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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. greytpups

    Augie Dogie

    Heather, I am truly sorry to hear about Augie. What a beautiful tribute.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss.
  3. Words cannot express how very sorry I am to hear this.
  4. A few days ago we were there too. I can still count the hours. Ben would appear to be looking for Bailey and come up to me. It would break my heart to tell him she's not coming home. He wasn't eating either. But we took him on lots of walks and even though my heart was broken beyond belief, and I felt as if I was barely functioning, I knew he needed extra attention. Somehow as a mom, I gathered up my strength and focused on his well being. He is really helping me heal and I am so thankful we have him. As my depression started to lift, Ben became more of his old self. He's not back to his playful self yet, but I truly believe he was sensing my grief and was reacting to it. In our case he seems to be improving a little bit each day. Hopefully, Wally will too. I'm not sure if any of this is helpful, it's just been our experience. I always wondered if Ben would do well as an only dog, and the answer is no. He needs a companion. He was only alone for a short while when in a foster home. The rest of his life he has always been around other greys. Is this the case for Wally? Perhaps a play date would help him. DH took Ben on a Christmas walk in the park with the greys which really helped Ben as well.
  5. Welcome from Ontario...we come here from all over the world...but you may already know that. You are very very smart because greys are the best...ok, a little biased
  6. Oh, how terribly sad...just too many losses. I am so sorry
  7. greytpups


    I've not been able to write a proper tribute for Bailey, however, I sent this to a friend so it will substitute as my tribute for now. I also made a video tribute Bailey until I can find the words. Bailey had been throwing up off and on so 2 weeks ago I took her to our vet. X-rays were clear so we got some meds for her which seemed to work for a couple of days. We thought we were dealing with allergies or IBD. She started to throw up again so I took her back the vet last Wed. for an ultrasound. She had large cancerous tumours in her stomach and cancer in her kidney. Dave and I went to the vet to have her put to sleep because she was in pain but our vet advised me not to because it was clear I was not ready. So we brought her home with more meds to make her comfortable. I had called in sick and stayed with her every moment, dispensing meds and feeding her yogurt…and we shared our last bit of ice cream together. We have shared ice cream every day for the last couple of years. She seemed to rally a bit. She went for a walk with Dave and Ben and was keeping her yogurt down. She even followed me around a bit more which, of course, made me hopeful we could keep her around a bit longer. I called the vet to ensure what I was doing was ok. Unfortunately, by the time he called back she threw up again, and I knew deep in my heart I had to let her go. What was so difficult was she was hungry, alert, and cuddly, however, she was also in pain. The most loving thing I could do at this point was let her go. She laid her head in the crook of my arm as I gently stroked her telling her not to be afraid, that I would always love her and she would be free from pain. She slipped away quietly and peacefully while my heart took on all the pain she was feeling and more. I miss so many things about her, Saturday morning kisses, peeking her head around the corner of the kitchen (she was never fond of hardwood so she stayed on the edge of the carpet watching me), she would shyly approach me for kisses in the bathroom when I would hold out my arms to her. Once the toilet flushed she would turn around and leave. I miss her greetings and stuffy attacks when I get home from work, I miss her soft fur and gentle unconditional love. To say I am heartbroken beyond belief is an understatement. Thankfully we have Ben who has been a life-saver. I am just starting to be able to eat and sleep again and am slowly emerging from the depression that settled over me initially. I love her more than words can say, she saved my life, she introduced me to a wonderful greyhound community, she brought out the best in me, and for that I am eternally grateful and will always love Bailey. But I am still in a lot of pain and miss her sooooooooooo much. She was my heart dog. I've attached a pic that I created for my desk. It's something both of us loved to do and it reminds me of good times we shared as she trusted and followed me. Thank you again for thinking of me during this most painful time. We always said that to honour Bailey we would adopt again because so many need homes…and Ben sure misses having a companion.Bailey
  8. More tears...shouldn't I be running out by now
  9. Carolyn, I am so sorry it was time to let him go. He was such a sweet guy and I was hoping he'd be with you longer. But it is never long enough. You loved him and gave him the best life.
  10. Can anyone recommend a site (there are so many and it breaks my broken heart even more to look) for greyhound urns.
  11. I still remember our first Dewey when Bailey was so shy she wouldn't come downstairs, but she laid in the hallway upstairs hoping someone walking by would stop and rub her tummy . I remember how I wished she would lay her head in my lap like Roady did with you. Then someone (I forget who) called me to come upstairs because Bailey was in your room with her head in your lap while you gently stroked her. Eventually she would lay her head in my lap and I would rub her belly for long stretches at a time. She loved when I laid down (spooned) and buried my head in her neck and gently stroked her.
  12. Thank you everyone for the kind words and support. I never realized how much it would mean. She was my heart dog and those who knew her know how far she had come, my beautiful timid girlie. My heart feels like it has broken into a million pieces, 48 hours ago my life was normal and today it feels so sad and empty. I'm at work but my coworkers have urged me to go home. Clearly, I am grieving deeply over the loss of my precious baby and I am not able to stop crying . So thank you once again, I know some of you who have posted are also grieving. It's a sad time for many of us, unfortunately. No matter how long they are here, it is never long enough. Thank goodness we still have Ben. He is very precious to us but I can tell he misses her too. He keeps looking at her bed and is not eating. :
  13. has not set their status

  14. We said good bye... Bailey's last video
  15. For those who aren't aware, Bailey had an ultrasound yesterday and we thought we were dealing with diet issues, however, she has cancerous tumours in her stomach and her lymph nodes are also involved. I was not expecting this at all and was overwhelmed, but felt too pressured to make a decision, so on my vet's advice we brought her home with some meds to make her comfortable. The vet who did the ultrasound is an expert and often gets called in for tough cases so we really had 3 different opinions and they all agreed that it was cancer and chemo and radiation may give her a few extra weeks. We opted to keep her comfortable since she is timid and this would be a horrible experience for her. I haven't left her side since we brought her home yesterday. The vet gave us something to coat her stomach so she has been eating yogurt. She came over for her lovins (she walks over to my chair and waits to be petted and get a belly rub ) she went out for a short walk this morning and now is laying in her new bed in the sun. I haven't ate since I brought her home and I have cried a ton of tears. I called in sick yesterday afternoon and today. I don't care what happens at work...I want to spend these last few moments by her side. Thanks for your kind words and support as we go through this most painful time.
  16. Well, we brought her home. Our vet gave us something to make her comfortable. He said I was under too much pressure to make the decision right now. The problem is she looks fine, acts fine, but she's not eating. I needed one more day to say goodbye. I feel so selfish and guilty but I won't prolong it. I'm going to try some yogurt or maybe ice cream. If she's still sick then we'll go back. I can't believe I'm writing this We took her in thinking she might have an ulcer and find out it's a tumour. This sucks big time.
  17. We just found out she has cancer and is in pain. I can't let her be in pain. I love her too much for her to suffer. She's still at the vets...we're on our way to say good bye. I'll write more when I can but I can't see through my tears.
  18. Bailey has been ill. X-rays last week did not show anything unusual. Right now she's having an ultrasound. I'd apreciate any good thoughts you could send. They seemed to work in the past. I'm very worried.
  19. greytpups

    Bean (Kitty)

    I am so sorry for another loss...how sad but your tribute was beautiful
  20. poor sweet little one...run free
  21. greytpups


    I am so sorry to hear of Phantom. How sad.
  22. Awwww...Tippy, I hope you heal quickly and it's uneventful.
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