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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. They also lost Trudy last week to osteo and had another in emergency surgery yesterday for a tumor that they didn't know about. He's going to be O.K. and may be home today if all goes well. It's been a tough week at their house.
  2. Youch! I'm glad Logan isn't bothered. Red had a nasty lump removed the Friday afer Thanksgiving. It turned out to be benign. I am hoping it's the same for Logan. Adding: Red is also 8. I know you are worried. Sending hugs,
  3. I am so sorry that Toffee is gone. I had the pleasure of meeting her last summer at a gathering in Fort Wayne. She was a sweet, big, beautiful girl who made my boys look small. Run free angel and send your mom and dad a sign that you are all right,
  4. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry for Terry's loss
  5. Sweet baby... I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Tammy.
  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs,
  7. Lighting a candle for Jimmy, Sarah, and Travis
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs,
  9. I am glad that Saullie is doing well and am so sorry for your loss. Morty fought a good fight.
  10. I am so sorry. Godspeed Rhett,
  11. Your chart will be handy about the third or fourth day after you have been worried almost to death and the sleeplessness catches up with you. I remember feeling like a walking zombie. Since it wasn't meds that made Vin bleed, I was still worrying what was going on. I'm glad you know what happened as you can mark that worry off your list Continued healing thoughts coming your way,
  12. I'm glad Bandit is doing better Hugs to mom because I know exactly how she feels; though, the cause of Vinnie's bleeding was not from an NSAID. He was able to use metacam just fine later on Now, my question is, did the vet tell you that the carafate, pepcid, and other meds should not be given at the same time? For Vin, I made a chart and put it on the fridge, so I didn't miss any of the meds or give them too close together. Since some can counteract each other, I needed a list The only thing I remember right now is that the strict rules were with the carafate and the antacid.
  13. Thanks Rex did love any flavor Burpdogs, any time
  14. Heather, I can't help with surgery questins, but I have a ramp I like. I bought it when Vinnie hurt his back. I would just telescope it up and take it along. They're sturdy and have a safety rail which I thought was nice. I spent around $110-120 and it's good quality. Ramp: http://www.dogramp.com/?wcw=google&gcl...CFQ6CPAoddBzuVw Sending hugs to you and Dempsy
  15. We did with our terrier mix Bobby. Make sure you insist it goes to path, no matter what it looks like. Peace of mind is a good thing
  16. Missing little man today. Rex was gentleman, a benevolent alpha, and an old soul. My first senior, my only tuxedo, my protector. Happy Birthday Little Man We miss you!
  17. I am so sorry for your loss, Kim. Sending hugs,
  18. Trish, If you got the one with MSM, watch for loose poos. I realize now, looking back, that the old boys loosened up when I increased the MSm. Of course, at the time I thought they were getting sicker, and I was the one making them that way.
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