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Raw Green Tripe,,, I Bought Some,,now What?

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ok, I found a place just down the street from me that sells the real deal! and a lot of other raw diet for dogs-

2lb green tripe , $4.50, ground frozen from www.greentripe.com


Lazer has been eating mostly raw the last couple years. with some SoJo's every once in a while.

So I'm used to purchasing the Chicken 5lb 'Chubs' thawing them, re-packaging for easier serving.

I do NOT re-freeze these chubs.


the questions is: do I thaw the smelly, smelly SMELLY stuff - to repackage and store in the fridge like the "chubs"

or should i thaw enough to repackage and re-freeze - I only purchased 2 lbs. I don't know if he will go thru it

really fast - I'm planning to give him some as an add in to his regular meals.......



i'm a little afraid of the smell... haven't gone thru this process yet - any help or advise you can give me will be

much appreciated! :)



lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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I buy the 2 lbs tube too. What I do is buy the really cheap baggies from Dollar General. Put a couple of folded paper towels in the bottom of the baggies. Cut the end of the tube off and squeeze enough tripe out for your dog. Zip the bag up. Then I put the bag in a tall plastic container (you want to keep this as up right as you can so blood does not go everywhere inside the baggie. If you do this right, you will not be touching the tripe or using a spoon. Mine lasts about 6-7 days this way. Now, I also mix some kibble and maybe some beef (frozen tube) in. I don't think they are getting all of the vitamins and minerals in just 100% meat...but, this is just my opinion.

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I like this plan - I think I can do it! :)


do you use a clothes pin for your nose? :hehe

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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I buy the 5 lb Xkaliber (a course grind of green tripe, bones, trachea, gullet and tongue) chubs from greentripe.com I actually don't find the smell offensive at all! I have two dogs so I thaw out a 5 lb chub, put it in a lock and lock container that I refrigerate and feed them from it. One 5 lb chub lasts roughly 5 days for my two, Carl gets about 8oz per day, Doodles gets about 6oz per day. I mix it with muscle meat and a grind that has turkey wings, turkey hearts/livers, etc that a group of us get together and grind ourselves every couple of months. They LOVE the Xkaliber!



ETA I just open the container and grab it with my bare hand! When I first started feeding it two years ago I used tongs, then moved to wearing latex gloves, then I just went native to it! I go through a lot of hand soap now!

Edited by seeh2o

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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So Lorinda....were you at the Stock Shop?? :hehe:hehe

Nope, haven't been there in a while - do they have tripe?


this place is called Suzy's Doggie Delights and is NOT a retail store - i just happened to pull in when someone else was picking up their order.

i asked to go in and look around - the guy thought i was nuts! but then did let me purchase the tripe -


so,,, Lazer isn't going crazy over the tripe - spirit too, would rather eat her food without the stinky stuff---- I'm glad i only got the 2lb package.

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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Guest WhiteWave

I am fixing to order some. Put all the dogs back on raw. Joey was having issues with diarrhea, dry coat and ear infections and no kibble was working for him. Been on raw almost a month and he is doing awesome. My friend from the petstore just sent me prices on raw green tripe. $4.20 for 2lb or $9.50 for 5lb chubs. So I going for the 5lb chubs. The Dollar Tree has big tuberware containers I picked up I figure I can store it in them in the bottom of the fridge where it stays super cold and hopefully it won't stink up everything!

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Nope, haven't been there in a while - do they have tripe?


this place is called Suzy's Doggie Delights and is NOT a retail store - i just happened to pull in when someone else was picking up their order.

i asked to go in and look around - the guy thought i was nuts! but then did let me purchase the tripe -


so,,, Lazer isn't going crazy over the tripe - spirit too, would rather eat her food without the stinky stuff---- I'm glad i only got the 2lb package.

Is this a different place than Butcher Bob's in Surprise? I get my raw from Suzy's (who is Butcher Bob's wife). I have to admit, mine like the stinky canned stuff better than the raw, even though the raw is better for them.

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Gilly Boy eats the whole 2# of ground tripe at one time-sometimes with a chunk of spleen etc. thrown in. If it is strips/chunks(not ground) he may eat ~3# at once. And one time he sneaked behind my back and got another dogs meal and so had 4# at once that time with no ill effects. He weighs ~80#.

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Is this a different place than Butcher Bob's in Surprise? I get my raw from Suzy's (who is Butcher Bob's wife). I have to admit, mine like the stinky canned stuff better than the raw, even though the raw is better for them.



Yes.. same building with Butcher Bob's. I didn't know the connection.

Edited by 3DogNite

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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  • 2 weeks later...

We dipped our toes in the tripe pond this week; Saturday at dinner and today's breakfast. From the sound of the bowl banging around in the feeder stand while she tried to lick the shine off the bowl, I would say Fuzz loved Saturday's meal. This morning she was actually whining to get her food when she caught the first whiff after her morning walk. It's a hit!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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I thaw 10 lbs at a time, weight, bag and refreeze.


In case you didn't know, tripe really doesn't have any nutritional value so make sure you are feeding meat as well.


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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