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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. I am so sorry for your loss,
  2. I am so sorry for your loss,
  3. Talk to Anne (Majestic Collars). That's what Lynch has. Sending hugs,
  4. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Vince, I am so sorry for your loss today. Vinnie had a wonderful home and a great dad in you. I hope my Vinnie was waiting for your Vinnie at the bridge.
  5. Wonderful! Glad Dempsy is home and acting like himself
  6. I am so sorry you lost your Cujie. Sending hugs,
  7. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. So sorry Jane's stories will live on and will always bring smiles.
  9. I totally forgot anbout this today, but I didn't remember that today is Wednesday in the first place. Hoping Dempsy all the best for his recovery. Hugs to you, Heather
  10. I am so sorry the news isn't better and the cost is high. Sending hugs,
  11. I hope Darcy gets to feeling better very soon. Sending hugs, adding: When my dad had chemo, he said things tasted metallic, so nothing really tasted good to him. He was able to eat fresh fruit, which may not be an option for Darcy. I guess my point would be that her "buds" may be off as well as her stomach and you will have to keep trying until you fid the thing that overcomes the bad taste.
  12. Thinking of you both, Heather and Dempsy. I will light a candle for you and send big hugs,
  13. I am so sorry. They have both good and bad days when they are sick. Sending hugs,
  14. Beautiful picture I know how you feel. Sending hugs,
  15. I'm with Batmom; I couldn't ahve said it better Sending you and Demps hugs,
  16. I am so sorry Hilda. Dear is painfree now and running like the wind.
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