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Tramadol + Rimadyl = One Zombie Greyhound

Guest Hollys2hounds

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Guest Hollys2hounds

I took Gunner to the vet this morning. Last night, 9pm ...out of no where he started limping and not being able to put any weight on his hind right leg.


Got in to see the vet by 9:30 this morning. Doctor seems to think it is something in his knee... muscle? tendon? not sure yet. We are trying Tramadol and Rimadyl for pain, and resting him. We will see how he is in a few days.


Between the stress of the vet and the drug combo.... he is like a zombie!


Is this your experience?

Distant eyes? and seemingly "out of it"


I know I want him resting, but he just looks (well for lack of a better word) so drugged!!


Your experiences? I am home with him today, but will be at work tomorrow, can I leave him home alone like this?



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Guest Lillypad

Yes, tramadol, but as Riverhound said, it can have an adverse effect. Just so happened my girl was one of the few that got anxious and irritable on the drug. So be patient, he will return to his normal self after the prescription in completed. Sorry he is not feeling well, best wishes for a very speedy recovery.

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It could be he could do as well with pain relief at a lower dosage. You should contact your vet and ask.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Rimadyl alone made Fritz like a zombie. Deramaxx is our NSAID of choice here. Less zombies!

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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You got the "good" reaction to Tramadol. It makes some of them freak out. If he's calm in a crate, you can use that to keep him safe. Honestly, though, just giving him an extra pillow would probably be as good!

Just for balance, I do feel it necessary to point out that many greyhounds - my own included - can take Tramadol with no adverse side effects. No anxiety, no sleepiness, just effective pain relief. I can't comment on the Rimadyl as I have no experience of that.

Clare with Tiger (Snapper Gar, b. 18/05/2015), and remembering Ken (Boomtown Ken, 01/05/2011-21/02/2020) and Doc (Barefoot Doctor, 20/08/2001-15/04/2015).

"It is also to be noted of every species, that the handsomest of each move best ... and beasts of the most elegant form, always excel in speed; of this, the horse and greyhound are beautiful examples."----Wiliam Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, 1753.

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Just for balance, I do feel it necessary to point out that many greyhounds - my own included - can take Tramadol with no adverse side effects. No anxiety, no sleepiness, just effective pain relief. I can't comment on the Rimadyl as I have no experience of that.


Agreed. Sid does go a bit slow and spacey when he's on it, but it is an effective form of pain-relief for him and it doesn't make him unhappy. I'm on it myself at the moment, by the way, and from my own experiences, I can tell you that when you first begin taking it, it can cause nausea and dizzyness which do seem to wear off within a few doses, then you just feel kind of disconnected.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Just for balance, I do feel it necessary to point out that many greyhounds - my own included - can take Tramadol with no adverse side effects. No anxiety, no sleepiness, just effective pain relief. I can't comment on the Rimadyl as I have no experience of that.

Nadir was another hound that had no problems with tramadol. I was actually lucky in that aside from Nsaids he had no adverse affects to the numerous pain medications he took.

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