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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. When i give my pups fish oil of any kind, they always get the big D. Has anyone else experienced this?
  2. Wondeful update...glad he's doing so well.
  3. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Emma.
  4. What a wonderful report. I remember when you questioned whether or not you did the right thing by him by saving him after he collapsed. I'm soooooooooo happy for you and wishing all the best for Lazer for a good ultrasound update too!
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  6. i chose my username to honour every greyhound who impacts my life no matter who adopts them.
  7. Welcome from Waterloo, ON. Actually I think it's a great idea to join before you adopt your pup because there's a lot of knowledgeable people on GT.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss...I wish I had some comforting words.
  9. I'm so sorry you're facing so much right now. Yes, sometimes life just sucks.
  10. I also use the word easy and just have a small portion of the treat visible so she can't snatch it or eat it until she calms down.
  11. Rachel, I'm just seeing this now and I am so so sorry for your loss. I can relate to the ride to the vet...it is the worst drive ever
  12. Jen, I'm so sorry to hear about Atlas. How terribly sad.
  13. Oh no, how terribly sad...three dogs in 2 weeks. They must be so devastated. My condolences to Gale and Tony.
  14. Welcome. You're right, you've had some rough times (3 pups in 10 months is so heartbreaking). We'd love to see pics of your current pups.
  15. No crates here...and it doesn't sound like my pre-adopted pup will want a crate either...she's getting spoiled at the breeder's home and watches TV from a pillow.
  16. Brooke likes bananas, Ben doesn't. I found out today when I dropped a blueberry on the floor that Ben likes them. Cantaloupe, is also a favourite. Most if the time I find out what they like when I drop something on the floor. Lucky for them, I'm clumsy Carrots, broccoli, yams, potatoes are also good according to Ben and Brooke.
  17. Welcome, lots or very knowledgable people on the site so I'm sure you will love it.
  18. I am so sorry for your loss. What a long and happy life he had with you and how hard it is to lose them, no matter how long they've been part of your life.
  19. greytpups

    Twister Sheba

    I am so sorry for your loss Hope.
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