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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Sending lots of good healing thoughts and for everyone
  2. greytpups

    My Sweet Jazz

    I am so sorry for your loss. Bailey was diagnosed with a tumour in her stomach on Wednesday and we had to say good bye the next day. It was the hardest, most painful decision but also the most loving. I hate hate hate cancer. I'm so sorry you couldn't have more time. He looks very happy in his picture.
  3. A year already... she was very special
  4. greytpups

    Honey Velvet

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your beautiful girl. I understand the overwhelming sadness.
  5. Please be a miracle...we need some good news around here in H&M.
  6. Bailey lost most of her teeth when we adopted her at 6 years old. She had 4 canines a couple in the front and one molar. I called her (lovingly) Hoover. Wh bought soft treats for her, but she could chow down on a bulley stick. It just took her a lot longer I would adopt a toothless dog in a heartbeat.
  7. I'm so sorry...she had a wonderful life with you
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Having recently lost my heart dog, I can only imagine how painful this is.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute.
  10. How sad. Sending my sympathy to Emmett's family and friends.
  11. Alisha, I am so sorry to hear this. Losing a pup is so painful.
  12. We notice that Brooke is itchy all of the time too, although it lessened after we gave her a bath with some medicated shampoo from the vet. Our house is very moist though and she ate kibble at her foster home. Ben doesn't scratch so I'm assuming it is not fleas. I took a fuzzbuster to her and only found some dandruff. She's not shedding at all. When you find something that helps, I'd be interested in knowing what you did to see if it helps Brooke. thanks
  13. I remember the pic from HFH. I have a wall for Ben and Bailey pics from that day, that is if it is the picture I think it is. I hope his ashes bring you some comfort.
  14. greytpups


    Thank you...it means a lot.
  15. Remember, as much as we love them, they are still animals and trouble may follow if we try to project our human behaviour on them. I always think of my pups as 2 y/o children and whatever I would do to keep a 2 y/o child safe, I also do for my pups. I'm referring to safety only here, not human behaviour (hope this isn't confusing!) Remember we are the human and they are the dog. This was not his fault. Also remember, dogs live in the moment so he is long past that moment...you are the one who is dwelling on it. I also suggest reading or rereading info on NILF. Do a search because there's lots of good info on here (see Giselle's posts). Good luck...he's still a greyt dog. Think of this as an opportunity to become a really greyt greyhound owner and move forward armed with lots of good info. btw a good dog is a tired dog. don't forget the exercise. Hope this helps!
  16. I still find it hard to believe Bailey is on this list. So many of us have grieved and cried, not only for our losses, but for those of other GT members. Please let 2010 be easier on this GT community.
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