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Everything posted by PattyE

  1. I am so sorry for you loss. RIP Sweet Girl.
  2. I'm so sorry you didn't have more time with him. RIP Popcorn.
  3. I'm so sorry. The picture in the pool is adorable. He was such a handsome guy.
  4. I am so sorry. She was a classy lady with her pearls. RIP
  5. I am so sorry. RIP Jackson.
  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute was beautiful and it is hard for me to type because I have tears in my eyes. Hugs to you.
  7. I am so sorry. It is so hard when they leave us, but when it is sudden, it is even harder I think. You are in my thoughts.
  8. Your tribute was beautiful. I'm so sorry that she had to leave you.
  9. PattyE

    Moto Hot Rod

    Oh, no! I didn't know he was sick. I'm so,so sorry. He will not be forgotten.
  10. I lost my heart dog in June 2011, so I understand what you are going through. It is a terrible pain. It does get better, but there has not been a day that I haven't thought about my sweet boy. My thoughts are with you.
  11. Just to clarify, Joey wears the boot for his corn not because his leg was broken. Good luck with your new girl!
  12. Our Joey broke his leg racing. It did not heal properly. After we adopted him, the vet fused his leg together and placed a plate with pins in it. He told us that it would probably need to be removed in about six months before the bone grew over it. We did have it removed because the pins caused bruising the first time Joey ran through the house. Joey now has a corn on that foot which from what I understand is not uncommon when they break a leg because they may walk a little differently. I feel in Joey's case that is the cause of his corn because his leg is still not right, but it is as good as it is going to get. He does wear a boot when he walks outside and he does fine.
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