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Back Legs Paralyzed Or Dont Work

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Thank you everyone. Your kind words and hearts comforted me. I hated coming home from work today to a completely empty and lonely house. I am so broken. I still feel her soft fur as I was stroking and petting her this morning. I still see her eyes looking at me. She was a perfect girl and never did anthing mischevious. She was such a good sweet girl. Dont know how I am going to get through this.


BUt thank you all.

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I am so sorry to hear about your loss. She will always be in your heart and you in hers. She will always be watching you and running free of pain with all the others in that special place. She will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge and you will realize that u never left each others heart.

Thank you dear one.

You will get through this, slowly but surely. Hugs.


Thank you so much

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I'm so so sorry.

It sucks to lose a family member just before the holidays.



I'm also single and live alone with just my houndies. If you need a little help with the empty house, maybe fostering can take the edge off the pain.

Well I have had Greybabies for 24 years. I will let myself grieve for her, and then I want more. I will do like I have always done, gotten two at a time. I have always had two. I don't know what life would be lifke without my Greybabies. Thank you for your kindness. Yes, being single is tough when losing your one and only baby. Last night I thought I heard her whining to get in from outside. And this morning I woke up early and was thinking that I had to let her out. Very sad.

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