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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so glad to hear Wilbur's ok and hoping for a quick recovery. I'm so sorry about Macy. How sad
  2. greytpups


    I am so sorry to hear about Wally.
  3. Bailey spent the day at the vets. Poor girl had some pretty exlosive diarrhea and gas so she also has some acute gastroenteritis going on. Our vet took x-rays and there's not obstruction *whew*. Right now her intestines are pretty irritated so she's on meds and special hypo-allergetic food for the next few days. He thinks it could be a food allergy or IBD. We're waiting to see if the food helps...no throwing up yet today but we still have a few hours to go. She's lost 3-4 lbs but I imagine she'll gain it back once she starts eating again. When I walked into the vets last night to pick her up he saw me and yelled over it's good news, so I guess it could be much worse. She's doesn't have much of an appetite, Ben finally got to eat in peace last night, no sister looking over his shoulder waiting for him to finish so she can like his bowl Thanks for the all the prayers and wishes...geez, they sure warm they way into your heart and you never want them to hurt or be sick.
  4. It's been off and on for a couple of weeks...today so far she's been fine but I'm been feeding her cooked chicken. No rice or pasta for this girl...she spits it out. I'm cooking some chicken in the slow cooker for 24 hours, the bones turn to mush, then I add rice and veggies and I'll try this too. Hope she can keep this down. It's the length of time after she eats and throws up that concerns me.
  5. No words, just keeping you in my thoughts and prayers
  6. Thank you for sharing part of Gwennie with us. You can tell she was a sweetheart and that you loved her a lot.
  7. Bailey often vomits bile but has been vomiting her stomach contents about 8-9 hrs after eating. I know this is not a good sign. I've tried feeding her more often in case it was from hunger, I've tried raw instead of kibble, a mixture of raw and kibble, just chicken and pasta, and she still continues to throw up 2 x day about 8-9 hours after eating. She has been on a low dose (25mg) of Deramaxx daily to help ease the pain (she limps from a toe amputation on Oct 2008). I've taken her off the Deramaxx for 2 days to see if the vomiting stops but it hasn't. Does anyone have any suggestions? She's house trained to vomit outside so you know how often if occurs however, we work so we're not here when she vomits in the afternoon. I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow. She seems fine otherwise. I think she's drinking ok. She's at play group right now but I'll check for dehydration when they return. I'm really really really worried
  8. Welcome from Waterloo...I've never visited the Rock but I heard it is beautiful, friendly and very laid back. It is on my to do list though.
  9. I'm so sorry it wasn't better news. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. I'm so sorry...what a wonderful life you shared
  11. You loved her so much Robin, always remember your love for her. You just wanted her to feel better and you did everything you could with the knowledge you had at the time.
  12. What a thoughtful gift for you and Tuna. Glad your girl is still getting up and around.
  13. I'm so sorry it was her time to leave you. But I'm sure her last year was her best and most loved year.
  14. Welcome from Waterloo! I have a feeling I'm going to really enjoy your grey/bc stories
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