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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Dropped off Polli for her 4th chemo and vet came out to car to see Polli walk. The good news is that it is not cancer related, meaning it’s not cancer in another leg as you all predicted . After this chemo we have ONE MORE TO GO! The bad news is that it is somewhat neurological. She pressed on one particular spot and it made Polli sit- something Polli doesn’t do. It caused her pain. She will get a shot today to reduce inflammation, I will keep her on 75mg of deramaxx until Saturday. If there is no change, she will start on Pred. Other than having to drink/pee a lot- any other side effects I should look out for with pred?This is something I am not familiar with, however, I do know, many of your dogs are on it. Polli was so frightened; she could barely stand and walk. Shaking uncontrollably. I felt so horrible. I will be picking her up just as soon as they call, which hopefully will be around noon.
  2. Bone cancer doesn't "cause" tumors persay, a tumor (if it is a tumor) can be benign (not canerous) or malignant (canerous) He could have a cyst or calcium build up or a number of other things. Bring him in and see what the vet says. I;m sure he will be fine but I will add prayers for good measure!
  3. I agree. Bag balm works wonders (for human feet too!)
  4. If the vet thinks that x-rays are a good idea- she is absolutely have them. And I hope it's just a compensation. Dh has been massaging her all day, not hard, but not gentle either and immediately after for a second or three she did look straighter.
  5. Definitely for his age, acupunture. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better but it will either get better or not, nothing bad will happen. My teddy (4.5) has disc issue and has been having acupunture for a year.
  6. I can deal with that! I was told they don't lose their hair but like I said- if that's the worse, I can deal with that one!
  7. I just noticed that Polli is shedding- more like losing hair like I have never seen. Being a white dog, you can really see what's going on. In addition, her coat is rough and she has a tremendous amount of dry skin flakes which she has NEVER had before. What the heck is going on?
  8. No she has stopped using the steps. We are carrying her up and down 42 gazillion steps 73 times a day. But yes- she is eating and I am soooo grateful for that!!!!
  9. That will be something the vet will have to yay or nay. re: chemo. Can you explain what exactly you are referring to as having gone through? Arched back and legs issues? If so, what was it?
  10. How was night #2? Continued prayers for you and Monty.
  11. Although the chemo is always something I dread for Polli- she ultimately will bounce back whether it's 5 days or 10 days, but she will. My concern now is what the heck is going on with her arched back, wobbly legs that are having a hard time carrying her. I am sick over this beyond words. Feeling like ka ka after the chemo and barely able to carry herself - I'm afraid will be just too much for her. I hope I am underestimating her. I am really scared. And as much as I want tomorrow to be here so that the vet can check her out, I'm afraid of the outcome. So, please, once again, hold Polli in your prayers.
  12. Beau is of all of my pack, the most sensitive in all ways. What can you tell me about IBD? I realize that the vet will be the one who makes the diagnosis but if you could give me the short version, I'd appreciate it. Symtons, how it's diagnosed, etc. This has been very recent. It started about 2 weeks ago and it was not consistant. Normally, 1/2 hour after he had a pedcid, he would be eating, but not today. He did eat well for dinner. Kibble, chicken and rice. He normally is not eating breakfast with gusto and dinner he eats, but he would rather have treats than dinner. I don't know if it's a coininsidence or not, but I think it's been happeneing more after I mix in wet food with his meal. If I give him some boiled chicken, it's been better. But like I said, I don't know if it's coinindence. He is very thin, actually he is at his racing weight but normally eats well. He is the most picky of the 3 of them. I do not include Polli in on this as she is a totally seperate issue! But I do know where he gets his pickiness from!
  13. Yes, agreed. Is anything conclusive yet? Waiting really stinks for you and Abbey. Is he home with you or at the vet? Hoping for good results and a speedy recovery, just in time for the holidays. Hugs for you both.
  14. Deramaxx doesn't come in 10mg. 25, 50 75 and 100. Maybe you have 100mg? How much does he weigh? Polli weighs 53 and gets 50mg Beau weighs 64 and gets 74 Teddy @ 85 gets 100mg (sometimes 75) If he is not better by Monday- I would definitely take him in and rest the leg in the meantime. He is obviously in pain if he is crying. You know how stoic most greys are! Hope it's nothing but a soft tissue injury or sprained muscle. Prayers and good thoughts for you and your boy.
  15. I'm sorry. Hoping she has an easy time of it.
  16. The plot thickens. She desperately wanted to go out with her pack just now. 1st time in days. rooing and waiting by the door for coats so we let her. She walked on the grass (easements) but would stop and not want to walk on the driveways that led to the next grassy area. I let her go 3 house and turned her around to come back. I did it more for her mental state of mind to feel like she was one of her pack which she loves to be. I also spoke to the vet who does the acupunture for Beau and Teddy and he pretty much remains the same with his feeling about giving Polli acupunture. He is not really comfortable unless we have no options. I told him I would let him know what Dr. Couto and my vet said and let him know.
  17. OMG- NO,How can this be? I am devastated with you. I am so sorry. GOD SPEED SPECK.
  18. I agree. I also emailed Dr. Couto to ask him. It wasn't my vet who was objecting to the acupunture, it was the vet who administers it. I will ask him as well.
  19. She has no corns, and yes she is still the same today. She does not seem to be in any discomfort (THANK GOD) so I going to wait till Monday when she is due for Chemo # 4. She has however, stopped going down the steps by herself. She apparently knows, it's not a good idea. Unfortunately, this means we have to carry her up and down 3 floors of steps every time we leave the room which is really no more than 6 -7 tims a day. Between me and Dh- it's not so bad. We are trying to get a ramp built for the backyard off the deck. That would mean only the inside steps we would have to carry her. Whatever it is, we will deal in whatever way we have to. Why oh why does she have to have something going on with her back legs now. Hasn't she had enough?
  20. There was no amount of time for it to be given as its DHs and we are using it since we have it, but yes, I will keep him on it for a least a week and speak to her about this on Monday.
  21. I had posted a week ago that Beau's tummy was really off. It's now going on 2 weeks. I brought him in last saturday. He got a shot that was supposed to make him feel better. She said there is something going around. Keep him on pedcid 2x a day and if it hadn't gotten better by Tuesday (last Tuesday) start Flagyl. I did. I haven not been diligent with the flagyl because there were days he did not need it. But I have been diligent with the pedcid. Today his tummy sounds like the 4th of July, again - he has not eaten breakfast, even after the pedcid (which he usually will) and Flagyl. I'm a a point....
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