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Scuffle With A Feral Cat

Guest OurIndy

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Guest OurIndy

I just wanted to relay our experience with cat-zapping greyhounds and a feral cat as a PSA about keeping our hounds up to date on their rabies vaccines.


I try to check our fenced yard for visitors before we let the dogs out but sometimes I can't tell with the shadows or I just forget. Well, on Wednesday I couldn't see the feral cat in the shady corner of our yard and Indiana and Piper went straight for the huge tabby tom. All three made a big racket, the hounds hardly knowing what to do with the cat and the cat was doing everything it could to get away. Quickly the cat was over the fence and up a tree and Indiana was dripping blood (his own) and limping. How mortifying for the hounds to be beaten up by a cat!


Anyway, after a bath to get the feral cat smell off them, a trip to the ER, and some stitches, the hounds are doing fine. Both needed a rabies booster, and since they were UTD on their vaccine only have a 45 day in-home quarantine. Had they not had a rabies vaccine they would be in for 6 months!


Here are some pictures to prove how much damage a scared and scruffy feral cat can do:







Thanks for reading and watch out for feral/wildlife rabies vectors!


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Dang! That's got to be painful. Glad the dogs were up to date on their shots!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest OurIndy

Did the vet give any antibiotics? Cat scratches and bites can get pretty nasty.

Yes they did, that's the main reason we went just to make sure they'd be on something. It's some ridiculous number, like 80%, of cat bite wounds that result in infection!

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Guest FawnFan

Yes they did, that's the main reason we went just to make sure they'd be on something. It's some ridiculous number, like 80%, of cat bite wounds that result in infection!

I believe that 80% number and it may be higher. My neighbor was bitten by a feral neighborhood cat and she thought nothing of it. By that night she was in the ER with a swollen arm and they kept her for 5 days! They were worried the infection had traveled into her blood stream because she had waited hours before seeing a doctor. Plus the swelling and infection was not responding to the meds she was getting. 5 days... I was surprised.


Hope your hounds heal quickly. Thanks for sharing,


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Yes they did, that's the main reason we went just to make sure they'd be on something. It's some ridiculous number, like 80%, of cat bite wounds that result in infection!

This is true!! I got bit by my own cat last year (accident) and my hand became severely infected in a matter of 24 hours. Cat bites are the worst. Glad Indy and Piper are okay!!

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WOW Glad your dogs are o.k. and were up to date on their vaccinations.

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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Guest greybookends

BTDT. I had to take FOUR in for boosters and one to have surgery to repair a damaged ear. In our case the cat did not make it.


I hope your babies heal up quickly.

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Glad to hear the pups will be ok...thanks for sharing.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest Isabella

I believe that 80% number and it may be higher. My neighbor was bitten by a feral neighborhood cat and she thought nothing of it. By that night she was in the ER with a swollen arm and they kept her for 5 days! They were worried the infection had traveled into her blood stream because she had waited hours before seeing a doctor. Plus the swelling and infection was not responding to the meds she was getting. 5 days... I was surprised.


Hope your hounds heal quickly. Thanks for sharing,


I'm a nurse at a clinic and we see infected cat bites quite often ! Finish all the abx and if you see ANY signs of infection make a phone call to vet !! Those feral cats have sharp teeth and even sharper claws!!! OUCH :broke

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I was bitten on the hand by a cat about 10 years ago and the red steaks we up to my elbow by morning. My doctor gave me antibiotics and held up one index finger saying "this is what cats carry on their claws and teeth". Then he held his other index finger up against it and said "this is bubonic plague". Just seach bubonic plague and cat scratch fever.

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