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Everything posted by PattyE

  1. I'm so sorry. I'm sure her last years were the happiest.
  2. He is very handsome! Congrats and welcome!
  3. I'm so sorry. He was such a handsome boy. I love that photo of him, too.
  4. I can't believe it has been a year. He is missed and remains an inspiration.
  5. Did the vet say anything about removing it? It seems like it might be hard after all these years since it seems like the bone would be grown over the plate. I don't know anything, I am just going by my experience with Joey. I was relieved to have his removed because the screws were bothering him. We could see where he was bruised by them after he ran once. Poor Chevy, I hope he starts feeling better soon.
  6. My boy had a plate put in and we took it out after six months. Our vet said it was best to remove it before the bone started growing over it. He said it had started growing over it at six months. The screws did bother him. I could see bruising after he ran once and that is when we decided it needed to come out. He had stitches after the surgery and I think it was about a two week recovery time. Joey's foot looked much like Chevy's before Joey had the plate put in. He had an infection before he had his surgery. He broke his hock racing and it did not heal correctly. He had to have his bone fused together and the plate was put in. I hope all goes well for Chevy.
  7. I'm so sorry. I loved reading about him and the pictures are so precious. You have a wonderful family.
  8. I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you.
  9. Poor baby. Did the vet offer any advice for helping him mentally?
  10. How is he doing today? Did he do okay with just the guys yesterday?
  11. Glad to hear that he is resting and eating some. He is in my thoughts.
  12. Poor baby! So glad he is home. I hope he heals quickly.
  13. This makes me sick to my stomach. I hope and pray that Chevy is okay. Poor baby. I also feel for all of you. It is something none of us should ever experience.
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