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First Post :) Adopting Greyhound Today

Guest CosmoK

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Hello all,

I just wanted to say hello and need some advice.. I have read all the major greyhound books, I volunteer every Sunday at Maine Greyhound Placement Service in Augusta Maine doing turnouts and yard maintenance... Since I went to the track in Orange park Florida and watched greyhounds raced at the age of 15, I have loved the dog.. Everything about them.. I am now 36 and will be taking my first Greyhound home today.. She is a 8 year old Brindle named Alisha... I will be using Allie though :) The wierd thing is, I am nervous as heck today.. A HUGE SMILE NERVOUS I should say... I have a crate that I purchased and have a question.. What kind of things should I put in the crate with her... What kind of chewies or toys are you guys putting.. I would like to go purchase some things today and was wanting different ideas... At MGPS we put a nylabone or Kongs... I'm soooooo freaking excited... I work till 2 and then going to adopt her after work!!.. Any info, tips would be greyt :) Keep in mind Allie seems to be trained really good and was returned because of a house that had 3 kids under the age of 3 and it was too much for them... I'm sooo glad to adopt her because it wasn't fair to Allie either letting her be left out... I look forward to give sweet Allie a home during her senior years... I may end up with several Greys during my lifetime :)



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Welcome to GT and congrats Tim! We are down South a little ways from you and it sounds like you have good experience with Greys already. They are fantastic creatures and your nervousness is very common. We have adopted four and each time we were nervous, anxious, you name it. We have never crated but that is because I work from home most days and Lynn is home full-time so the need was never there. As for chew toys, nylabone, stuffies have always been a big hit and a deer antler is also a favourite of Stewie even though it took him months to really start to work on it. You will want some comfortable padding in the crate for Allie, not sure whether that is just blankets or more as like I stated we have not used a crate. I am sure many others with chime in and please, post pics of your beautiful girl when you can!

Edited by Charlies_Dad

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Thanks!! Yeah I most likely won't use a crate for long unless Allie decides she wants to use it.. We bought a crate for my parents beagle/spaniel mix when they adopted her 11 1/2 years ago and she never used it and never needed to.. We found when she got tired she went in or when she wanted to get away for a while.. Once we saw that we purchased a nice looking wicker crate and put nice bedding in there.. We bought a piece of glass and now use it as a end table :) Double use!! Works and looks greyt!! I may see you if you take your dog to kennebunk beach.. During off season or after hours during season I took my parents there a lot... Greyt place with Greyt people!! I will post pics in the next couple of days!!

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Welcome! What an amazing adventure you are beginning! I know your nervous excitement well!


We don't crate because Olivia hated it and was a perfect angel from day 1. But I know some dogs love their crates. As for toys, Chloe loves anything squeaky and stuffy. She will go bonkers over her toys. Livy didn't play with toys until Chloe moved in and taught her how. Livy is food motivated and loves treat dispensing toys best. It works well because they each end up with their own toys and don't have to share.


Oh, and we'll want pictures when you get them. :)

Qui me amat, amet et canes meas...et felem.

Olivia (RDs Merrygoround, b. 4/6/07, Gotcha 12/19/11

Chloe (PAR Candice, b. 5/22/08, Gotcha 12/18/12)

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We have Bella's crate still (we've had her for 4 years) because she prefers it to sleep in periodically during the day and at night. When we first got her, we crated her (as in, for the first week) with a Kong but quickly discovered she was much happier with the run of the apartment. The more space she had, the less trouble she got into - that is, when she was crated, she'd pull whatever she could reach into her crate and destroy it; when we baby-gated her in the bedroom, she'd shred books, tissues, you name it - when she had the run of the apartment, you'd never have known she was there.


