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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. My heart is breaking for you. I was just reading your posts about Phoenix and his journey. What an incredible dog, and blessed to have you in his life. Prayers are with you at this very difficult time.
  2. Oh, sweet girl, you're gonna do great, we ALL just know it!
  3. Thanks for posting this, Dr. Bill. When we had our Meet and Mingle auction at Dewey last year, we donated all the proceeds to Dr. Couto. And The Greyhound Project matched the donation, so it was doubled! If there are any groups out there who want to get as much bang for their buck as possible, I'd check with The Greyhound Project to see if they are still doing matching funds. They may not be, but if they are, that's great!
  4. Oh, Joanne, I hope everything is okay! Sending prayers and white light to you and Tucker. Let us know.
  5. Nancy (I'm Nancy too), I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. When Winnie was diagnosed, we did the biopsy---not being very knowledgeable about osteo (this was almost 5 years ago)---and I wish we hadn't. It came back not 100% conclusive, but given the odds, we did the amputation. After they took the leg off, my vets, on their own, for their knowledge, attempted to biopsy it again. The leg completely shattered at the tumor site. So in retrospect, I wouldn't have wasted that time waiting for biopsy results. I just thank God that we got that leg off before it shattered when my precious girl was 4 legged, and Winnie would have been in excruciating pain. And we would have had an emergency amputation, costing a lot more than it did. This is such a hard time. But you have this going for you---you know in your hearts what you are going to do. Once making that decision, you are able to move forward and help your girl in any way you can. And her lungs are clear! That is important, and very positive news. Please come here, and Circle of Grey, to talk, ask questions, vent. There are, unfortunately, too many of us who have dealt with the monster, and know what you're going through Cindy is in my prayers.
  6. Any news on the boy? I think we all get nervous, just because. Sending lots of good thoughts for a quick and easy dental, and shiny toofers!
  7. Polli, precious girl, you are always in my prayers.
  8. You and sweet Flippy will be in my prayers. Sending white light to you for strength while you make these difficult decisions, and to Flippy for healing.
  9. I'm so sorry you're dealing with the monster again, so soon after losing Rosie. It's just heartbreaking. I hope that Caesar will have many more pain free days, and that you will be able to spoil him and make some beautiful memories.
  10. Glynis, you are too much! No one but you (wonder why?) could see a pine tree captured poop bag as a fund raising opportunity! Your neighbors are scared, huh? My neighbors think I'm crazy (because we put coats on the dogs and take them for car rides). Of course, I consider the source---they are pondscum who throw loose garbage in the alley, and let their dog and cats run loose. I heard him say to his daughter once, "That lady is a wacko." I almost said, "Thanks! Coming from you, that means a lot to me!"
  11. Any news on Grace yet? Hopefully, she'll be somewhat less enthusiastic about driving on the way home!
  12. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, he was so beautiful. A big fawn boy with soulful eyes who reminds me so much of my angel Nick, who we lost at the emergency vet too. I'm so sorry.
  13. I'm so sorry. To lose your precious girl so quickly must be devastating. Your tribute was beautiful, and your love for each other shines through in every word.
  14. Hey Melissa, thanks for the updates on Buddy. I've been thinking about you. I've heard good things about Dr. Doug too---good but expensive! At least I think he's expensive. But if he helps him, that's what's important.
  15. My heart just sank when I read this. Even with a hopeful diagnosis, cancer is still a very scary word. But like someone said, it's just a word. But no wonder you're so worried. How old is she? She's gotta be fine, she just has to be!
  16. Wow, what a gorgeous dog she was! And your tribute was lovely, as were the pictures, showing how fully she lived out her senior years, and how very much she was loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Carrie.
  17. Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Sheila. I saw on her data page that she was only 8. So sad....
  18. I so wish I had some advice for you. Sending prayers and hugs to Buddy and the girls. And I guess you could use some too!
  19. Oh, yeah! In the first picture, Jake looks like it's making him uncomfortable. And in the second, much less so. And in the third, he looks like a normal Jake! That's smart to keep the dew claw wrapped. This has been a long haul, but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel.
  20. Oh, Karen, he was beautiful. Thank-you for sharing the videos---they will make you smile when you are missing him terribly. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  21. Oh, Claudia, I'm so sorry. Even though you couldn't adopt her, you opened your heart to her with your sponsorship. It is always doubly sad when they don't have a chance to make it to their forever homes, but I believe she did know she was loved.
  22. Just knowing that Winslow and Darcy are in the world makes my days brighter! Those pictures---gotta make sure I can find them when I need a smile real bad. Even your poop bags make people smile. Winslow, you are just the dearest soul. A little vindictive, maybe, but that'll teach Mom and Dad to mess around with your food.
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