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Muzzle Issues

Guest Greyt_livin

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Guest Greyt_livin

Any advise on how to make a muzzle more comfortable? I have the muzzle Ryan came with and it looks very warn. Each time I put it on now he's trying to rub it on everything to get it off. I can see on the inside the little strip of "whatever that is made of" is almost none on one side of it. How do I know if it's fitted properly? Can I get another strip of "whatever that is"? I got him to wear it once at the dog park weeks back and not since. No issues to need to lately. He's a big guy at 80+ pounds and not sure if it's too tight. I wanted to put the muzzle on him to trim his nails "you know my safety" with my new rotary one and he was trying like mad to get it off. There was no way I was going to get him to lay down to do his nails. He was using everything close to him the couch, wall, his feet, & me to try and rub it off. Should I try and use it more often? Any experience out there on this?





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The "whatever" inside it is probably moleskin.


You could put a little dab of peanut butter inside the tip of the muzzle to help convince him muzzles are OK. Heck, it's not really new to him, he's just forgotten he used to where it frequently.


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Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Keep it on him more often. This is totally typical behavior. He's just trying to rub it off.


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You can put any soft padding inside the place where it sits on the nose. Moleskin is probably the easiest. It doesn't have to be the same as the "whatever" that is on there now. Don't bother trying to figure out what was used before. Just scrape it off, and use what you like. If you think that it could be tight, you probably don't want to use something "fat", like sheepskin. Go with something flat. Good luck!

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Guest Greyt_livin

The piece inside rests on his nose & I can't tell what it's made of but a quick search of mole skin tells me that could be it. It seems to slip over his ears just fine but wasn't sure if it's too short for his nose or is there such a thing? Do others have their Grey wear it just because so they stay use to it? I had just assumed he'd be okay with it so that was a bit of a shock to see him act that way. He's only been with me for two months so it's not like he can't remember one. :huh

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lots of people do use moleskin. I've always used the sticky on one side foam insulation that goes around doors. I am a nail trimming weenie. One of the groomers here does it for $5 and it is so worth it and if we're at the vet for something they usually toss in a free trim.

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An alternative to peanut butter: If a second person is available, it helps to hand feed small treats (non-stop) through the basket muzzle while the other person is doing nails.


Many hounds do better if nail trims are done while the hound is standing up, and located away from their dog bed.

Ideally, dog beds should remain the dog's golden safety zone where only good things happen, like resting peacefully.


Initially, it helps to do some repeated noise conditioning by turning on the dremel from a good distance away while the hound is happily getting treats (or licking peanut butter) before actually working on nails for the first time.


I dremel (or clip) nails in a bright location, or use a headlamp to see their nails more easily.



How to fit a Greyhound basket muzzle: The basket muzzle should not touch a Greyhound's eyes or nose. Nose should have about one inch of space (or be able to fit about two fingers width between the nose and muzzle tip).


If questioning the sizing, muzzles come in two sizes.

"Large" generally fits hounds over about 70 lbs. (males or large females).

"Small" generally fits hounds under 70 lbs. (average or small females).


It's very common for hounds to try to rub their muzzle off. If needed, there are safety straps available. It's great if good things are associated with their muzzle, like rare treats (not given at any other time), and/or wearing their muzzle during fun "all dogs muzzled" play dates, etc.


Important tip: If one dog wears a muzzle in the presence of other dogs, ALL dogs need to be muzzled; otherwise, the muzzled dog can't defend himself if another dog (or group of dogs) attacked him/her.


Good luck. Dremels are great when they're strong enough for hard Greyhound nails. Please don't stay on one nail any longer than 3 seconds to prevent nail+quick from overheating. :)

Edited by 3greytjoys
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There should be a little bit of space between the inside of the muzzle and his nose - between half to one inch should be fine. This is from a site which sells muzzles:



  1. Nose & Snout Clearance – The muzzle should rest approximately ½” to 1” under the eyes on the snout. The end of the nose clearance should be greater than ½” between the nose and muzzle. (The nose muzzle clearance can be as much as 1.5” longer, in certain sizing situations) The sides between the muzzle and snout should average ½” - 1” on each side of the mouth. The under the mouth clearance will be greater in size due to the shape of the muzzle. (The under mouth muzzle clearance provides for panting while exercising and drinking liquids)
  2. Circumference (mouth/snout) – This is the measurement around the snout (Outside Diameter) below the eyes where the muzzle will rest. Compare this measurement with each specific muzzle selection.
  3. Headstall Strap (loop) – Run a “tape measure” starting at one eye and follow around the ears to the other eye. Compare this measurement with the “Headstall loop” specific selection.
  4. Correct Fit – Muzzles are adjusted for final fit with the “buckle” or “quick-snap” attachment. Be certain the muzzle does not touch either the eyes or nose when fitted. The muzzle can be attached or removed by simply pulling the headstall loop on or off around the ears. If the dog tends to remove the muzzle by scraping against objects, or with paws; it may require a tighter fit. If the dog persists in removing the muzzle; a “security strapcan be ordered for attaching the muzzle to the collar."

Greyhound skin is thin and easily damaged and I've seen the odd greyhound with scarring on his nose from badly fitting muzzles. I would replace the comfort strip with something nice and padded like chiropodist's foam or sheepskin. If it makes the muzzle too small, get a bigger muzzle - they're not wildly expensive. :)


As to dremelling, like anything else you want to do to your dog (tooth brushing, grooming, corn treatment etc) you'd be much better off taking the time to get your dog's trust and cooperation than muzzling and using coercion. All you need to do is get him used to having his feet handled and then to the noise and vibration of the dremel. It should be done in 'baby steps'. When it comes to the use of the dremel, let him get used to the noise close to him before you try to use it on him. When you do start dremelling, don't go for all four feet at once - don't even expect to get a whole nail done in the first session. Take it very, very slowly and let him tell you when he's had enough. Mostly, it's dogs who are fearful and feel out of control that get snappy when you're doing something to them. You should find that at each new session he'll allow more time, but as Greyt Joys says, remember the heat and vibration can be quite uncomfortable, to be careful not to keep it running on one nail for too long. Use treats and praise and talk to him soothingly wile you're working! :)


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Guest Greyt_livin

That is some great information. Thanks so much for the replies!


I've been doing the sound of the dremmel for about a week. He's curious about it and has no problems with me touching his feet. Lucky me! He has no issues with sounds yet either. Even the storm we had the other night he just slept right through. I've only been clipping small amounts on his nails so far and I'm no where near an expert. After reading some of the posts here I decided to get a dremmel and try it. I had taken him to Petco once & though I could do a better job than them. They suggested a dremmel too. Someone here even had a link to another place to watch a video. I had taken a grooming class to help with my puppy mill rescued Maltese and nail trimming was part of it. Best money ever spend to do that with her!


I didn't think of putting peanut butter in his mussel so I'll sure try that one. That should help me check the size to see if the muzzle is fitting properly. At the meet and greet at the track they had showed me how to put it on and take it off. It so good to have the other information on how it should fit. He loves treats and peanut butter so I that should help.


He's 80+ pounds so what do others do when the largest size they have is too small?

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