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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What a lovely girl. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Fiona. Cancer is a monster.
  2. I did use it with Winnie. We did the amputation, but no chemo. And she was with me for 3 1/2 years, till we lost her to kidney failure, two years ago. I have to believe I did something right, with the artemisinin, a high protein, low carb diet, pycnogenol (another immune system booster) and fish oil. But that said, I also feel that we were incredibly lucky. But I would definitely use artemisinin again. I talked to Dr. Couto about it, and he was recommending a much higher dosage. I just gave her 1 pill a day, not at meal time. We got ours from Nutricology, another recomended source. I learned about it in the special cancer issue of Celebrating Greyhounds. It's several years old now, but perhaps you could find the article in archives. I sure don't think it could hurt, and just might help. I'm so sorry you've gotten this terrible diagnosis. You and Rocky will be in my prayers.
  3. I've heard some real horror stories about vet staff. If I really liked the vet, I think maybe I'd let them know. Sometimes they don't know. Sometimes you give them the benefit of the doubt---they could be having a bad day. But if it's consistent, then something needs to be said. I know if I was rude to a client, I wouldn't be surprised if they complained. I'm lucky---everyone at my vets is wonderful (Avalon, in Pittsburgh). My vet has had Greys and loves and understands them. When Winnie had her amputation, they kept her for 5 days at no hospitalization charge because they knew we had steps. And also importantly, because they loved her. They let me come in and visit and sit in her cage and feed her chicken! Whenever she'd come in, you'd think a true celebrity had crossed the threshold---even though we had to carry her because she would NOT do slick floors. The staff would fight to carry her too, and be the one in the exam room. We've euthanized all our dogs and cats there, and they are so kind. We always get a sympathy card afterwards too.
  4. I hadn't heard Pegasus' story before, Hilda, and it made me cry! You're right, fate meant him to be exactly where he was---with you. How devastating when they leave us so suddenly. I feel that it takes our hearts extra long to heal because we're in no way prepared (not that we ever are, but I think there is an extra layer of grief when it's with no warning). But over the years, I hope you have found comfort in knowing that he was safe, happy, and so very loved, right up to the end.
  5. What a wonderful tribute. He was magnificent! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bull.
  6. What a lovely tribute. And the pictures, so touching and beautiful. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Juneau. I think you were the perfect home for him.
  7. It's good that you came out of "lurker" mode---we can share your sadness, and let you know how sorry we are that you lost your precious boy. He ran with joy, safe in his loving family until the very end.
  8. Oh, Holly, my heart is breaking for you. We all know how hard both of you fought. He didn't have nearly enough time with you, but the days you shared were filled with so much love. Bless you for taking him into your home and heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Outlaw.
  9. I'm sorry you're going through this, and feel so helpless. Sending prayers out to you and Conner.
  10. Oh, Lenny, you are home, and have shining clean toofers! We were thinking about you, sweetie, and are so glad that everything went well. And good to know what that little gum covered tooth was too---I'd never seen anything like that.
  11. Oh, Holly, I'm sorry you are dealing with that dominance thing as well. I agree that maybe an X-pen will help. Hope you can find SOME solution, so you don't have to worry about that as well as your sweet boy.
  12. I'm so sorry. This news is indeed our worst nightmare. And this is the hardest time---so many emotions to deal with, while you try to be strong for your precious boy. And you just don't know how long you will have right now---but when it is time, you will know.
  13. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Buddy.
  14. Oh, no! Patti, I can't find words to tell you how sorry I am that you lost your beloved Flash. Run free, precious boy, and try to send your wonderful family a sign. They miss you so.
  15. Sending lots of prayers, good thoughts, and white light to Lenny. We know you'll do fine, sweet boy, and will have dazzling white toofers to show us!
  16. Oh, God, Melissa...it's hard to find words. We were so worried about Rascal, and never thought about Ruby having problems. The shadow of possible osteo hanging over your head is difficult to deal with, especially with so much else on your mind. I just wish there was something I could do or say to make it all go away. But know that you are ALL in our prayers. Let us know how your sweet Ruby is doing. And give Rascal a hug. For you too.
  17. Oh, Tracey, it's hard to find words for the sadness everyone is feeling for you and Cosmo. As we shared your journey, I think all of us were filled with hope that she would have so much more time. If love alone could defeat the monster, she would be with you for many years. Our hearts are breaking with yours that it couldn't be so. You have a way of putting things that is so tender and perceptive, and shows so clearly the love that you and Cosmo share. Just reading "so long for a while" in your updated title makes me certain that you are absolutely right about that---you WILL be together again.
  18. I'm so sorry you have to let your sweet boy go. But you know Juneau best, and you know that this is the right thing for him. As hard as it is, if you have this extra time with him, try to be as upbeat as possible when he can see you. Unlike humans, they don't fear the sadness to come. They live in the moment, and he only knows now that he is safe with you and very loved. Being there with him at the end, as much as it tears your heart apart, is the last and most unselfish gift you will give him. You will both be in my prayers.
  19. No advice, but just wanted to offer some healing thoughts for Bea. Please let us know how she's doing.
  20. Oh, Audrey, I'm so sorry you had to let your precious Asia go. I'm sitting at work crying, thinking of how incredibly painful that last car ride must have been for you. Although it broke your heart, it is actually a blessing that she still had her beautiful Asia spirit, and was able to feel the joy of just being with you, right until the very end. I think Asia's journey is a perfect example of an owner knowing just what is right for that particular dog. You understood her so well, understood how strong she was, and that she would want to fight the monster while her spirit was strong. But foremost in your mind was her well-being, and keeping her from enduring the pain that was inevitable. What a wonderful year she had! I am so grateful and honored to have met her at Grapehounds. I saw firsthand how happy she was. I know you will remember that gift of many beautiful days, even though those memories are now accompanied by tears. I'm so sorry. Run free, sweet girl, you were so brave.
  21. Good luck with your move, and hope to hear more good news when you and Bumper are settled in at home.
  22. Ditto what everyone has said. I think sometimes we feel so helpless knowing there isn't anything concrete we can do, but if everyone can make you feel better by knowing that you have support, it makes us feel like we're helping a little bit. You are doing so much for him every day and night, and it's incredibly easy for everyone to care about him because he's captured our hearts! You're the one doing all the work! Plus, everyone really wants to know how he's doing.
  23. Oh, the poor boy! We can only guess what his life was like before he knew love and kindness in his final days. I'm so glad his "angels" were there for him, but sorry he couldn't stay longer.
  24. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Annie. I hope you will write a tribute to her when you are able.
  25. Your tribute was beautiful. How you loved her! And how painful it must be to let her go so suddenly. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ripple.
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