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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Heather, I'm glad to "see" you here; though, I wish it was under better circmstances I have no advise, except that you know you are in the right place to get all the info/experience you need to carry you and Dempsy through. Sending big hugs to you and Demps...
  2. Gorgeous boy I know how you're feeling. Sending hugs,
  3. I am so sorry for all who loved Will. Adding: I was thinking about your description of his personality and thought, "That's like our Red." I looked up Will. He and our Red are half brothers through Minaki Zeke: same color and the same personality. Sending Will's Dad a an extra hug because I know what a big personality Will would have had and I know how much he will be missed.
  4. Beautiful boy. I am so sorry.
  5. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Beautiful boy Run free, Andy,
  6. Losing three sisters is hard on the poor boy Sending hugs,
  7. Red just had a benign tumor removed two weeks ago. I know your worry, and I know your relief. Sending hugs and yeah for Ronan!!!
  8. I am so sorry, Kathy. Godspeed Dweebis.
  9. Rex's birthday would be the day after Christmas.
  10. I was afraid this was what Dear had because of the location, but I hoped that it wasn't. We lost my beautiful black boy Rex to hemangiosarcoma. We didn't find it until it was too late. Sending big hugs because I know you will be needing them,
  11. I am sorry Susie couldn't stay longer. She knew she was loved.
  12. Lacers is where she belongs. Hugs to you and Fred,
  13. I know how your heart hurts, Trish. Sending hugs to you,
  14. What a sweet baby. Audrey will make an even sweeter angel. Sending hugs,
  15. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Jenn, I know how much this hurts -- missing your boy -- as I miss mine every day. I don't knwo that it gets better; I think it just eventually hurts less. Sending hugs,
  16. I was hoping when you posted in the original thread that Red would have the same results as Monty
  17. range for seniors at this lab is 2.0-4.0. He's 4.25. Before his birthday in August he would have been fine
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