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Hello From Arizona

Guest greyhouuund_mom

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Guest greyhouuund_mom

Hello I am Kelly I am a mom of 2 greyhounds and we live in Phoenix Az, I adopted my first greyhound a year ago. Her name is Zoe. I went to adopt a completely different greyhound and had not even considered Zoe at all. I of course met several lovely greys and Zoe would just not leave me alone. I walked around and she followed I went to the gate she cried until I came back…so Zoe went home with me. We started had some rough spots where she went through separation anxiety and we had to take a short medication route after speaking to the doggy psychologist and my vet. 5 months later I was asked if I would like Zoes sister as well, who was not doing so well now that her sister (litter mate was now gone), of course I said yes and Velvet came to live with me. She is still adjusting as she is a very shy and spooked girl.

Zoe is a fun girl who adores her mom and loves to make sure when it is Zoe attention time that she gets all of the attention even if that mean sitting on me and chewing on me (like a corn cob lol). She loves to lure course, we started going to an all breed fun night every friday at a local dog training facility and months later e started going to trials for AKC events. She has such an expressive face and such a loving demeanor it is hard to be mad at her for the "bad" things she does like steal the brand new loaf of bread (she loves bread), or steal half of the silver wear in the house and hide it under her bed in her crate.

Velvet is my sweet sweet girl who loves to cuddle and just be touched ever so gently on her head and under her chin. She has come a long way since coming to me. She would not come to me and I would have to leave the door open sometimes for hours before she would come back inside after potting. I sure was glad it was winter when she came because summer would have baked her with her fear being that high. Now she comes when called (well 95% of the time depending on my tone of voice). Her coming to live with her sister was a good move because she has made so a lot of progress even if she still has her moments.


Zoe and Velvet live with borzoi and dachshunds and which ever foster breed that may crash on our couch for weeks to months at a time. They have done very well with everyone coming in and out.


I am so happy to find a group who loves these dogs as much as I do!

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Welcome from Chandler, AZ! I am excited to meet another Arizonan on this forum! Your combination of girls sounds very familiar - the naughty one (that's my Chloe) who's so cute and full of energy who likes to steal my slippers and the sweetie pie (that's my Olivia) who is just a love bug-snuggle monster! Do you have pictures? Which group did you adopt from? (Just curious...mine came from GPA-AZ but we also do M&Gs with AAGI at a local Farmer's Market.)

Qui me amat, amet et canes meas...et felem.

Olivia (RDs Merrygoround, b. 4/6/07, Gotcha 12/19/11

Chloe (PAR Candice, b. 5/22/08, Gotcha 12/18/12)

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Guest greyhouuund_mom

I will post pictures as soon as I figure it out (it is not the same the dachshund forum I belong to so I need to learn bit)

My girls came from texas, and came from a greyhound farm where they just were not fast enough and did not graduate from racing greyhound school. Their loss my win!!! They are littermates so they have spent their whole lives together which is nice because Velvet and Zoe complete each other. They are my first greyhounds and I can't believe more people do not have this awesome breed..but then again the best kept secret since we know what happens to the popular breeds (I have plenty of those coming through my doors).


I have not met any other Az greyhound owners yet but I have only been here for just over a year. I met a lot in Ohio where I met many greyhound fosters. I joined lure coursing and travel to events in hopes to meet other greyhound people but found many of them to be quite unpleasant unlike some of the other sighthound people.

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Don't listen to AZGreyGirl....Chloe is the perfect little girl. Not the least bit naughty.. :lol But I am biased, I was her foster uncle.


Welcome to the Darkside and the desert. Can't wait to see pics of the kids

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will just share my album rahter than posting pictures which I still can not mange to do. Anyways here are my greyhounds and my other crew as well.




Beautiful crew! They lookalike they are having a blast!


On Jan. 25 is the annual Greyt Gathering. It's a lot of fun and a place to meet other greyhounds and their people. The info is on the GPA website, http://gpa-az.org.

Qui me amat, amet et canes meas...et felem.

Olivia (RDs Merrygoround, b. 4/6/07, Gotcha 12/19/11

Chloe (PAR Candice, b. 5/22/08, Gotcha 12/18/12)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello and welcome from Maryland!


Thank you for posting the slide show- your hounds are so beautiful!



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome from the north west section of Phoenix... I actually have 2 neighbors with greyhounds so when we all go for walks,

we make our own parade!! :)

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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