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Bathing Your Grey(s)

Guest sheila

how often do you bathe your greys(s)  

588 members have voted

  1. 1. how often do you bathe your greys(s)

    • never
    • yearly
    • bi-yearly
    • monthly
    • weekly
    • only when they need it
    • other (please explain)

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I voted 'only when they need it'--we bathed them all when we got them, Vix and Marbles May of 02, and Bea in August of 02, and they've all had 2 baths since. They just don't get dirty! It amazes me how even when they do get into stuff on our walks, by the time we get home it's magically disapeared!


I do use doggie baby wipes on them, like before meet n greets,tho.


**& Angels Emily, Beatrice, Okie, Rhemus ,Vixen, and Rose-always in my heart**

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every three or four months, as much to really loosen up the dead skin and fur as because he's dirty.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Guest midgie1007

Tzari gets one every couple of months unless she gets filthy at the park.


Now, my grubby boys get a bath once a week usually. I've never seen dogs get as dirty as these too, and Riley spends most of the day asleep in my bed. I've never had any dry skin, ear infection problems with them. They both have beautiful coats...when I can see them through the dirt. :P

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Guest MountainHounds

I think Kamin has had about four baths since I brought him home in February. Once when he first came home, two due to pooping in his crate early on while we were still having food issues. Not only was he was messy, but really really stinky. And one more after having gone and played and laid down in the lake and he came home smelling like dead fish. He kind of needs one right now. He's gotten really bad with the table surfing and he's not the neatest eater in the world. He managed to get a bit of orange juice dripped on the top of his head from knocking over the cup that one of the kids left on the table and he smeared ketchup all over the side of his snout the other day while trying to scarf down a contraband hamburger that got left unattended for 30 seconds. I could likely just get the spots off of him, but will likely give him a full bath instead.

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Guest Designer

I've only bathed Mimi twice and Fox not yet.:bath With Mimi it's such an ordeal. :gmark She hates it and she is quite strong. We all end up wet and anger with sore muscles. :headwall

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I have bathed Bilbo twice since we have had him (Aug 1, this year) the first time was mainly for shedding reasons lots of hair, but only used water and a brush. The last time was in the beginning of September right before it started raining and I used soap and water. He will get his 3rd bath on Thursday or early Friday morning, he is going to meet my parents and family for the first time, plus because of all the rain he has stinky feet from walking through gross water, and blood spots from killing mosquitoes on him. Poor baby looks like a mess.

The crew Desi, Comet, Theo, Memphis, Belle, the 2 adult humans, and the kiddo.

R.I.P. Bear, Bilbo, Tippy, Guinea Pig Paige

Desi (TNJ By Design), Comet (Corpus Comet) Theo (Gable Thinsulate)

Bear (CS What A Bear) Dec. 3, 1999 - Dec 22, 2008 Bilbo (CTW Buffalo Bill) July 2001 - Aug 17, 2011,

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Guest Lisa_n_Dusty

Alfie gets a bath once a month and he needs it! He takes long walks in the woods and stinks that sweaty dog smell. Also DH has allergies and we always know when Alfie is dirty cause Dh gets welts when he pets him.

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Guest gatemaster93

I bathe Nikki about every 6-8 weeks.

She has problems with her anal glands and I have to take her to the vet to get them expressed about that often. Usually, she ends up smelling like that stuff (like dead fish :puke) so in the summer, we go out to the barn for a bath before we go in the house. In the winter, we head straight for Petco's self-service wash.

