost hope. Looks like this can be managable with the right treatments. Keeping you both in my prayers.
  3. I sure hope not cuz we are about to do it again tonight!!!!!!!
  4. my welsh terrier was really sensitive to fleas and that is just about what he looked like. i called it "hot spots". they would get raw from him biting. i use aloe and hydrocortizone cream, that's what my vet recommended(costco sells it really cheap). even though the dogs love the taste of the aloe they don't get sick from it. i used generous amounts and rubbed it in, 2xs a day. the irritation needed to take it course, but raw areas came back with tons of hair. with as much hair as a welshie has, their skin can be really sensitive. one tick bite and it looked like a cigar burn! These "spots" are not irritating to him, at all. There is very little scatching at all. The spots have hair loss but not totally. This is why it's so baffling.
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. In time the pain will subside and the memories will remain.
  6. I am so sorry. I hope Scarlett has many more days left with you. Again, I am so sorry.
  7. I use senstive / fragrance free, etc. I have since my son was born 19 years ago.
  8. In answer to a few questions, this vet did nothin but look at him. I will let him finish his clavamox and if there is no difference I think I need to find a dermatologist. My vet does not come back from maternity till January, I am not waiting that long. Although, I could bring Ollie to see the senior partner on a Tuesday morning.
  9. Which is why treating the yard makes is not a greyt idea. Something out there is going to have fleas. I too heard that vacuuming is a good way to rid the carpets of eggs, etc.
  10. Vet had no clue. Could be this or that or the other thing. Put him on Clavamoxx to rule out underlying infection. Wish my vet was back from maternity.
  11. If it is fleas, they need to take capstar by mouth and Advanage topically. Good luck. We are going through it too.
  12. I have been running the flea comb through ALL of them because I have become obsessed with fleas. I did not treat the house or yard, but did vaccum and change all the linen, dog beds etc. All recommendations from vet. I DID flind 3 fleas yesterday and flea dirt on Zoobie, my litte birman cat, I put another advantage on her. No one else has any. No flea dirt, no nothing. Interestlingly enough, it was only Teddy and Ollie who had the few fleas to begin with and the cats had more. They are ALL indoor cats except for Belle who escapes for 30 seconds at a time. Beau, Chloe & Else- I found none at ever. Weird. I AM going to bring him in today.
  13. Yeesh, I hope not. I have Beau who is severly immune compromised. Ollie was only on pred for about 10 days if that and he had this before the pred. I just realized that the vet i want to see is not in tomorrow so i will go in on Sat.
  14. Gas is usually a direct result of what they eat. Ollie and Teddy have no gas- they eat raw. The other 3- all bets are off.
  15. nah, I don't think it looks like ringworm. We had a case of that a few years back. Didn't look like this. This started after the fleas which may be coincidental... or not...
  16. Kari- no, abolutely no pus or redness, just the circles and lack of hair. He had a beautiful lush coat. I can't begin to imagine what is going on.
  17. We had some fleas about a month ago. 5 dogs, 3 cats. They all had capstar and advantage. about a week later, I had posted a couple of pictures of Ollie who had some round marks on him with hair missing. I was told he could be allergic to the flea bites/saliva. My vet agreed and said we should do 3 days @ 20mg of pred. 3 days @ 10mg 3 days @ 5 and every other day etc. We did. The scatching stopped for the most part but now, lookat this. This is worse than ever. I took his tag bag off which looks like it;s too tight but it;s not. This is crazy. I am going to bring him in tomorrow. Any guess as to what is going on? He is on a raw diet of only duck and beef which he has been on for a year. He is not scatching too much but once in a while scatches his neck. Check out his neck here with the hair missing. His body full of spots. His leg is now missing all this hair.
  18. Whatever you do, DO NOT COOK IT AND GIVE TO YOUR DOGS. But, they would love to chew on it raw. if you want a little less mess, freeze it first! 2 out of our 5 eat raw but 3 of them enjoy the raw bones.
  19. Do you have an address for him? Also, how much will it cost to have him take a look? Thanks! There is definitely a possiblity that it is NOT osteo and just arthritis and possibly he is having some neck issues because of the chip. However, unless you get a definite diagnosis, and if he is still limping, I would re-x-ray in a month or 3. It took my P{olli's osteo almost a year to appear although she limped on an off for a year. I am not trying to scare you. I just want you to remain on top of things (which you appear to be very much) There is no charge for him to look. I would have my vet send it over there. Call them and let them know it's coming. It's another set of eyes and an excellent set of eyes as well. Keeping your baby in my thoughts and prayers. Greyhound Health and Wellness Program Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine 601 Vernon Tharp Street Columbus, Ohio 43210 Phone: (614) 247-6757 or (614) 247-8490 Email: greyosu@osu.edu Website: http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/GHWP.htm (registration and fee now required to get full access to this site)
  20. I would have Dr. Couto check out the x-rays. Do you know where to have your vet send them?
  21. This makes my heart hurt. Very hard to believe it's 2 years already.
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