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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. YOu got it, sending mega prayers for your sweet girl.
  2. Here for you, in whatever way you need. You know where I am. Whenever.
  3. WOW- Please let us know what your next step is. Continued prayers for Linclon.
  4. OMG- I JUST got your email and I was not on late last night. I know there are no words, just know even though you feel alone, you are not alone.
  5. Front line you can get online rather cheap at various places. There are a few places in AU that are greyt. Deadfleaz.com is excellent. Try ebay., etc. Other Meds we buy from 1800 pet med.
  6. We give it the 3 day rule. If after 3 days he is still limping, I'd bring him in. YEs, it could be a muscle especially after exhursion. Do you have deramaxx or rimydal in the house? if so, 75 mg ONCE a day. If not, make sure you keep some in the house for times like this. it's an antiamflammatory.
  7. Although we aren't having the same issues, I can relate about now being able to leave for more than 3 hours. When Beau was on higher doses of pred, 3 hours was the majic number and that meant in the middle of the night as well. We have lowered the pred and we are on a 5 hour basis now. I'm sorry your DH is not more supportive. What are the medication options? Keep in mind if you do use pred, he will have to urinate more frequently.
  8. Hard to beleive it's been a year. I know for you, it must feel like forever. I know how it feels for me with Polli. Hugs to you.
  9. Doxy = doxycycline. It's an antibiotic that also has anti-imflamatory agents in it.
  10. I know the panic of something serious on a holiday. They are prob going ot tell you to bring her in. Sending lots of prayers.
  11. What a sweet boy and how lucky for both of you to have had each other for so long. I am so sorry for your loss.
  12. I've been told by my vet not to treat "D" with meds until we know WHY it's happening, but instead do the food subsititution. As I know you recall, we went through a lot of "D" with Beau. Start with the beef and rice as you have done in the past. I'm sure he misses you. When are you coming home? Hope you are having a good time anyway, I know it's hard knowing he is not feeling well.
  13. Are you expecting rain or storms? Could he be freaking about that? My Polli was totally nuerotic with the change of weather. Just a thought. 2000K mg of flagyl does seem high. The most Beau was on was 500 BID. He started out at 250 BID.
  14. Will keep Flippy in my prayers, Denise. Is it possible that it's scar tissue? Sometimes the scar tissue is worse than the lump itself. I speak from experience! Keep us updated.
  15. Try rogaine! just kidding of course. Some dogs have thinner hair than others. My Beau and his momma & Chloe have thick lush coats. Teddy has sparce hair and his neck, tush and belly have NO hair at all. NONE. Like someone did electroloysis!!!
  16. RobinM

    Sandhill Fifi

    I am very sorry,
  17. I am sorry. Hopefully, she will get some relief and this will resolve.
  18. Lora- I KNOW how shocked you are at this. I too thought for sure we beat IT but IT got us. I am so sorry. Keep him as comfortable as you can... for as long as you can. I am so sorry.
  19. OH boy do we have experience with that. Give her a pedcid to settle her tummy. By dinner, hopefully she should be oK. If not, I would take her in tomorrow, she may have a gastro bug. If this continues, I'd be happy to share our experience.
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