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I voted "only when needed". For example, Scooter will be getting a bath tonight. After getting back from Dewey and all the walking and outdoor activities that we have been doing, he is filthy. He laid around in dirt, mud and sand all weekend and it shows! Scooter is not going to be happy about getting a bath at all! :angry::lol:lol

Welcome home Quixote (formerly known as Whytell Mango)


My Beloved Scooterman October 16, 1998 - October 11, 2007

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psi has to have a bath once a month with special shampoo cause of skin problems. (if I forget he gets the itchies and ends up on antiobitocs) Cassie gets one at all of our groups "dog washes" which is once a quarter

Cassie: Pikes Clara Bell Swoop: My Man Swoop

BRIDGE ANGELS Psi:WD'S Aleford 3/17/00-4/25/10 Snowman: Gable Snowman 1/9/96-2/14/08

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I see I fall in the 2% bracket for baths. I prefer every two weeks for Ally. I really, really like a clean house and clean animals. I also notice a sweaty dog smell after about two weeks. It may be the high humidity here, or maybe I am ultra sensitive to smells. Also, with her on the futon 8 + hours a day I want clean dog on my furniture. Of course, I wash the futon cover, the sheet on the futon, and shampoo the carpets weekly. Extremist??? maybe, but Ally is a clean freak too, she is constantly grooming herself.

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We do our three grey's every 3 months or so. And we discovered Oxy-Fresh has a wonderful shampoo that's all natural that doesn't dry out there skin. It say's that you can us it every day. And there coats look a lot better.





Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace." - Milan Kunder


St. Charles Mo.

Litter#: Tuf 72180 Crossed over the Bridge 7-5-05, D.O.G. 55539 Cross over the bridge, Peek-A-Boo 60707 Cross over the bridge, Romeo 97537, Julie 26989

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Guest BetsieL

every few months seems to be OK here, maybe a little longer even. we got clyde in january, and he's had 2 or 3 baths, i can't remember. they really don't get too doggie smelling.


of course, if someone NEEDS a bath, they get a bath. trudy came in the other night literally covered in mud -- paws, legs, belly :blink: it had rained all day so she was kinda wound up when she went out. first place she went when she ran inside -- our bed! so she promptly got plopped in the tub. mud treatment & a bath -- doggie spa day @ home :lol

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I was told that greys have very little "oil" in their skin so you should not bathe them very often or it will dry out their skin. (I read this in a greyhound adoption manual someplace.) I was told that they should not be bathed more often than once every three or four months- unless, of course, they get into something. I take the girls to a groomer about every three months for a nice moisture treatment bath. They HATE my bath tub, but like the doggy tub at the groomers (?) Go figure!!

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Guest flyingdiva

It's been averaging about every 2 weeks in our house. Although I am starting to wipe him down with baby wipes in between baths now and it's getting cold so that number go down to once a month for awhile. I see I'm in the minority here (I usually am... :rolleyes: )

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Guest SissysMom

I bath Sissy as often as she needs it, which usually ends up being about once a month. Lately she has been having some allergy issues going on and she has been shedding more than normal. She also seems to have a doggy odor that she never had before. But she is a total yard dog and would live outside if I would let her! I stand there like a total idiot calling and calling her and she just keeps on sunning herself in the grass! :P

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I selected "yearly" although I sometimes have to give one or two of mine (I have 5 total) a second bath during the year.


All of my Greys do TONS of PR work (mostly at long, multi-day outdoor events like Renaissance Festivals), so I like them to look good for the public.



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Guest Kim Steve

I get Toodles about once a month when her Advantix is due, kill 2 birds with one stone....What kind of leave in, spray on conditioner do you use?

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Guest Jbabbler
Chase has had only 1 bath (with soap) in 6 months. However, a few times after a long walk in the rain (he's like a duck out of water!), I sprayed him very lightly with a spray on/leave-in conditioner and wiped him down with a few paper towels. That left him fresh and clean (and cheaper than the doggy wet-bath wipes). It amazes me that after trapsing through the mud, he can come in from a walk and need only one paper towel to wipe off a little dirty residue.


The greyhound beats the poodle hands-down in the maintenance department  ^_^

That stuff is great. We use it on (our) Chase every so often. It seems to have helped his dry skin. My dad uses Skin so Soft on his NAZI Shepards. It makes em smell good and keeps the mosquitos off.

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