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Tragic Cat Accident

Guest Leah_siewert

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Guest Leah_siewert

I walk in the door and when my grey didn't come meet me right away I ask my boyfriend where he is, "oh outside, I'll go get him!" I put my things down and he comes running in from outside.


He runs to me and I can instantly tell he's acting funny, leaning on me acting afraid, and I could smell a stench of poop on him. I was like what's wrong with him?? I look up to see my boyfriends face of terror and he just says "there's a dead cat in the yard". Terrified I look down and my hands are covered in blood, he's covered in blood and poop.


Immediately I get him in the bath and can identify where his blood is coming from and where it was from the cat. Thankfully he only suffered minor scratches and bites on his ears and the side of his face.


MOST IMPORTANTLY: do I need to take him into the vet to be checked over? I've cleaned the scratches and put antibiotic ointment on them.


Can I trust him around small animals again?


I have such mixed feelings, I'm glad he's okay but I'm upset he killed a cat. It was most likely a stray- skinny, no collar, and it's -20 outside I don't think any respectable cat owner would let them roam around at night when it's so cold.


I don't know what to do?


I don't know if he went after the cat or visa versa and he was just protecting himself. I know it's his nature but he's never been cat aggressive or small dog aggressive. He's been in the house with other cats before and he's curious about them but never this...

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The dogs see the cats in their family different than they see cats outside. Most of them see the cats outside as fair game.


So sorry for you, your grey and the cat.


ETA: cats scratches can lead to infection so definitely keep an eye on him. Someone else with more experience will chime in, I'm sure.

Edited by Acadianarose


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Cat bites and scratches can get infected very easily. I would schedule a non-emergency vet appointment for tomorrow just to get antibiotics and get him cleaned up a bit more. It might be important to shave around the areas where he was injured. Your vet will do that if necessary.


I'm sorry about the kitty. That must have been really hard to see and have to dispose of. :( But that doesn't mean he's not cat safe a around indoor cats. I'd be extra cautious though, just in case one of the indoor cats you know takes off running.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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We've had a few cat incidents and the last one ended with the cat dead and both dogs with bites and scratches on their faces. We did take them to the vet who gave them both rabies boosters and one got antibiotics because the bites on his nose were pretty bad. Neither of ours are cat safe, so I guess I've never expected anything else from them, but the horror of the incident stayed with us for a while. The dogs were on leash during the incident and the cat was the aggressor, believe it or not. Sad for all involved, but just be grateful your boy didn't lose an eye. I would probably take him to the vet just in case, especially if the cat was a stray…you just don't know. Sorry you're having to experience this, but they're dogs and these things happen. As far as small animal safe, they say a cat outside is totally different than a cat in the house.

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Outside cats = prey

Inside cats = family members


It's likely your guy is legitimately small animal safe, but was just acting on his instinct. I remember when my cats killed a squirrel, it was really sad and horrible. I couldn't believe they would do something so violent, but they continue to be friendly to small dogs and my inside cats. Apples and oranges. As for a vet visit, 100% yes. Cats carry a wide variety of bacteria on their teeth, especially ferals. They are some of the nastiest bites to whoever is on the receiving end. Definitely get him to the vet soon to start antibiotics. He may also need a rabies booster as well.

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Guest greybookends

Take him to the vet. Not only to get the scrapes clean but to get antibiotics, as others have said infection is a concern but most importantly without a collar and tags you do not know what the cat's immunizations are, if any. Your grey will need a booster on his rabies.

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Guest Scouts_mom

I hate to say this, but you should watch for flyers and notices about a missing cat that matches the cat that was killed. He might not have been feral despite the signs and someone may be looking for him. While the owner will initially blame you and your dogs, it would be an act of kindness to let them know what happened to their cat so they don't continue to look and hope. (Just keep telling yourself that the cat was in your yard so the dogs are not at fault.)

Edited by Scouts_mom
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The rules are different for outside cats than inside ones. When I brought a stray inside, she never quite understood that the dog that chased her in the yard would let her eat her (dog's) food in the house.


Definitely go to the vet. Cat scratch fever and cat bites are no joke.

You! Out of the gene pool!

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Even my cat safe dogs have gone after outside cats (in one case, a cat that Argus was friendly with indoors - but outdoors he saw the same cat as prey).


Cat safe indoors does not translate to cat safe outdoors.


I agree that you should take your boy to the vet. Cat bites are really nasty and prone to getting infected in nothing flat.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest Lillypad

Bad news about the poor cat, but I have to say when I first read the topic headline though it said "Tragic Car Accident"...... LOL (won't admit to needing glasses) Needless to say, given this misunderstanding with the title... I was strangly relieved it was a cat. But really, I do feel bad for the cat cause we have a cat in our household and I certainly wouldn't want this to be her fate... but all is fair in love and war... he was in your yard. We have behooved a greyhound, so terrible as it seems these things can happen. You must be the judge about wether the scratches need vet attention or not, but as others say may be worth the extra caution and go to vet, certainly can't hurt. Here in Canada vets are crazy expensive, so I have learned to deal with minor cuts. I use topicals and colloidal silver with great healing success. Best of wishes

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Guest greybookends

I cannot express enough the need for a rabies booster. If the cat had no tags there is no way to know. Four of mine got a cat in the back yard several years ago. Also no tags on the cat. They all had to get boosters, even the one who had just received his regular rabies vaccine 2 weeks earlier.

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Guest Leah_siewert

Thanks everyone for the advice and support we just got back from the vet, all okay didn't have to clip his ear which got the bite. We have antibiotics and lots of TLC and he will be okay. Thank you!

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Guest lynne893

Not long after I adopted our girls, they got a feral kitten in our yard. It was awful-- I witnessed the whole thing from start to finish and it seemed to go in slow motion.


They are animals and unfortunately with the stray/feral populations as they are, accidents like these happen frequently to stray/outdoor cats.


People need to spay and neuter. (Sorry-- don't want to be political or anything.)

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Guest Leah_siewert

I agree with spay and neuter there are a lot of feral cats around my house, I'm praying this won't happen again we were lucky he got minor injuries and it wasn't someone's pet. The vet advised me he didn't need rabies booster and there was only one reported cat with rabies in the state 2 years ago. He's on 14 days of antibiotics which make him sleepy so he's relaxing in his chair. Should heel with no problems.

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If her dog is vaccinated against rabies, it does't really matter if the cat was or not. Although cats are not common carriers of rabies to begin with.


My last dog was bitten by a squirrel (in the squirrels defense, my dog was in the process of killing it), and I was hysterical about the rabies thing. My vet calmed me by telling me that my DOG was vaccinated, so I shouldn't panic, and that squirrels almost never have rabies. No booster was suggested.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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