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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I remember feeling so happy when I saw that this beautiful senior lady found a wonderful home in her later years. Those years were too short, but they were filled with love. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Daytona.
  2. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jackson. He is clearly watching over you.
  3. You knew her so well, and knew when it was time to let her go, even though it broke your heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Buffy.
  4. I'm so sorry, Liz! Please let us know how he's doing, and know that you and Target are in our prayers.
  5. Oh, Liz, Doug and I are keeping you and Target in our prayers!
  6. Keeping your big, sweet boy in our prayers, and hoping for a positive update!
  7. How incredibly sad that you lost this unique and precious girl way too soon. I'm so sorry.
  8. So glad they are all home---I know you are too!
  9. My heart is breaking that you didn't have more time with Daisy, but you did a generous, loving thing by taking her into your home. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet lady.
  10. Glad she came through the surgery! Continued prayers for a complete recovery.
  11. Oh, Pat, your heart is so big to take in the seniors when you know that you won't get to have them very long. That big heart must feel so empty now. But they live in the moment---a day, a month, a year---and Moe knew she was loved unconditionally in your time together. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little old lady.
  12. Oh, Nan, I'm so sorry. I've been thinking about you and Lady and DaVid, and hoping no news was good news. I knew she had the problem with her neck, but didn't know it was this bad. I will be keeping you both in my prayers. Please let us know how she's doing if you get a chance.
  13. Oh, my gosh, I can't imagine how empty your home and heart must be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sully and Sebau. The pictures of their gentle, mature faces are really lovely.
  14. Oh, Karen, I'm so sorry you lost your sweet little lady. What a wonderful life she must have had with you.
  15. Dixie sure packed a lot of love and joy into your years together, though your time was way too short. Not only did she share that joy with you, the lucky person who got to be her Mom, but can you imagine how many people fell in love with Greyhounds because of her? I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. The pictures of her lovely silver face and kind eyes just melted my heart.
  16. Oh, Linda, how blessed you were to have shared your life with such an exceptional dog. Even that knowledge doesn't ease the pain now, or fill that huge empty space. I hope that in time, those wonderful memories will bring you more smiles than tears. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gary. I think he's going to send you a sign, to let you know he's okay, and is watching over you.
  17. I somehow missed this. How heartbreaking to know that another precious hound has been lost to osteo. I'm so sorry.
  18. I think it helps a little to know that others understand your sadness. You were wise to come here and share your lovely little lady with us. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Keystone.
  19. Oh, I'm so sorry. Stella had a life well lived and a life well loved.
  20. Many hearts are aching with yours. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gus.
  21. Oh, no! Karen, I can't imagine how much you are missing your brave and beautiful little girl. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Queenie.
  22. Oh, Mimi, I gasped when I saw Kelsey's name here! How you loved her, and how your heart must be hurting as you miss your sweet girl. I remembered that I had a great picture of you and your beautiful angels, and I found it. Sterling was undoubtedly there to meet his sister at the Bridge. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious girl. Doug and I, and Polly, Lydia, Tess and Calvin are sending hugs, gentle nose kisses from the hounds, and much sympathy.
  23. Oh, I'm so sorry! I know that your heart must be filled with such pain. The awful suddenness is just another layer of grief to overcome. Be gentle with yourself, and know that others are sharing your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Grace. The picture of the two of you is especially lovely.
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