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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Our first grey was extremely timid and obedience classes would have overwhelmed her and been a nightmare. It took her 4 years to go outside on her own, and that was only because she discovered rabbit poop. When we first took her to a greyhound playgroup, she stood and trembled. But week after week, she got more and more comfortable. We took her to Dewey and the first year she spent upstairs in the condo. The following year she came down for food and would occasionally lay on a pillow with the other greys. Baby steps all the way. We also have a large farmers' market in town. My dh would take her every Thursday when it was less busy, and gradually she would walk around and feel more and more comfortable. She was never 100% comfortable unless she was at home, but gradually she improved. We were always on alert though; one neighbour put up windchimes and we knew that would scare her so we were always encouraging her in a happy voice upbeat manner. That's what I mean about being alert...anticipating what would scare her and catching it before it terrified her. I found that I got good at determining what would terrify her and remove her from the situation, and what would be uncomfortable for her and help her through it. We managed what was comfortable for her, whether it was our preference or not. I do this with Brooke too. If Brooke doesn't want to meet people, I don't force her, rather we wait until she goes up to them on her own. The trick is finding balance though between facing uncomfortable situations and getting through them vs terrifying situations that she never would get desensitized to. Going for walks with other greys helped too. And adding a second grey was the best for a number of different reasons. This probably doesn't help much, but good luck!
  2. I'm so very sorry for your loss of Ben and at such a young age. I understand the gut wretching part.
  3. Glad to hear Bill will be ok. In the meantime I hope he gets more comfortable...poor Bill
  4. I'm so sorry, please pass my condolences on to Don and everyone who loved Knuckles. This is so heart breaking.
  5. Beautiful video of a beautiful hound living a beautiful life.
  6. Welcome! I'm 2 hours from the border...just thought I throw that in since everyone else has noted how close they are.
  7. Good idea, thanks! You can buy DE lots of places. My husband works in a hardware store and they sell it to gardeners and other folks who own pets. I'm not trying to take business away from Karen, just if you need something immediately, I'd check your area first. If someone says it's a different quality, our vet buys it from dh and he has a small horse farm with dogs, cats etc. ...just something to think about...
  8. I put a line through the extra characters. You need the IMG code only which is the last choice on the drop down menu. It's just a copy and paste action. Hope this helps and welcome! eta: it didn't work so I'll type it. remove the first 12 characters and the last 6 and it will work. [/img]
  9. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your friends' losses. How terribly sad to lose a pup, but to lose 2 so close together...so painful
  10. Welcome from Waterloo! Your pups are adorable!
  11. Oh no, he looked so good a few weeks ago. I am so very sorry Tina. for you and Eric and the rest of your pups.
  12. I'm so very sorry for your loss...cancer sukks
  13. Wait until Maggie (Yamaha girl) reads this...she'll be able to help. She's obsessed with littermates. Have you checked greyhound-data? Sometimes the adoption group is listed. I'd start there. Welcome from Waterloo. Our first grey, Bailey, was a GRA pup way back when Hinsdale was still open. You'll find tons of information on here, way more than the GRA forum. Izzie is adorable.
  14. It doesn't seem to matter how long they've been gone...the anniversaries are tough. What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget.
  15. Looks like Dad is enjoying it the most...what a greyt way to spend cuddling with the critters. Thanks for sharing such cute pics
  16. Welcome from Waterloo! We adopted our first girl, Bailey, from GRA. I've been on the GRA forum with the same username, but very very rarely.
  17. greytpups


    What a beautiful tribute to Skylar. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  18. She's beautiful! Sending lots of good thoughts that this will work out well for everyone!
  19. Welcome to you and handsome Nemo!
  20. Welcome and thanks for sharing...they look very happy.
  21. I'm so sorry to hear about Bacchus.
  22. He's look quite proud of himself...plus he so adorable.
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