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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Are you sure about the polishing? If you can scratch the enamel with a scaler, the polisher isn't going to smooth it. Plus if you could scratch it with a scaler, can you imagine what chewing bones would do to the enamel. Polishing is used to get the last bits left on the teeth and make them feel smooth and silkiy, not to repair scrapes in the enamel, at least that what it did 20 years ago.
  2. for a successful surgery...it would probably help Ziggy if you could relax while you're with him so he doesn't feed off your anxiety.
  3. I wrote this when I was wondering if I did the right thing by adopting right away. My blog It helped a few people so please feel free to read it.
  4. I am so very sorry for your loss of Mighty. The pain may feel both overwhelming and neverending so I hope we can offer some comfort during this time. And so many of us have been there and feel your pain and sadness, and know you long for one more day, one more word, one more touch. You may not understand why Mighty left this earth so soon, or why he left before you were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, you'll begin to remember not just that Mighty died, but that he lived. And that his life gave will leave memories too beautiful to forget.
  5. A baby sock secured on her leg with some vet wrap might help or a Thera paw
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Izzy.
  7. Wishing nothing but the best possible outcomes for Munchie. You did not sign her death warrant...erosive arthritis would if you did not try and give her a chance for some quality of life. If, and this is a big if, it is OS, you didn't sign her death warrant by choosing stem cell therapy...you choose the ease the pain in your beloved little Munchie out of love.
  8. greytpups


    i'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet boy.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss of Ava. I have no words of comfort, just know she is out of pain now.
  10. Diane, I am so sorry it was Will's time.
  11. She's beautiful...how awesome to be inspired by the movie. Greyt choice
  12. Welcome. Manley is very very handsome.
  13. I'm so glad to hear Mac is doing good...you must be very greytful for each day.
  14. Sending more good wishes...how scary this must be for you.
  15. Brooke loves chicken and turkey necks, but Ben doesn't. Does anyone have any recommendations for bones that can be eaten raw and are swallowed? Please note I supervise constantly to make sure that the bone doesn't gets too small and risk choking. He does not like fowl and I haven't found any other suitable bones.
  16. Welcome from Ontario! Jack is very handsome.
  17. Good pick...congratulations
  18. Before spending any money on it, perhaps you could put a belt through the loops of your leashes, put on the belt, clip the leashes to the dogs' collars and go for a walk to see how or if a hands-free option would work.
  19. Ben will be 10 in May, I don't think of him as a senor yet. I'm not even sure why I would because he eats the same food as Brooke, goes on long wallks (he can walk 5-6 miles) and gets the same amount of exercise as Brooke (who is 5). He has been to the vet once for stitches, other than annual check ups. What's the criteria for a "senior" lable. In fact a neighbour remarked that our dogs are the "most walked" dogs in the neighbourhood.
  20. We have a bike trailer, one that people use to attach to their bike while their kids sit in the "trailer". I wonder if you could fabricate some sort of stretcher out of it. I'd use this in a pinch with a strap(s) to hold down our grey in a pinch. I don't think a blanket would work unless our grey was unconscious or strapped in so he/she couldn'tmove. I can carry our greys, but I imagine a stretcher would be more comfortable, relatively speaking, depending on the injury.
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