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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. Please also ask about getting gabapentin on board for the pain.
  2. I'm so sorry to read about Zander's diagnosis but so happy to hear that he's feeling so well already! Best wishes for an easy homecoming.
  3. Yes, this is my feeling on the subject entirely.
  4. Do your research to pick a good company and you will enjoy the level of coverage that works for you. I signed Fenway up for Healthy Paws insurance after I lost Grace and then lost my job. I knew that even a $2,500 emergency vet bill would stres me out, so I signed him up. I honestly haven't done the math to determine if I've paid more in than they've paid out, but that's not what's important to me. What's important to me is to know that we will not be worried about finances if he needs a procedure that incurs bills over $10,000. Shortly after I signed Fenway up, my fiancé signed Jackson up too. We pay roughly $60/month each for them and they are both 8 years old. They are on the $100 deductible and 90% coverage plan, this is the best/most expensive plan they offer. This plan does not cover routine appointments or preventative care. I expect costs to rise as they get older. I hope that we look back when they are 15 and die of old age saying "what a waste of money insurance was" because that means they were both healthy and lived a long time. Fenway had an ultrasound several years ago that revealed "minor kidney damage of an unspecified origin". Because of this, I know that the insurance company will not pay for any claims that are related to his kidneys. I think a lot of the disappointment comes from unrealistic expectations. To pay as low as $60/month and have them cover 100% of the bills, both preventative and emergency/illness, is not realistic.
  5. I believe you are with Healthy Paws, right? A majority of the costs of a dental come from the anesthesia and blood work. Last time Fenway had a dental, he also had a lump removed. They billed it as a "lump removal, plus dental cleaning" and HP covered the lump removal (ie majority) portion of the cost.
  6. Even if you were able to do this, Healthy Paws does not cover routine exams or dentals, unfortunately. I waited a long time to get insurance. I got very lucky that Grace's end of life care was reasonable (under $1,500). I will never be without insurance again.
  7. It's not a quick fix, but I highly recommend a move to Southern California. It hasn't snowed in San Diego in 55 years.
  8. Man do I just despise cancer. I'm so sorry to read about this little girl.
  9. Congratulations to both of you. I had hoped it wouldn't be long before reading a post with this news. Welcome to the best home you could imagine, Tallulah!
  10. You may want to let your neighbors know in advance that you've adopted a dog and you're not sure how she'll do alone all day. Provide your cell number so that they can call you, rather than the apartment manager. I added a photo to my note as well. Everyone was great as Grace adjusted to life in an apartment. Having that week before you start your job is great. Good luck! Remember, exercise exercise exercise!
  11. Day care is a great resource to use if she gets along well with other dogs. You might also look into hiring a dog walker in your new area after you move. How close together are the move and full time job starting? A tired dog is a happy/quiet dog. When you first go off to work full time, try to spend an hour walking your girl just before you leave. She will be empty and tired. Find a treat that she loves (hot dogs, lunch meat, rotisserie chicken) that you can add to her kong. Set up a usual "good bye" routine now that you do every time you go, no matter how long it's for. And definitely read the alone training book "I'll Be Home Soon" and follow it religiously. I hope you both adjust well to the new schedule!
  12. My advice is not to force separation. It was just me, Grace and Fenway for many years. Fenway was an opps puppy, so he never went a day without canine companionship. He went from the farm to a foster home with his brothers to my house with Grace. I knew that Fenway didn't like being alone as he'd holler and cary on if I took Grace somewhere alone. So I just simply didn't take Grace anywhere alone. Grace was okay without Fenway, so the only time they were apart was if I took Fenway to the vet alone. Once Grace passed, I was afraid that Fenway wouldn't do well alone. We lived with DBF and his airedale at the time. Jackson went to daycare once a week so we set the webcam up. I checked in on him as soon as I got to my desk and he was paws up, cockroached on the couch. He's totally fine at home alone now. My brother's two greyhounds were bonded in the same way. William passed away last March, and Harry has been doing great as an only dog ever since. It seems that when it's necessary, they somehow *know* and are okay with it.
  13. I'm so sorry Gilby had to go. You did your best for him. He knows that. And he knows how much he was loved.
  14. We do it again and again because the love of a good dog - no matter how long or how brief - is worth it 1,000 times over. I miss my Grace fiercely every day and she's been gone nearly two years. But I'd do it over again and again and again because she was worth it. My little Fenway who is sleep woofing on the couch next to me (while kicking me and farting) is worth it. Jackson the terrier is too. It's hard. We understand. Always come here for support. It's immensely valuable.
  15. I'll keep Gilby in my thoughts. It sounds like you are doing right by him. I know how hard it is.
  16. If you are going to Alameda East, they should have the equipment you need. They also have specialists practicing at that location as well. I never had to go that route, we only used Al East for our e-vet because a good family friend is a vet in Centennial. Al East is where we had to put Grace down and they were really great with us through her emergency and cremation.
  17. Since your gut is telling you something is off, I'd make an appointment with the vet. Start with bloodwork and mention all of the things people have brought up here. It might be something that's easy to diagnose or it might take some investigating. Either way, it's best to start early with the vet involved. I hope it's something easy to figure out!
  18. How about the hook? I hope you found that. If not, I would do the x-rays before feeding anything at all. Poor puppy.
  19. My perfect girl Grace was my first dog. And what a gem she was. I had the greyhounds for dummies book and read it before bringing her home. I went to the adoption kennel and picked this three year old brindle girl who had never been in a car, never mind a home. I put her in the back seat of my Toyota Corolla and drove her in stop and go traffic to my busy downtown apartment. I had two ways to get her into my studio....1. stairs or 2. shiny floors to an elevator. She did the stairs like a champ the very first time and neither of us ever looked back. I'm telling you this because there *is* such a thing as an easy grey right off the track. She fetched, hiked with me, went to dog parks, lived in houses, apartments, townhomes and condos with me (I move a lot) and was really just the perfect companion. I trusted my gut and picked the dog who picked me. That's why it worked. I didn't get sucked into age or color or even a name. I actually disliked the name Grace and had planned to change in but she was *such* a Grace. As far as your fencing, you'll want to fix all of the holes and put up fencing where you have gaps, but the height should be just fine for a greyhound. Fenway won't go over 18" garden fencing. Both my greyhounds have lived in houses with see-through 3.5 foot fencing and neither ever though to jump it. The jumpers are the exceptions, not the rule in greyhounds. At least in my experience. They've also done just fine at my parents house with 3 foot fencing, and that was after watching the neighbors dogs jump back and forth over the fence from yard to yard. All the best of luck in picking our your new best buddy, faithful companion and loyal friend. The love of a greyhound really is the best thing around.
  20. Too much food might be part of the problem. Fenway is a skinny minnie and if I increase his food intake, he doesn't gain weight he just poops more. 2-3 poops is normal. More than that is probably not. Unless he's just going a small amount each time and not totally emptying, which might be the problem. Have you tried having him sleep in 4 legged pajamas to see if that helps his achy bones? I'd also suggest trying the car ride to go for a walk too. Good luck!
  21. I'm glad she's still enjoying El Pollo. Your post made me smile, thank you for the update. Those brindle girls are special.
  22. We had Pollo Loco for dinner tonight and I thought of you guys.
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