Have fun with Allie and welcome! Just one thing - we need pictures - dem's da rulez! :rules:lol

Dave (GLS DeviousDavid) - 6/27/18
Gracie (AMF Saying Grace) - 10/21/12
Bella (KT Britta) - 4/29/05 to 2/13/20



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Guest IrskasMom

I am so excited with you . It's wonderful that you give an older Dog a Chance. Congrats to you and Allie . It's a win ,win Situation Take a deep Breath and give Allie and yourself some Time in this Adventure :wave :wave :wave

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Guest OPointyDog

Congratulations!! The beginning really is an exciting and anxious time for both you and the dog. But it is so wonderful that you seem to know what you're getting into!


You'll get lots of opinions about the crate vs. no crate. Some dogs love them, some hate them. Ours are both crated for their own safety since they both tend to eat inappropriate items. We make the crate a happy, comfortable place with lots of treats and never use it for punishment, and they seem to like them.


I will say, no matter what kind of toys you get, you need to watch carefully when you first give them to her, particularly if there's any plastic involved. There is the occasional greyhound that will rip toys to bits and then eat the pieces (particularly squeakers). We have one. He eats everything. You don't want to start with a bowel obstruction!!


Kongs are good - especially stuffed with frozen goodies.


Good luck!

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Guest Scouts_mom

Congratulations on the new family member! I love, love, love the senior kids.


Why not take her to a pet store and let her choose her own toys? She will let you know what kind she likes. As she has been in a home before, she should have no problems if you take her tomorrow.

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Thank you for opening your heart and home to a senior. You are about to embark on the most wonderful journey together. Congratulations!!

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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I think it's awesome that you're adopting a houndie that's 8 years old. I love seniors, whether it be dogs or cats. My Annie hated her crate. Making her go into it was a chore as well as heartbreaking for me because she just hated it. Her head would hang down, and she'd sloooowwwwwly walk into it. You know how terribly sad they can look. After three times of insisting she go into it (because I was leaving the house and was told that using a crate was the way to go), I pretty much said, "Screw it," and never made her use it again. She never went into it by herself. Ever. By the end of week 2, or sooner, I had put it away.


Don't spend a lot of money on toys until you find out if Allie likes 'em. Annie ignored a Kong. She plays very seldom with her stuffies and when she does, for a brief 20 seconds, she only plays with the flat ones.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the advice and kind words.. I will update pics this week :) This weekend was amazing!! Allie is trained and walks easily in her crate.. Though I don't think she needs it.. I am doing it for a few days on the respect of my parents dog.. I am staying there a few weeks until I sign on my house :) First day, my parents beagle spaniel was mad :) Growling, snapping, "KEEP IN MIND SHE WON"T BITE OR ATTACK" She's just marking her territory... Day 2 was a huge turnaround and only did it a few times.. Today "Monday" they are friend and walking around together.. Allie doesn't need a crate.. She seems to enjoy it though as I have a hanging bowl where I feed her in there.. I am going to take Allie to the pet stores and have her pick out some toys.. She doesn't seem to like squeaky's... She is a loveable dog.. I'm SOOOO HAPPY :) I would adopt a Senior again and again even what I know will come up sooner then later.. I feel they deserve a nice home and I love being someone who they can count on... I'm going to play it slow right now but I now know what you guys/gals mean when you say 1 isn't enough :) Allie is enough right now but Greys have brought me soooo much joy during my time watching them race at 15 and now 36 adopting one and volunteering at MGPS :)

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Guest DogNewbie

Congratulations and welcome! Send pictures :)


We used Wiley's crate at night for the first week so then we let him sleep on the floor or wherever he wanted in our room. It was a HOT summer 35C so he often preferred the floor. We kept him crated when we were out of the house so he didn't chew anything (he chewed a door frame twice) now we are no longer renting, he has the run of the house when we are gone and no chewing. Yay! I think toys vary a lot. Wiley doesn't really like kongs but he likes the stuffies!


Welcome to GT!

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Guest IrskasMom

I was just looking for an Update how Things are going with Allie and wowww what a lovely Update it was . You got the right Attitude and Spirit for a Grey . She will be your best Bud and Companion . Keep us posted on your Adventure with Allie .You know the Rules ........ :digicam

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