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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Sorry for Beth's loss. He looks like a Maltese I had for a little while. Run with the big doggies Bear.
  2. Has he had the joint tap to determine what's up?
  3. Your English is fine and your love for your baby shines show. I hope these medicines help her and she bounces back soon.
  4. I hope this is just a temporary setback and he will bounce back and forward. We will keep him on the top of our prayer list. We are all rooting for your boy.
  5. Sending many prayers and good thought for Fiona.
  6. Beau was just diagnosed this 2 weeks ago, but I am not 100% sure of the diagnosis. I have my IMS checking out the labs for a more definitive answer. How did your vet come to that diagnosis other than the fluid?
  7. Yup- sounds lile my gang too. I don;t yell or scold. Nothing good ever comes out of that and I would only scare my dogs, so I don't. Chloe is hypothyroid. Her T4 is .02. Very low. She does exhibit major symtoms when not on soloxine. Dexter does not exhibit any of the symtoms. Give him his treats and he'll be a good boy!
  8. HCT=hemocrit. high hemocrit could mean dehydration. Did he have "D"???
  9. One month today. It starts all over again. The pain. As I was driving home from work today, I heard Joe Cocker's "you are so beautiful to me". I lost it completely. Everynight we sang that song to her. She knew it and she listened. I miss my mommy. The pain is so..... there.
  10. How did he wind up with this diagnosis!??? No diagnosis......just memories of my poor Nevada & her Cushings disease. Too much cortisol, thus looking like a sausage with legs. Humans often get a "moon-face" from chronic use of steroids. yeah, that's it. He has been on it since Jan. 23. He started out on 40mg, then we upped it to 50, back down to 40, then 30 and now we are at 20mg. I want him to be hungry to eat, but the way he acts it's scary. He starts scavanging on the floors looking for crumbs. He acts as if he has not eaten in weeks. Very sad. I hope the drop of pred helps, but I don;t think so. Then I worry about when he does come off- will he eat enough of the z/d to maintain the weight he should be at. It's a non stop worry and battle.
  11. Now that one, I am not too sure about. It's never happened. And I tend to doubt that it will. As long as there are no flare ups, he continues to maintain his weight and feels good, thick pudding poops are OK.!!!
  12. It makes me sick. Literally. I am so sorry.
  13. Well the hard work paid off. Feeding him every 3 hours when he was really sick worked. He is up to 63.9. His racing weight was between 62.5 and 63. We had him at a top weight of 64. We are feeding him now at 7:30 12:30, 5:30 and 10:30. He needs to eat frequently because of the pred and the food he eats is low calorie (254/cup) The difference is that he has no muscle tone. He lost all his muscle tone the within the FIRST week of the pred. I couldn't believe that. To me, he looks like a sausage!!!!! As of today, we are lowering the pred to 20mg. His poops are still either just starting to form or thick soft serve. In addition, z/d has been know to cause loose poops. But becasue Beau has never had solid poops, the vet is willing to lower it. If he has a problem with his poops, we will raise it again. So... Beau is on 20mg of pred and 50 mg od imuran. Our goal is no flare ups, Beau feeling greyt and eating 2 or 3 meals a day of a food he can tolerate that gives him the calorie count he needs. Oh the little things, that aren't so little when you need them! I am a very, very gretful person. I really am. It was pretty scary for a while.
  14. OMG- I am so sorry. One of my biggest fears. I carry a freaking bat on my walks. How sick is that. I am sending loads of prayers your way.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss.
  16. It all depends on the dog and where they are x-raying and if there is any pain involved. For some x-rays Beau has had to be completely under and for others just twilite. For Polli, she was able to do some awake and some under general.
  17. Beau had gone done to 52.4 pounds. he was completely emaciated. it was so frighteneing. I heard people say things like "that's how my dog looked right before they passed". it was very bad. When he first started the pred he was not eating. Then it kicked in and we were feeding him every 3 hours. It didn't matter how much, we just kept feeding him every three hours as much as he would eat. The weight gaining was from the 1800-2200 calories a day! Now, that he is where we want him at, we don't want him to gain anymore so we are very careful with the calories. We feed him 1 cup at 7:30 AM. 1 Cup at 12:30 PM. 1.5 at 5:50 and 1.5 @ 10:30 PM. We cut out the 3:30 PM and the 3:AM. What is your girl on the pred for? Beau is also on the imuran. He eats the z/d which is low in calorie and fat for his IBD.
  18. I am just curious. Beau when he was flaring was put on 40 mg on Jan 22. Then we upped it to 50mg and 50 imuran. We lowered the pred back down to 40mg on March 7 because he was starting to gain weigh too quickly. One week later we lowered it to 30 mg and that's where we are at. We have tapered his food intake a lot. He is getting 5 cups of z/d which only has 254 calories. We figure he needs about 1500.00. The rest of the calories he gets in wet z/d (very litte at a time, or tilpia and his cookies) I keep track of everything that goes in his mouth and it's calorie content. We average about 1450 -1500 a day. When we were trying to get the weight back on him, he was eating between 1800 and 2200 calories a day. Even with the 30mg this boy is ALWAYS looking for food, It is pathetic.
  19. I know they are pricey, prob somewhere around 1200 or so, I am in NY so I can't help you but your vet should refer you to a place he likes.
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