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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry Otis had to leave so suddenly. I do know your pain. Sending hugs to you,
  2. I am sorry Otis is in pain. I hope the meds kick in soon.
  3. Didn't one of them like those flavored rice packets? Sorry to see that this is not going well. Hugs to you and none for Mahogany-don't-touch-me. Well wishes for her instead
  4. I am so so sorry for your loss. Sprite is a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing her with us
  5. Well poo, Diane. I am so sorry to read this Hugs,
  6. Thinking positive healing thoughts for Dee
  7. I know it hurts, Pat. Sending hugs,
  8. Shelby, I am so sorry. Tica will send her mom a sign. I'm sending hugs until then,
  9. My sympathies to you for the loss of both your beautiful boys,
  10. Hilda, I am so sorry for your loss. Buycut went peacefully, something we wish for all our babes. Sending hugs,
  11. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  12. I am so sorry Brett had to leave so suddenly,
  13. Yes, here as well. We also used a special shampoo.
  14. She is stunning. I am so sorry Flecka had to leave. Sending hugs,
  15. I'm so sorry to read this news about Cannon. Hugs to you and your spooky boy,
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. Daphne is painfree now. Sending hugs,
  17. Thank you for sharing Miss Sally Doyle with all of us over the years. She is a precious girl Hugs to you and your family,
  18. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry for your loss,
  19. Beautiful boy I am sorry he had to leave.
  20. My heart is with you all today as Sally regains her strong legs and hefty bark again. I am sure she will let you know she has arrived safely. Sending hugs,
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