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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. That was a lovely tribute. How blessed both of you were to have shared each other's lives. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sammy.
  2. Oh, Jake, that paw looks so tender! No answers, just "feel better" thoughts, prayers, and white light. Let us know how he's doing.
  3. Oh, Cosmo, precious girl, I'm praying that you're okay.
  4. You are a very wise and compassionate Mom. Knowing that they pick up on our stress and sadness, keeping upbeat for him is one of the best things you can do for Outlaw. It's hard, but worth it, for as you said, "there is joy in his days". You are ALL in my prayers.
  5. I'm just seeing your beautiful tribute now, and I'm crying at my desk at work. I know they live in the moment, and Reggie certainly had "quality" over "quantity", but damn, it's beyond tragic that the two of you didn't have more time together. But he clearly was exactly where he was supposed to be, and your love kept him safe and happy till the very end. I know how devastating it must have been to let him go, but you had what was best for him foremost in your heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Reggie.
  6. I think it does everyone's heart good to hear news like this. Lymphoma is supposed to respond very well to chemo. Bless you for being in this for the long haul, and bless Tigger giving us hope.
  7. I have to agree that it is encouraging. At least you have a course of action, and know what that action is for. Hopefully, she will feel (and sound) much better---she already looks fantastic! ETA Just read your last post. You know she looks and acts so healthy, I can't imagine just getting the low end of that estimate. She has done so well with everything else, I feel that she will be around for quite a while.
  8. Oh, she's beautiful! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Iris.
  9. Oh, the lovely, eccentric little old lady! It sounds like she had so much spirit and personality, and her poor old body just got too tired. It seems fitting that she stayed with us till after we could honor her in the Suzy Awards. I think all of us were utterly charmed by her sweet white face. I can't imagine how much you'll miss her. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Mimi.
  10. The pictures in your siggy are beautiful. Is that Jake in the middle? He's a gorgeous Grey. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. I hope you found some comfort knowing that you helped him pass so peacefully to the Bridge.
  11. Oh, Jen, when I saw this post, I just knew it was going to be about Crisco! I knew he was getting up there in years, but had forgotten exactly how old he is. I don't think I have any advice, other than asking your vet about the fine needle biopsy, and if it is done without general anesthesia. I know you and Lloyd want to do everything for Crisco that you can, but I also know that you understand him very well, and would not put him through something if the negatives outweighed the positives. I feel so bad that you've had so much heartache---I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Abby. I could sit here and cry thinking about Crisco being sick, so I'm going to assume that he is NOT! And Lydia and I are going to send out many good thoughts (and telepathic nose kisses from her to her sweetie), and white light. And hugs to you. Let us know how he's doing.
  12. I'm sorry you and Outlaw are going through this. Sending prayers out to your sweet old man.
  13. What an incredibly lovely and heartfelt tribute to a boy who was clearly meant to share his life with you. How you loved him, and how he returned that love in countless ways. Patti, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lee.
  14. How incredibly sad that you never got to bring this sweet boy home. Just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry.
  15. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet angel girl.
  16. Benign is a beautiful word, isn't it? We love you, CJ. And your Mom too.
  17. Thinking about Audrey and Asia, and sending prayers that she is okay. PLEASE.....some good news!
  18. I'll be keeping your sweet boy in my prayers. Hoping that the X-rays will bring good news---please let us know.
  19. What a beautiful dog he is! It's horrible to get that diagnosis, isn't it? I'm so sorry. Way too many of us know just how you are feeling. Please keep us up to date with how things are going. You and Kees are in our prayers.
  20. How wonderful that you and Cosmo found TWO angels! It definitely sounds like she is in great hands. We will keep her in our prayers, and be looking for some more positive updates. I couldn't help but think of Winnie when you were describing how Cosmo was enjoying her new-found attention, and it made me smile. Winnie became so accustomed to people coming up to her and oooohing and aaaaahing, and "paying homage" to the Queen, that she actually seemed insulted if, God forbid anyone passed her by without exclaiming how wonderful she was! She always had this "can do" attitude, which so many of our Greys seem to share. They certainly don't consider themselves "handicapped", but if all those silly hoomans want to tell them how amazing they are, they eat it up! I'm glad Cosmo is doing so well.
  21. Oh, I'm so sorry you are dealing with the loss of your precious Ivy, as well as being worried about Soldi. I'm sure she could be missing her brother if they were close. I guess they are all different in their level of grieving, if they grieve at all. I don't think any of mine ever have. Even though they've all been close, my dogs have never seemed to miss their lost siblings, and I'm grateful for that. It's so hard to see her like that, isn't it? They are creatures of habit, so I think anything that differs from their normal routine can throw them off. Sometimes it takes a little time to adjust, but if she really seems despondent without her brother, bringing another dog into the family could help. Do you foster? Maybe if you're not ready to adopt, another dog would boost Soldi's spirits. Or maybe Ivy will send you someone he wants you to have!
  22. Oh, the poor girl! I'm sorry both of you are going through this, and hoping for some good biopsy results.
  23. Oh, Diane....I'm sitting here trying to find the right words, words that would ease your sadness, take away the pain, bring you some comfort, and all I can do is cry. I'm just so sorry that you lost your precious boy, especially now. God, I hate osteo, and how it steals our beloved Greys away from us, even though we fight it with everything we can. You did fight it, bravely, tenaciously, realistically, with hope and with love. And so did Dodge. But when the fight could only bring him pain, you were brave once more, and let him go, with love. And with the hope that he joined the ones who've gone before him, safe and running free.
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